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Everything posted by AndyM

  1. Did you ever actually see his comedy? Even when he was in the last chance saloon on Mrs Merton (the first time he'd been on tv for years) he couldn't resist reverting to type and raving ignorantly on about "Pakis and Queers". My late old fella who was an unreconstructed man's man, an ex Royal Marine Sgt, though you'd probably call him a snivelling snowflake for saying that he thought Manning was a bigoted disgrace and Davidson was a Tory arse licker who pretends to care about the Troops but is basically doing it for cash and recognition.
  2. And you misunderstand which is no surprise. Good comedy punches up. It doesn't punch down at those that can't defend themselves. As a straight white male who has been through University twice and is from a Forces family I'm not threatened in anyway by jokes against me. I find self deprecation and Dad jokes about me work very well. But I grew up in the 70s and 80s when Davidson and Manning were on tv and their "Poofs, Blacks, Pakis and bloody Wimmen" shit was the thin end of the wedge to a lot of people who ran a gauntlet in life every day.
  3. And Bernard Manning could be witty and deliver a punchline but he was still a racist old fat w****r.
  4. I like the socks. Should have been hooped all the way up just to annoy certain Glasgow football teams
  5. Really ? My last interaction with a member of your organisation was not exactly an advert for broad mindedness.. "So yer an athiest? That's worse than bein' a pape."
  6. Freedom of expression is allowed. The trouble that day was down to one thing only and that was when the UJ nutters turned it into a mini Nurenberg rally.
  7. Those daft lassies have more guts and principles than any of the pissed up, far right filth that spent 2 hours screaming at them in George Square that night.
  8. Have to say I really like that new Motherwell kit. Reminds me of when I watched my first Hibs Motherwell game and Ally Mauchlen just ran around booting folk (probably some of his own team mates too) .
  9. Gary Mackay lives near me and I see him occasionally when I'm walking my dog. He's actually a pleasant enough guy. Cue Hibs fans at my door.
  10. Also to be fair a supporter of a team which finished the season with a minus 27 goal difference and in a play off with Inverness certainly has a brass neck slagging off other team's defending skills....but hey ho.
  11. Think he's almost certain to go to St. Mirren. What I will say is 2020-2021 he was superb for us. If you want a player who certainly not subtle but puts a bit of steel in your midfield he is the man and there s no chance your team will ever be bullied.
  12. I was at Uni in Aberdeen and I have a lot of time for the Dons and Pittodrie so excuse the daft question but is redeveloping Pittodrie a total non starter? You already have one perfectly fine modern stand stand there in the RDS. Or is it a case of flog Pittodrie for housing and use the dough to fund the new stadium?
  13. A miserable gutless 1-0 defeat to Livingston at the Tony Mac that cost Jack Ross his job. Hibs fans chanting "You're getting sacked in the morning" at their own manager and so Ron obliged. Think we were somewhat premature given the absolute binfire that followed.
  14. If it's the same incident you are referring to the boy who "attacked" Tavernier was drunk who had been on the gargle with an empty brain. There was nothing sectarian in it. He was just a tit. As for grafitti, who cares. It gets painted over or in the case of the old East Stand, knocked down. You will always get some daftie with their wind up tricolor waving it at Rangers or Hearts but strangely its nowhere to be seen when the team is at home to Motherwell or Dundee the midweek after. I wonder why... If you are trying to make out that we are some sort of mini Celtic or that we have some major problem with sectarianism then don't. We are not. I don't deny that stuff happened 50-60 years ago at ER with certain songs and chants but several things happened that contributed to their demise. When the Troubles broke out it didn't seem like such a good idea especially with many local boys serving in the Royal Scots (a local Leith regiment) and secondly the late Tom Hart went after the IRA chanting idiots and told them that they were embarrassing the club and to cut it out or they would be banned. Also there was little "comradeship" between Hibs and Celtic. When we played them in those huge Cup matches at Hampden in the early 70s the Hibs fans were subject to frequent terracing attacks from group s of Celtic fans according to my cousin who was at all the games.
  15. The low IQ Tory Brexit intake of 2019 really are something else. I heard that same nonsense being parroted out by the Tory MP for Darlington so they must all have got the memo to defend Bozo regardless of the outcome of the Sue Grey report. But it was the worst kind of vacuous, bootlicking nonsense that he spouted out. Staggering that Darlington has a Tory MP but I suspect he'll be one of the first to get his jotters at the next election.
  16. Where? You look for Hibs fans on social media and all you'll get is them moaning about the team, the manager, the Chairman and the pies. I've followed the Hibs since the late 70s for no other reason that they were my boyhood local team and they had a really cool kit and whilst there may have been the odd chant back then it was always really lame stuff that got little enthusiasm. Nowadays there's none of that stuff. Like every other club we have a percentage of fans that are total bell ends but they tend to be fuelled by bevvy and gak than any political or sectarian agenda.
  17. After Europe last season Hibs fans be like.....
  18. Unfortunate that your young nephew had to hear that racist garbage. Every time you think things can't get any worse, there always Airdrie.
  19. Fenlon was unlucky to be coming into a club on the downward with Rod cutting the budget year on year. But to be fair I wouldn't say that what the fans want at ER should ever be taken too seriously. Remember when a lot of fans wanted Terry Butcher in..... although most of us have been trying to forget that one.
  20. I like cricket and played it at school and when I was at Uni. It's a great sport. I know what you mean about the full fat test matches being the real deal. I also find the auto-Scottish reaction to cricket baffling especially when said by guys who then go on to bore you about golf. I do think that some of the disdain it's held in is sometimes because the kids were bored stupid when playing it at school as some bloody teacher played see if you can get me out and did his best Geoff Boycott impression scoring 3 runs for 160 balls.
  21. Carrying on with my Running and spending time with the kids. Generally being happy as I don't have to witness incompetent management of my football team.
  22. 6 fingers on each hand is a dead giveaway
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