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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. I haven't seen his BBC performance (and work PC blocks it), but he struck me on Sky this morning as, er, not the brightest sacrificial lamb to have been thrown onto the daily media round.
  2. Absolutely this. These people are desperate to reach a safe haven (and we should maybe be a wee bit proud that the UK is still seen as such*). They will not take the slightest notice of what might happen if they're caught on entry - because they're not planing on getting caught. As for the smugglers - well, they're still getting paid, whether their "clients" end up in Brook House, Rwanda, or the bottom of the Channel. This whole fucking circus is the most hateful dead cat even this shower have pulled. *Despite, on many occasions having produced and sold the weapons that have demolished these refugees' homes in the first place.
  3. Line three explains line one. Line 5 is absolutely correct, especially when you consider the events of line four got minimal negative coverage, most column inches concentrating on the effect it might have on Newcastle's league placing.
  4. Can I be the first to express my wish that you win by a landslide, with a World Beating points total?
  5. I'll have a stab at this. 1. I'd agree it was shortly before the referendum in 2014. I say before, as after the result the Vow and the rest of the bullshit basically disappeared as Scotland got to sit down and eat their porridge. 2. It is, to any reasonably-informed observer, a completely false equivalence. You're comparing a Government which, while a long way from perfect, is largely trying to do its best without complete control of its country and, when some of its members act unacceptably, they're dealt with immediately with.. well, with the most shameless thieves and rogues it has ever been my misfortune to see in power in these islands. I've said before, you shouldn't compare incompetence with kleptocracy. 3. Following from (2), maybe this is because, while not necessarily to everyone's taste poitically, the SNP are far, far removed from the criminal gang currently in power at WM. I am not (surprise!) a tory voter, and, were I registered still in Scotland, I'm not sure the SNP would get my vote post-independence.
  6. My copy just arrived today - jeebus, but that's a small typeface! Thankfully light nights are on the way, so reading by natural light is an option.
  7. That tweet's a fake but, as with so much about this complete brain vacuum and the rest of this mob, entirely believable. Satirists across the country must be taking up alternative employment in droves. The only reason they're not bouncing Fat Boy just now is that there's no-one, absolutely no-one, in their ranks who they could present to the electorate as someone who could run the country more competently than Keir Starmer. Yes, that Keir Starmer.
  8. "Journalists were given a tour of a typical government refugee facility in Rwanda" Can anyone say "Theresienstadt"?
  9. As the old gag goes: What seems British but isn't? The contents of the British Museum. Badoom and, indeed, tish. IThangYew.
  10. They carry on like this, they may find something very like a war in this country..
  11. 1. There probably hasn't been a time in recorded history when a state of war betwen two nations hasn't existed somewhere on the globe, and 2. There are many examples when Prime Ministers have been replaced in times when the UK has actually been at ewar - including when his hero took over in 1940.
  12. ..and that is the real mandate that this shower of cúnts have worked, and will continue to work, to deliver. Or at least convince their fucking imbecilic supporters they are delivering. Of course, darker skin, like being Russian, can be overlooked in the presence of hard cash.
  13. ..and who do you think the public* blame at least in part, and absolutely fairly imho, for the fuel rises and the travel delays? *At least those who are capable of rational thought.
  14. What they promised was less brown people, or at least that was what a lot of thick, racist voters* heard promised. The fact that we now have less access to European laour and will have to rely more on, er, brown people from S. Asia doesn't seem to worry said voters. *Yes, they are, and the further you get from any noticeable immigrant presence, the more racist they get. Our rural part of E. Yorks couldn't be whiter, and the BNP would probably be the only party capable of levering the Tories out at local or Constituency level.
  15. There's a few staunch posters been "away for a couple of days". Funny, that...
  16. That'll be a cracking turnout for a Friday night when the game's on tellybox. Especially as you're getting into White Walker territory that far North.
  17. Aye, ol' Okey isn't too hot on the old mote/beam situation.
  18. Memory association has ELP playing in my head now..
  19. Watching her appear in front of a Select Committee explaining how the public funded Channel 4, and having to be corrected by Damian Green*, one of her own side, signalled to me that she is not going to let Dizzy Lizzy snatch her "Thickest Tory Tw@" title without a fight. *Yep, another wrong 'un that they haven't chucked out.
  20. ETA: Vote for cúnts, don't be surprised if people think you're a cúnt. Rich cúnts or stupid cúnts, makes no difference to me.
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