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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. MacKay plays the ball past your full back beautifully and bangs in a peach of a cross. I agree with you on the defending- those boys in the area want their pay docking. Lafferty had all the time in the world to bury that - even though it wasn't at an ideal height for him, and he did finish it nicely.
  2. "Think we'll get another big walk today, then Casper?" "Well, if we do, I've made sure we don't lose the ball chucker. Daft old sod couldn't find it this morning." "Eh, should that not have a ball in it, or something?" "Oh, bugger."
  3. Indeed, even though I've got More NY than many have music, it makes a nice wee back-up in the car when DAB and phone signal let me down.
  4. Yet again, NY shows you don't have to be a whore to be successful.
  5. "We're on the train to Bangkok Aboard the Thailand Express We'll hit the stops along the way We only stop for the best" Sounds pretty much like a train to me - especially as none of the products mentioned therein have an effect which you'd describe as "express". Anyhoo.. 1. Ozzy - Crazy Train. The POFD* returns from his Sabbath dismissal with a blistering album, with this as the single. Awesome. 2. See Above. The "other" side of 2112 has a couple of classics, including this and Something for Nothing. 3. Neil Young - Southern Pacific. There had to be something from the model nut who bought a large chunk of Lionel (US equivalent of Hornby) and has (or had, pre-divorce) a massive set up of his own: 4. Chris De Burgh - Spanish Train. Yes, seriously. I've always been a sucker for a "story song", and back in the day this guy wrote some cracking stuff. The album has some other really good tracks, and it's hard to believe this talent came up with Lady in Red. Mind you, Chuck Berry's forever tarred with My Dingaling, and Jeff Beck must wish he'd never recorded hi-ho Silver Lining. 5. Grateful Dead - Casey Jones. Well, it's the Dead, innit? * Prince of Fúckin' Darkness.
  6. It's not disingenuous shíte. It's a bare-faced fucking lie.
  7. I think you misunderstand - he hasn't said this - it became evident when minister afeter minister gave the "what police involvement" response.
  8. Can Ministers submit letters, or does the 1922 deal exclusively with backbenchers' issues? I ojnly ask becuse of this morning's "if I ignore it it might go away" ploy (see above).
  9. Interesting to hear on Sky News that Johnson didn't inform his cabinet during this morning's meeting, even though he'd been told about the Met's involvement prior to the event. Coupled with the "no phones" rule in force at these meetings, this apparently led to a string of bemused ministers being asked, as they left Hacienda South Downing St., what their opinions were on this development - which they, supposedly Johnson's top team, were entirely unaware of. He sure knows how to piss off the people who can do him most damage.
  10. Shapps on Sky this morning twisting himself in knots by desperately playing the "I couldn't get to see my ill father during lockdown" card for sympathy while simultaneously excusing his boss having a fucking birthday party, and being re-shown footage of said boss lying through his teeth at the dispatch box. "Let's establish the facts" - we've established the facts, boyo. Burley's morning chats with the Judas Goat of the Day are becoming quite the entertainment.
  11. I just hope we're not having another false dawn, and that Kyle's return resembles Kris Boyd's rather than Mulumbu or, dare I say it, Losa's.
  12. That's the creature. Horrible barrack room lawyer type as well.* I'm not convinced his continued refusal to admit to this offence will do his parole chances much good, but you never know. * As in "what do you know? You're only a prison officer." ** **"well, I know I'm going home to some cold beer, a warm bed and a hot wife. How's your evening looking?" (petty, I know but Fūck him)
  13. Wow. Just Wow. Who would have thought, in the post-Covid celebrations of August 2020, we'd be seeing posts like this.
  14. True. My boy loves a ramble. His wee sister, on the other hand, reckons walks are serious business
  15. isn't one of them dead now? I'm sure the Eye did a Thribb epitaph focusing on the way nobody ever knew one from the other.. Quick Google reveals David pegged it 15/1/21, and is survived by Frederick. Quick re-read of your post shows that I completely missed three words of your post. Wanna guess which ones?
  16. Again, if you are genuinely concerned over masks look up the different purposes masks are used for. If you base an argument on FFP respirators doing the same job as FRSMs, then the points you raise in the rest of your post become liable to be treated with the same level of respect as the others who see "masks" as an all encompassing term for everything from BP-RPE to a manky old RangAyr scarf slung over the face. Rant Not saying I agree or disagree with your other remarks but, while I am fairly ignorant on the real situation in Scotland at the moment (you'll excuse me for not taking the most active posters' tirades as gospel), there are some things I am knowledgeable about. One is that this is not a black and white situation, and the likes of MT, Wee Bully, WelshBairn and a few others deserve at least the respect of their views being listened to before rejected, rather than being treated to a torrent of ad hominem attacks which is becoming a hallmark of this thread. /rant.
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