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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. Fair play to Shaw for leaving that return ball for Murray. Oh, aye, and... Yaaaaaassss! Get in there!
  2. August 26th, I believe. Stubbed out my last ever cigarette below the East stand at half time.
  3. I'm just hoping that tomorrow's PMQs features either a. The incoherent arsehóle actually apologising to the LOTO - not "clarifying" or "expressing regret", actually saying "sorry"; or (by far the more likely) b. More bluster and nonsensical avoidance of reality, resulting in a few more missives to Brady. I'd prefer (a), would accept (b), but am hoping for, not expecting, either to happen. The horrible, horrible bástard will still be in position at least until the LEs in May.
  4. Didn't her cúnt of a husband once say that was what the UK could do over Brexit? Although, in fairness, I've always assumed having cake is the normal precursor to eating said cake. No point in having it, otherwise. Unless, of course, you've got an ambush planned.
  5. Are there seriously people out there who didn't realize this was a spoof?[emoji54] Surely the title was clue enough? I quite enjoyed it - Miss Bell is easy on the eye, right enough. It was ridiculous, sure, but fairly consistently ridiculous. I confess I spent a fair bit of the first two episodes trying to work out where I recognized the male lead from without resorting to IMDB. Cracked it, eventually.
  6. She'll be fine - it's not like our glorious PM has previous for dropping partners like hot bricks when it suits him, after all.
  7. I've just seen her on Sky. Does she not realise 1. Why she's getting put in front of the cameras by her Party, and 2. Why the media are gleefully allowing her to ramble incoherently? Imagine even being the most devoted Tory and voting for that as your representative. She comes across as thicker than Truss, which takes some fucking doing.
  8. As a socialist who's been married for 32 years, I'm inclined to agree. Not the most outrageous statement this lad has howled into the abyss, mind..
  9. "Missy, have you been rummaging in the bin where we put that wrapping paper and greeting cards?" "Dunno what you're talking about, Dad.."
  10. The only guest speaker at over twenty years of POA conference that I ever walked out on. A vain, lying, cheating cűnt who personified the very worst of Blair's government.
  11. Apart from the geographic clue in my username, the only chance of our paths crossing would be if he decided to attend Durham Miners Gala. Can't see it, tbh - he might catch Socialism.
  12. Even the most loyal of his lickspittles (yes, Nadine, I'm looking at you) is looking increasingly dead eyed when asked to ascribe any measure of competence to the fat chancer. As Starmer said yesterday, every day they debase not only our democracy but themselves.
  13. Let's just see what happens after the May elections. They'll give an indicator this Thursday's by-election can't as to exactly how much of a millstone he's become to their chances at the next GE. That the questions thrown at him in Kyiv were all related to his rearguard action in London suggests this ain't going away anytime soon. Any bets on his plane back being delayed to allow him to skive off PMQs tomorrow? If so, could we have Dorries? Pleeaase!!!
  14. First words out of Raaaab's mouth on Sky were a bare faced lie this morning. Tories gonna Tory.. ("The Sue Gray report has been published in full")
  15. If true, can we have a "nearest the bull" game as to how many of them feature Laura K.?
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