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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. We're supposed to be thinking that they're taking legal advice on the allegations. Meanwhile they wait until enough advance votes are submitted, allowing them to 'withdraw their allegations'.
  2. I listen to the podcast each evening. I can get anything between about 3 and 27, it really depends on the questions - questions about the late 60s through late 80s and I've a good chance. 90s onwards and you can count me out.
  3. The SPFL Board have the powers to decide that now - no need for a vote.
  4. I thought Richard Dawkins was a bit quiet at the moment.
  5. Rangers tried to get advances/loans as below. They called them 'loans' but they seemed to want to decide if and when to repay them. I wonder if they meant 'obliged' rather than 'entitled'. Somebody else noted that everybody from Aberdeen down could end up bottom of the league and that everyone's already had the money advanced to them for finishing bottom. How much do you give them without overspending?
  6. I'm watching The Untouchables and I've just realised where Trump gets his moves from. He think's he's Al Capone.
  7. If you were a player, would you sign a contract that said 'we'll pay you £x pw if we're in the Championship or we'll release you immediately if we get relegated in the September play-offs'?
  8. What would happen to the Europa League place that goes with winning the Cup?
  9. You do know the implications of cancelling a contract?
  10. He'd better be sure that his source is trustworthy or he could be done for defamation by repeating a 3rd party's accusation. He mentioned Dundee by implication - all it needs is for Nelms to deny any bullying took place and that's English in trouble. IANAL.
  11. I thought Doncaster came over very well. Much more impressed with him this time round than in 2012. The only issue I don't think he nailed was why they couldn't pay advances against guaranteed prize money. Celtic were assured of second place and Rangers of 3rd. Surely the SPFL could have paid out based on those positions and then settled up at the end of the season. I've listened again and all I heard him say was that 6th and 12th place have already been given what they were entitled to - just a few hundred K more due at best. Unless what he means is that he doesn't want to pay out any final place money in case individual clubs might go into admin between now and the official end of season -which would involved not making that final point anyway.
  12. I think I'm just in a bad place at the moment.
  13. The difference is that the Rangers money stayed in football, just differently distributed. Taking 50,000 fans out altogether would 'cost' football about £10M a year.
  14. If we take 40,000 or 50,000 fans out of the weekly crowds, I suspect the whole structure might become unsustainable. I know we were told that the same would happen when Rangers died but at least the fans transferred over to the new club and their ticket money stayed in the game. But then, what do I know And I'd had a few beers last night.
  15. I've honestly no idea how I'd feel if United went. I'd have to wait until the dust settled and see how I felt. Given where I live now, the obvious thing would be to follow the Binos but... meh, it wouldn't be the same. I'd probably find a different Saturday hobby. If the majority of folk feel like me, all we'd need is for a couple of big-to-medium sized clubs (Hearts, United, The Dees) going to the wall for Scottish football to go to the wall too.
  16. I did get a row - and a Helen. Sorry Granny.
  17. Might be Granny's wife calling him to see what size incontinence pants he needs.
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