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Everything posted by HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows

  1. With his hair and beard and the clothes he wears, I'm not surprised he's a vaping c**t.
  2. That makes as much sense as most of Bowies lyrics.
  3. Oh, please missus, oive been on the streets for so long oive forgot how to use a pen
  4. I hope to f**k there are no females close to you in your life you utter fucking wrong un.
  5. Wolverine t-shirt and calling your son Logan, what a fucking loser.
  6. 19196142_634909316706292_3976243519630082048_n.mp4
  7. A pedophiles mother, and now she's deid in a box, good riddance!
  8. Cracking skit here. "Bloody beaker people, with there vessels for holding liauids"
  9. Picked up a rake of records at charity today, mostly early 90s dance on ffrr record label, all pre release promo copies and some with the release sheet. These two bangers were amongst them. The album normal copy is going for a fair whack online. None of the records look like they've been out there sleeves.
  10. 100% agree. If you can afford to emigrate you can afford to eat in a modest restaurant.
  11. Bare hands rubbing dirt of a rock or stone etc makes my insides feel like there are spiders in me.
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