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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. A majority of them voted for him, though, so they are at least condoning his views* - unless they empty him next time round. Which, with a majority of 18k+, I can't see happening. *Like that "decent majority" at Ibrox who would never be racist or discriminatory in any way. Oh, no, not at all.
  2. Eight for Monday - Whigs no idea, and toin coss went the wrong way for Hallux. ETA: Add me to the Songkran curious - looks like it beats the hell out of an Easter Bank Holiday.
  3. ..has to be cash, as the cúnt doesn't understand contactless.
  4. ..or took about five minutes to read and digest. A useful regular source of information, as opposed to your desperate attention-seeking and embarrassing sucking up to VT, TiG and the rest. What you gonna do when the thread goes down? Superbigal, thanks for your input over the thread's lifetime. @superbigal
  5. Absolutely not the right word. Maybe you've forgotten, maybe you never knew, but the Beeb's original remit was to educate, inform and entertain. Threads was obviously produced in line with the first two of these. The idea that there was anything entertaining about the prospect of our extinction would have (and arguably, still should) been treated with incredulity. ^^^ This, in Spades.
  6. Quite the opposite, imho. Then again, it'd be a boring world if we were all the same. While these and Oasis were engaged in the overhyped "battle of Britpop", Pulp released "Different Class". Now there's a criminally underexposed band for you.
  7. Well, you just have to watch the interview with Peskov on Sky News yesterday - he totally convinced me..
  8. Nine for Friday - never heard of the battle. Good coin-toss on number 7, not happy with choices for 4. Number three was an example of being an expert in your own medcial problems.
  9. 1. Marillion: Bitter Suite - "On the outskirts of nowhere, on the ring road to somewhere, on the verge of indecision I'll always take the roundabout way". Sums up the late teen/early twenties WRK, when I was "directionless" like the spider mentioned in this piece. 2. Judy Collins: Bread and Roses - "Our lives shall not be sweetened From birth until life closes Hearts starve as well as bodies Give us bread, but give us roses". Powerful enough lyrics, but watching it performed by Bronwen Lewis in Pride really hits home. 3. Billy Bragg: Old Clash Fan Fight Song - "When The Clash came to town he never missed 'em, He still wants to bust the system. But he has to go to work - That doesn't mean he's some kind of a jerk. Put food on the table, you know how that feels, Doesn't mean he's lost his ideals". We all have to compromise to survive, doesn't mean we have to accept the status quo. 4. Halestorm: Rock Show - "At the rock show,You'll be right in the front row. Heart and soul, they both know, It's where we gotta be. Yeah at the rock show,Getting high on the solo - So what if it’s crazy? That's gonna be me" Glasgow Apollo (when we got tickets quick enough), Ayr Piv, Fibbers and central Hall in York - it just has to be up between the bass bins, and feeling the music in your gut. 5. Neil Young: Harvest Moon - "Because I'm still in love with you, I want to see you dance again. Because I'm still in love with you, On this harvest moon." This is very much "our song" for me and Mrs WRK.
  10. 1. Mastermind. Never was a piece of music (Approaching menace) more aptly named. 2. Game of Thrones. Big, sweeping structure much like the programme itself. Unlike the programme, didn't fall apart in the final parts. 3. Doctor Who. Cue for a much younger WRK to settle in for his Saturday Scare after the football scores. 4. M*A*S*H. A naive, touchy-feely sounding song about a serious subject - much like the programme itself. One of my favourite DVD boxsets is this whole series - with the option to remove the laugh track, which was an abomination. 5. Last of the Summer Wine. Or, the first three notes, which give fair warning to turn over to absiolutely anything else.
  11. Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing and Charm School (2005) This popped up on Prime and I thought, "Oh aye, there's a Robert Carlyle film I've not seen". As the bold Robert doesn't do many poor films, I gave it a go and, tbh, was pretty well blindsided by a great wee romance/flashback/redemption tale. As far from Begbie as you can imagine, his character, a widowed baker, keeps an appointment on behalf of an RTA victim and finds a way to move on with his own life. One scene near the end absolutely yanks the heartstrings. I must be getting to be an old softie, but an easy 8 out of 10. Recommended.
  12. This is absolutely what they're about here. One wee glimmer of hope is that Sky News have become a fair bit more critical in recent months. Not that it makes any difference to an electorate who actually looked at what these c***s had done to the country in a decade and thought, "aye, let's have a bit more of that".
  13. Yep, which included a two or two and a half gap in alcohol intake which didn't impact on our enjoyment of the game. An inability to abstain for two hours suggests, to me, at least some kind of dependence or, at the very least, a mindset which links the two factors together in an unhealthy way.
  14. Sod all to do with the team you follow. All to do with the inability to leave the drug alone for two hours. Not you, anyone. When I still lived in Killie, my mates and I would meet up in the Broomhill, probably have one or two in the Goldberry, and at least one in the Portmann before every home game. We certainly weren't sober going into RP, and I doubt if we'd have passed a breath test at full time, either. Inside the ground? too busy singing, taunting the opposition, and watching the game. After the game, it was watch the results in a shop window on the way home before thinking about going back out on the beer.
  15. I don't think anyone's looking down on the product - but I am very much looking down on those who claim to enjoy it "for the taste". Oh, there will be a few who do but, like unsanctimonious vegans, very few and far between. I am not familiar with Glen's(sp?) vodka - is it a superior product to Absolut or Smirnoff?
  16. You apparently follow the biggest, bestest, staunchest team in the world, and do so in the company of 50k or so like-minded folks. Is that not enough, that you need an artificial stimulant* as well? *Asuming you're on the Buckie - alcohol is actually a depressant.
  17. Not at all - see above. I spent most of my teens on home brew and Newcastle - you'd struggle to punch down from there.
  18. Take it as you like - In my heavier-drinking days, I went for Newcastle Brown as it was pretty cost-effective, and I'm willing to bet that the majority of Buckfast consumers choose Devon's famous export for the same reason(the caffeine level is probably more of a physical factor, but as with most drugs, expectation will have its say as well). I don't consider myself too good for it - I simply find the taste horrendous. The taste being the reason most well-adjusted folks pick their libation of choice.
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