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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. Is it mathematics, your field? You could always work it out with a pencil..
  2. Ach, he can always go back and edit his post to include her input - shouldn't be a problem, what her being imaginary and all.
  3. The currant position is "I agree = legal. I don't agree - illegitimate/illegal/spurious" HTH
  4. I'd add one other little edit - He continues to type "team" instead of "teams". Easy mistake to make in the wee sma' hours, I suppose.
  5. If anything, I'm concerned about the old boy's MH, and pointing out his inability to log off from here as a symptom - by quoting all, not part, of his subsequent posts. Hopefully he'll take note. His posting in recent weeks has followed a similar pattern, which in all honesty I find disturbing. You and your multi-banned troll mate, on the other hand, are playing along to "win" some stupid game. The worst kind of poster.
  6. Mine asked me if I was ever going to stop singing Oasis songs around the house. And I said maybe..
  7. Oh, he's absolutely the very very worst example you'll find on here for those character defects, especially as, unlike say, oaksoft or Dawson Park Boy, he's (probably) actually serious when he posts his drivel. I'm beginning to feel uncomfortabler laughing, though - it feels too much like paying a shiny sixpence for a wander round Bedlam. Or, for the youngsters out there, mocking the tone-deaf burger-flippers* following their star in the early rounds of the x-factor. *No offence intended, btw. Some people's future contains chart success, for others it's asking if the customer wants fries. The cúnts in this case are those who allow the latter to believe they are the former, and those who sit giggling at home.
  8. Let's be kind here, and assume she's telling the truth about her dyslexia and the effect it has upon her life. Should that not make it even more important that she asks one of her (non-dyslexia-suffering) family staff to check this kind of stuff over before she puts it online for all to see?* That she hasn't done so simply confirms the original diagnosis of her being thicker than two short ones. *Given her remit, you'd think she'd be more careful before committing anything to cyberspace in perpetuity. Evidently not.
  9. I cannot believe you or your accountants are believing that as an excuse. Why would staff need to be in an office to trace a payment. This isn't 1962, do you seriously believe this isn't computerised ? Your being fobbed off plain and simple and any accountant worth their salt would realise that the "not in the office" line is total nonsense. Surely you've realised by now that every part of every story that this pathetic troll has told over the months is, besides being the product of the poster's imagination, total nonsense?
  10. Last word from the Constitutional Expert, then. Oh, hang on.. And finally, three(ish) hours later.. Seriously, @The_Kincardine, get some fucking help. This behaviour is not healthy. Like your beloved zombies, you've become a sad tribute act to your former (ideologically opposed, but usually coherent) self. As for your wee troll supporters, I hope they feel proud of enabling your decline.
  11. Stuttering and stumbling over his words as he desperately tried to steer the conversation onto safer ground - problem is, there's nothing positive to say about this government or it's constituent rogues. He obviously doesn't believe the Shite he's spouting, and it's fucking insulting to expect us to buy into their fantasies.
  12. France, or at least some of the French, could be described (euphemistically)as "less welcoming" in their attitude towards immigrants. There is certainly a fair amount of anti-Muslim feeling among many French - because, as we know, to some people Muslim is a colour, right? We know that things in Blighty aren't appreciably different in that respect, but these refugees see the UK as some kind of enlightened, welcoming society to aim for. They've got some wake-up call coming, right enough..
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