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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. It doesn't have a high case fatality rate. Without lockdown, the government's own projections were 500K deaths. Less than 1% of the population but the high R0 should temper that 'low' death rate.
  2. jagfox99 pointed this out 3 weeks ago and Panorama featured it last night. I think this might be the smoking gun when there's an inquiry into HMG's handling of the pandemic.
  3. I suspect you'll be disappointed - she only has a son. Who looks like a daughter.
  4. Can't see the Premiership teams approving that. Bye bye Hearts.
  5. Come on. What's the point of being Supreme Leader if you have to wipe your own arse?
  6. I'm assuming they've got backing from Hearts and Partick (maybe Dundee). I wonder if they've seen the evidence or are they just stamping their feet?
  7. Are they really not going to supply their dossier until AFTER the clubs have approved an EGM?
  8. I like the sound of the Fandabidozi League Make it Fanta-bidozi and we could sort out sponsorship at the same time.
  9. United don't have any 'hatred and vitriol' towards either arse-cheek. Not even towards our city neighbours. It's a game.
  10. Don't pretend Celtic fans wouldn't react in exactly the same way if the situations were reversed.
  11. He said Rangers were dead and he didn't want to see that happening to any other clubs.
  12. Just looking at the last 6 games, Celtic were pulling away from them - 15 points against Rangers' 10.
  13. Every email system I've dealt with has sent a message along the lines of 'an email to you from xxxx with subject line yyyy has been quarantined. If you want to see this email, please contact your system admin'.
  14. The requisition requests that a General Meeting of all 42 member clubs be held to consider calling an independent investigation into: The preparation and content of the briefing note and papers sent to member clubs with the resolution; What's the actual question about the prep & content? The decision to announce the result of an incomplete vote before all votes had been received; Irrelevant. It was an open vote. In non-lockdown, they'd all be sitting round a table. The decision to disregard the vote submitted by Dundee FC and allow them to vote a second time; Dundee are allowed to change a No vote to a yes vote within the 28 days. The appropriateness of communications between the Executive of the SPFL and other football governing bodies in relation to completing season 2019/20; No idea what this means. The interaction of SPFL executives with clubs during the voting process including the disclosure to clubs of how other member clubs had voted; Irrelevant once the 75% was reached. Compliance by the SPFL’s directors with the statutory and common law duties owed by them in relation to the resolution; and No idea what this means. Word salad. Any other matters which the independent expert considers relevant. Rangers died? We have received the SPFL’s open letter referring to the narrow scope of their investigation which alarmingly failed to examine wider fundamental issues. No one had lodged a requisition to set the scope. Rangers have made it very clear that we have a dossier of evidence which we will make readily available to an independent investigation. Can't wait.
  15. I'm assuming the vote on rangers' proposal will go the same way as the original SPFL vote - Hearts and Rangers vote 'against the SPFL, and everybody else for them.
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