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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. It's almost as if dissent is only a good thing when practised by others..
  2. Really, it's not difficult. You don't have an argument, simply a continuous slew of invective which contributes the square root of fúck all to anyone's life. Including, funnily enough, your own. When a poster with a known history of serious MH problems is posting in a manner which suggests he may be going through a further crisis, what kind of arsehole carries on with the ad hominem attacks while trying to project some kind of superiority? A grade "A" cúnt, imho.
  3. If you ever read other posters' contributions rather than seeing them as troublesome punctuation between your pearls of wisdom, you'd know that Moomintroll has openly discussed his struggles with MH. Referring to him/her as a tragic loser isn't really going to help that, is it now? Is honestly not that difficult to stop being a cűnt occasionally. Most posters (even those I disagree vehemently with) seem to manage it. Why don't you give it a go?
  4. Indeed we have. There are a few on here who lack the self awareness to recognise this truth, though.
  5. HMPPS want us to take two and a PCR every week - including p/t officers who do, em, two shifts a week. That's sixteen hundred lft and eight hundred pcr from just one nick. Take that across the country and some lucky Bugger is maKing a bloody fortune here. Obviously, more tests mean more positives, so this week our nick not only had to pay overtime this weekend, but also offer an extra payment to get enough bodies in to run even a skeleton regime. If this is indicative of what's happening in the NHS and other agencies, we're on the edge of the State ceasing to function.
  6. The daft wee laddie will probably take that as a compliment..
  7. That was a direct reference to Oaky's wee dig. There's plenty of cűnts who vote SNP, Labour and otherwise. There's even one leading the Labour party, and a couple of others on the front bench. Supporting the conservative party, however, is akin to following one of the so-called old firm - by voting for them, supporters are condoning separatism, bigotry, racism and discrimination.
  8. When the extent of that claim is "being a better human being than a Tory", it's not even a claim. It's just being a decent person. Still, that's setting the bar too high for some.
  9. Mostly read on the Kindle these days, which is the best piece of tech I've ever had - currently on my eighth, due to upgrades and the occasional accident. Still massively cost-effective, given I get through at least one, possibly two, books a week. Also a godsend when traveling,as a few kilos of paperbacks suitably becomes something which fits on your jeans pocket. I still get a few traditional, "dead tree" books as well, either because the work isn't available on Kindle or simply because I can't take the Kindle to work for security reasons, so i have to get a low-tech solution for break times. I have honestly never got the love for audio books as, similarly to the way films never show the same pictured as your internal movie screen, you will have a pre-conceived idea of each characters voice, and that of the narrator if there is one. Car and dog walking soundtrack is provided by podcasts normally
  10. Yep, I got that wrong. Apologies. In my defence, that's how it was when I worked in payroll, and for the last couple of decades my employer has been the government. Mea culpa..
  11. I made a conscious effort not to single out some of those I referenced in my original post there, yet within seconds... Nerve. Touched. Mourning, Oaky. Maybe take a bit of your own advice, and proffer some of your own opinions instead of joining the cheerleading.
  12. To keep it simple - SSP is paid by the employer in the same way as tax is deducted by the employer - they simply act as a conduit for the money to and from the worker to government. And we know where government Gerry their money from. To be pedantic - SSP is paid by the employer, but it is funded by the taxpayer, so TiG and myself could both be said to have a point - except his is misleading, imho. This applies, by the way, regardless of Covid.
  13. In fairness, this is not so much a thread as an echo chamber, with the narrative led by a climate change denier who believes the pandemic to be "over as a public health crisis" in August 2020 and now states that SSP is not funded by the taxpayer. The vast majority of posts are simply criticisms of the people and agencies responsible for responding to the crisis, while offering little in the way of alternative solutions. As for discussion, anyone who might proffer an alternative view is subject to relentless ad hominem attacks until they realise there is no chance of reasoned debate and (the blatantly obvious desired result) leave the circle-jerk to continue. So far, the wee posse have moved from welshbairn to Bob mahelp and are now focusing on MT, with a few lower-priority targets like YT along the way. I will agree with one thing, however, and that is that this pandemic has severely damaged many people. This thread is indisputable proof of this. For those of us who continue to read this bin fire while occasionally contributing, my biggest concern is for those on here who have been entirely consumed by this shitshow. We're all dealing with Covid, but some of the obsession on display here really isn't healthy. Some posters (not yourself, I might add) really need to step away from here and have a good look at themselves.
  14. Middle class. With the greatest of respect, here's a big working class "f**k off" from a public servant. Maybe ask why some jobs don't have proper benefits rather than why some do.
  15. That's my next dead-tree read, after I finish Bob Mortimer's And Away... Looking forward to it - more so now I've seen you post that bit in bold. Currently tearing through Dopesick by Beth Macy on the Kindle. A gruelling but compelling read. I fancy the author's first book (Factory Man)next.
  16. Are we even sure of the species of tree? I just don't know what to believe anymore..
  17. Absolutely agree - I'd add that it makes the idea of emulating US Society even more ludicrous. I'm currently reading the book which this was based on - the events in the Series only take up the first quarter of the book. I'm halfway through atm and believe me, it gets no less bleak. I'm loath to say I want to see another season of the TV show*, but this is a story that needs telling, and books just don't seem to reach enough people**. *In the way that I feel uncomfortable in saying I want to visit Auschwitz. I feel a duty to bear witness, but question whether there is a ghoulish side to me if I say I want to go there, if that makes sense? ** Yeah, I know, young folk and their screens, nobody reads any more, attention spans of goldfish, etc., etc., etc. *** ***
  18. I read the (First) Chronicles as they were released, and thought them superb. I became less enthralled as the second trilogy progressed, to the extent that I felt a bit relieved when I got to the end of White Gold Wielder. Maybe I had just grown out of "Tolkein-by-the-pound" fantasy by that time. Probably a coincidence that I was introduced to Covenant by the lass who popped the WRK cherry, and the second chronicles finished the same year as I joined the workforce and moved out of the parental home and into my first co-habitation? Anyhoo, glad to be proved wrong, but this looks like another attempt to monetise the GoT fanbase. I'll reserve judgment.
  19. If you ever feel like explaining this theory to a living, breathing Maori please put me down for a couple of tickets.
  20. To be honest, it's indicative of a deeper issue with the neanderthals cro-magnons who define themselves by their National team and all the flag-shagging malarkey that goes with it. Possibly amusing, but certainly interesting is contrasting their fans' abuse and disrepect of EVERY opponent with the reaction when, say Hungary abuse English players in the exact same way that their own fans have just done, literally months and weeks previously. The reaction, I might add, of the FA. Not an organisation familiar with matthew 7:3, then.
  21. Five feet is a decent size, but you really don't want to be going much bigger..
  22. Also ten for Thursday - not only were the jokes all the rage, so were the weekly collections for "the black babies" at our primary school. Grown-up Africans could fend for themselves, apparently.
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