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Everything posted by Northsea80

  1. Interesting bit about Edinburgh and building a new stadium on the back pitches at Murrayfield https://www.scotsman.com/sport/more-in-sport/edinburgh-rugby-in-talks-to-build-7000-seat-mini-murrayfield-1-4684730
  2. 10 decent minutes total for Scotland. The first and last 5. Shame about everything in between.
  3. Mount Florida station is fit for purpose. It’s there to serve local commuters. It just happens to be the closest station to Hampden and I’ve never understood why people would queue there for ages after a game at Hampden rather that walk the length of Cathcart rd to town.
  4. The welsh also missing a number of first/second picks in their starting XV. That’s a wee shame for them.
  5. Milo seems to have settled in pretty well. He goes back to his owner on Tuesday.
  6. This is Milo, he’s staying with us for a couple of days while his owner is in hospital. This is our own cats reaction when she realised she’d be sharing her space with another cat.
  7. Our cat does this. She drags the cat meat out of the bowl and just eats the jelly.
  8. Agreed on Jackson, much maligned during his first spell and folk seemed critical upon his return but he’s been very good for Glasgow at full back this season. Proving the doubters wrong.
  9. Great strength in depth this season. With the start Glasgow have had to the season I can’t see them being caught at the top of their conference in the pro14.
  10. They’ll need the money for all these dual contracts to bring their bigger name players back to the welsh regions.
  11. Ali Price signs a new 2 year contract at Glasgow.
  12. Who do the welsh think they are scoring tries like that, Scotland?
  13. France awarded the 2023 World Cup.
  14. With Khan appearing on reality tv now, is his career effectively over? He seems to have wasted so much of his career chasing Mayweather and Pacquiao fights when he could have built his profile further and legitimately earned a fight with one of those two. Would there still be interest from the public in a fight between Khan and Kell Brook?
  15. Niko is on fire. I knew he was innocent the whole time.
  16. Email today says they communicated earlier this year that last seasons cards would be updated for this season! I must have missed that previous email as mine is in the bin!
  17. Has anyone received their Scotland season pass in the post yet? Still waiting on mine.
  18. We can create atmosphere without one stand being Marks for themselves. Respect the kicker unless it’s Johnny Sexton as he’s an absolute weasel.
  19. Does anyone else get annoyed with people in the east stand singing about themselves? We all want a bonus point!
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