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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. Probably spent last 48 hours trying to find enough people to actually open the place and host a football match. Fancy stuff like hospitality can wait. Cold pie anyone?
  2. That's why most are saying it depends very much on both what he says and what the club's next move is. I haven't seen anyone say he should stay if he simply says sorry.
  3. I couldn't have put it better myself. My feelings on the matter have changed since Monday and today's statement was the start I was looking for. The McGlynn involvement has been the most troubling for me. I was going to post that I had a sliver of understanding in his case, given what we know about him - tunnel vision for success at the club, eat, sleep Rovers etc - that he'd simply been blind to the wider aspect and that's why we have a board (in theory!) I didn't post it because I couldn't be arsed justifying my opinion to argumentative types, because why should I? I'm coming to the same place as Starkiplier - that it was a monumental error of judgement and I think he knows that. His post match interview looked like a broken man. If the bit about eat, sleep Rovers is true, and we know it is, I'm sure he will now be worried sick about what his short sightedness has done to the club he clearly loves. I await his next interview with interest, as I await the club's next move, but I'm no longer convinced he needs to be fired into the sea. The board on the other hand should be objective with wider vision and they've failed. I'm going back on Saturday to support the team. I won't applaud the management on as I usually do, but I won't boo them either. This is OUR club and we need to show our passion. Hard to do by staying away. And I'm not going to argue with you.
  4. I'm back. Missed Tuesday and was set to sit it out for a while but today's statement is the 1st sign I was looking for. The absolute minimum. So I'll be there. For the team, not the management. Particularly if he plays Musonda and Bene together.
  5. If you're too dim to read and understand my post you probably shouldn't be near electronics.
  6. It's the board which approves the manager's proposals or not. They are all culpable, apart from the 2 who were against it and have since resigned.
  7. Update - the club has let Bene down by not advising they were issuing a statement this morning. Oh what a circus, oh what a show.
  8. Not sure what you expect the club captain, who probably has some media responsibility, to say. He has previous too, but do you really expect him to speak out against and criticise his employer, potentially losing his job? Much better if he'd said nothing, or that he was focused on the next game, but the lack of availability of our cowardly directors has put him in this position. His intellect has let him and us down.
  9. No, you're just casting slurs on individuals without any basis, other than what you think they should be doing. Your wilfully biased position doesn't mean the principle is invalid.
  10. Except it isn't. In law, quiescence is not necessarily acquiescence. For example, if a girl doesn't answer your question, it doesn't mean she's saying yes.
  11. That's quite a leap. We also have zero evidence they're NOT bothered by it. Only conclusion jumping in either direction.
  12. Discrimination doesn't apply here though. It could easily be classified SOSR.
  13. I think he might be injured at the moment. I don't expect him to be in squad either way.
  14. Employment rights accrue gradually over the 1st 24 months of employment. There can be no claim for unfair dismissal until then and in that period the employer doesn't even need to give a reason for termination. Looks bad but common enough practice.
  15. Unfortunately there is an element of our support which will accept the signing for "football reasons". They will be there. And those who want to protest against it. So no, you muppet, it won't be a crowd of zero.
  16. It will poisonous in there tonight. May end as a bloodbath.
  17. The club didn't listen before they signed him. If only they had taken notice then, before the damage, which will be very long lasting, was done.
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