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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. Off to Marrakesh with Mrs Wrk and a couple of the Rosettes in September. We had a cracking time when the two of us went to Agadir back in 2019, so looking forward to returning to the Desert Kingdom. Marrakesh is hundreds of clicks from the coast, however, so frolicking in the Atlantic surf is not an option this time round. The hotel has a massive water park and loads of pools, but I like to get out and about to explore the locale. Obviously the Medina and associated areas will be high on the list, but I was hoping the P&B massive can help with any suggestions for: 1. places of interest in the city itself, and 2. Places which are worth making an effort to get to on a day trip. There will be five of us - Two in our fifties and three (including one boyfriend) in their twenties. All fit and healthy so walking ain't an issue. I'm assuming things have changed a bit since the days of Michener's "drifters" and other hippies, but I kinda like that vibe, so wouldn't mind if a similar atmosphere prevails anywhere. Help us out, P&B!
  2. I'm absolutely not, though. A prison officer in 2020 was taking home less than they were in 2010:- thanks to a decade of derisory, non-consolidated and often non existent pay awards coupled with the attack on our pensions and the resultant massively increased contributions required. Anyone unfortunate enough to have joined the service after the"fair and sustainable" review is on twenty per cent less than that. I assume those on benefits or low pay are better off because they saved so much on their food bills by using food banks, then? If only that had been an option back in the bad old days, eh? You really are a nasty piece of work, aren't you? I know you think I'm a "virtue signalling lefty". From a selfish knob like you, I'll take that.
  3. Of course I'm not speaking for you. You're a selfish cűnt, so I have very little in common with you.
  4. The rise in personal allowance is only a part of a more involved policy of taxation. One which has unarguably left the vast majority of this country's people worse off than they were in 2010. In many cases (very often those on benefits and public servants) in raw numbers, let alone adjusted for inlflation. But hey, you've won the Internet (virginton head (interior) division) yet again. Well done you.
  5. "CYG"? Did I miss this incarnation, or is the ol' memory letting me down?
  6. I thought his basement was in Greenock. I stand corrected. I have also shortened the list of possibilities for post-retirement re-location by one Largs. Thanks for the heads-up.
  7. Literally no-one is saying anyone is defending food-banks. Not a single poster. It simply is not possible to isolate one wee facet of financial policy without considering all the other policies which affect the end result. The Sage of Inverclyde again posts simplistic pish as if carved in tablets of stone.
  8. Yep, all those poor folk are so much better off, what with this altruistic action and the increase in in-work benefits. An obvious contributor to the almost complete eradication of food-banks. To quote the recent tory buzz-word, we have to look at financial policy "in the round".
  9. Fair play. (i kinda knew there would be something). Not a great return for 12 years, mind. *awaits tsunami of progressive change implemented by WM*
  10. I'll stop posting "stuff like this" when stupid people explain to me exactly how the Government since 2010 has, in any way whatsoever, introduced any policy - any policy at all - which has made their life, or their families', or those of any working person, better. Or, any policy which has increased the country's standing or reputation internationally. Or any policy which has ensured the security of the country as a whole. Y'know, kind of the basics you'd like to think any half-competent politician would be able to have a stab at. In your own time - I'll wait. I don't gain anything from viewing people this way - watching society devolve in front of my eyes makes me sad and despairing for my childrens' future. oh, btw, *"fúck all" ETA: UK Government - I'm aware that some initiatives have originated from Holyrood.
  11. Even the I'm-all-right-Jack traditional WCT practise of voting aspirationally or in their own self-interest doesn't apply anymore. Big Jock down the golf club is viewed with just as much contempt as an unemployed Jakey in Onthank. The difference is that Thatcher's Children and their descendants are too fucking stupid to see this. Yes, that's a generalisation, but we have a generation of fucking idiots on our hands who will accept any level of financial and social depredation as long as we can stop brown people coming into the country.
  12. Yeah, the problem is that the regrade was, in effect, voluntary. Under HMPPS Performance Management, I could have been dismissed, terminated through Medical Inefficiency (which would have given me a payout of 23 months salary), Medically retired, or regraded. The regrade suited me best of the available options. Especially as I got nearly two years detached duty with plenty expenses to top up, as well as two years MT pay (non-pensionable, unfortunately). All told, I've not done too badly.
  13. Hey, I'm still upright and of sound mind - things could be a hell of a lot worse. I'm absolutely settled where I am - said to Mrs WRK recently that I'm just not willing to tip up at a new house - no matter how smart - with a basket full of network cables, wifi extenders and routers and try to set up my network from scratch. I'm fecked if I can remember half of the passwords., for a start. Seriously, we've recently built an extension, we're rural but close to York and not far from the coast, plenty countryside to ramble with the hounds.. yeah, settled sums it up.
  14. Got regraded after my stroke left me unable to perform the more physical duties - the way our pension is calculated meant staying on would see me losing forty percent if I stayed until 60, whereas leaving now means a hit of just sort of seven percent. Not ideal, but better than nearly half..
  15. Aye, that's the one. The full leaflet shows a graph of vote share with Labour's bar sporting a EU flag, while the cúnts tories' side is emblazoned with the Butcher's Apron. You can almost hear the dog-whistle.
  16. I'll be honest - had to google that to make sure it was what I thought. I reckon I'd top myself or kill someone within months. I've got a couple of post-HMPS interviews coming up. One tonight as a CEO, which ain't what you'd think. Stands in this case for Civil Enforcement Officer, or parking warden to you and me. The other is for accessing footage, calibrating and recording "safety" camera results. I obviously just wanna be loved..
  17. Can't access twiiter on work PC - I assume this is the Hartlepool Tories? Absolute embarrassment. Mind you, that's the constituency where one interviewee at the by-election was switching to Tory because "we didn't have any food banks when Labour were in power - now we have four".
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