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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. I think that might be why he used the past tense.. Weird question, right enough, though.
  2. What an absolute pile of nonsense. 1. Incompetence isn't a scandal - siphoning billions from the public purse to enrich cronies absolutely fucking is. Unless 600K (I think it was) equals 37 billion in your tiny wee brain, I'm afraid the WM mob are streets ahead of anything disreputable which has occurred north of the border. 2. Setting out restrictions for the entire country and then blatantly ignoring them is absolutely a red card. Even before we get to the lying about it. 3. "As promised"? How fucking stupid are you? Ask any passing fisherman or farmer if they believe they've got the Brexit they were promised - never mind the people doing business with NI. 4. Who, exactly, do you think will be paying for the furlough scheme? I'll give you a clue - find a mirror. 5. See 4. The one thing which has delivered in the whole shitshow - thanks to the NHS and volunteers (mainly public sector workers). Absolutely no credit is due to Johnson or successive health Secretaries. ETA: Turn the ship around? Don't make me laugh. The ERG version* of Brexit is only just beginning to impact our lives, post-Covid employment (which the scarecrow-headed cúnt continues to trumpet) is rights-free, minimum wage and demand contract modern slavery, and the Opposition can't bring themselves to oppose the descent into totalitarianism. But hey, that cúnt Corbyn had a beard, so.. *Which I refuse to believe even the thickest racist in Wetherspoons thought they were voting for.
  3. This is an unusual work in that, while I really appreciated the film, I simply couldn't get on with the book (which I tackled first). The unorthodox narration I found off-putting. Looking back, this may have been a failing on my part, as a few people whose opinion I respect have mentioned they enjoyed it. Fúck it, it's back on the "to read" list.
  4. And as the behaviour of those currently in power has shortened lives, persecuted the disabled and sundry other minorities, made the vast majority of the country poorer, and narrowed the horizons of our children and grandchildren, tears are a far more appropriate response than laughter. This is not a fucking game. Labour are as much to blame as the Tories, but those who flippantly decided that "Boris" was a good choice to repair what his mates had inflicted on us for nearly a decade are the real culprits. Fucking idiots.
  5. Sorry, but a clusterfúck of a government coupled with an ineffective opposition will never be a laughing matter, whatever labels are applied.
  6. I'm hoping that, while no-one is going to want to admit being had over when asked*, in the privacy of the voting booth there will be a much more honest reaction - and it won't be better for these scum. *just look at some of the contortions being aired on how Brexit might turn out to be less then a total disaster at some indeterminate point in the far future as justification for supporting the biggest ever act of financial self-harm on the grounds that you wanted less brown refugees from UK-created warzones.
  7. Every single one of them. The slow drip-drip of evidence of lockdown-busting behaviour which Patel, Truss, Sunak, Raaaaab, Gove, et al will be releasing about each other in the following leadership contest should see popcorn sales increase nationwide, as well. All that is missing is a realisation on the opposition Front Bench that Max Headroom is just as big a liabilty as Johnson.
  8. I hate to point it out again, but it's a very basic difference between FRSMs (and unregulated "face coverings") and ffp2/ffp3 respirator masks. FRSMs protect others from the wearer. FFPs (and BP-RPE kits) protect the wearer from the environment. It's not about which masks are "decent"* - they serve a different purpose. *Although the majority of "face coverings" I've seen on sale/being used aren't worth a w**k.** ** Apologies for the H&S jargon.
  9. Ten for Tuesday - I also (see above) have many original Beatles albums. Difference is, I was listening to the correct answer at the weekend. Kite Runner was a "that looks familiar", and elimination got me to "X", although I can't remember that name in the movie film.
  10. Except you bolded the wrong bit, in what appears to be a half-arsed attempt to prove your point, before a "witty" wee jibe. As I've already posted, this isn't a subject to be point-scoring over, so now you've got approval from unsurprising sources, just let it go, eh?
  11. Again, what business of yours is it? No offence, but this is not a subject for cheap point scoring.
  12. Yep, cheap jibes and doubling down on the ad hominem even after you've been made aware the guy is struggling. You're a fucking Prince, all right. You even appear pleased that he got piled on.
  13. Yeah, 'cos Oaky rarely pops on here, so he'd be unaware...
  14. You don't get to tell anyone what is or not their business, nor do you get to pass off your opinion as fact. In my opinion (see how it works?) the "actual and straightforward solution" is quite simply to stop being a cúnt and resorting to cheap jibes in order to gain your wee coterie of sycophants' approval. Or, to put it even more simply, occasionally make the choice of not being a cúnt - because it is a choice. You'll no doubt have a wee folder next to the one full of amusing pictures where you keep the posts where I say there is a gang operating against me. Oh, no, wait..
  15. 1. Anyone reading their posts would see that something was going on. You've simply reinforced my opinion of how you view others' input. 2. Acting in a respectful manner isn't compulsory. If you behave like a cúnt, don't go crying when you get called out for it. 3. I have done, and am continuing to do so. Not that it's any of your fucking business. 4. I didn't. He did, some months ago. But don't let that stop you fabricating your own wee story where you're the superior one. I'm sure the rest of the gang will be along to rub your ego soon.
  16. ..and if that post does not make the posse/main players/whatever they call themselves take a long hard look at themselves.. "The Covid Thread - endorsed by P&B's most obvious troll". Some achievement, that.
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