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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Actually... wiki says Whether any of the above is related to Rangers and their 2020 season, I'll leave you to decide.
  2. Aberdeen's policy expires today and their insurance company have said they're not offering renewals. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52048960
  3. As long as it's not 4 King Billys on their white(*) horses. *His horse was actually chestnut.
  4. Yes, if the net benefit justifies it. The needs of the many... I've seen it happen in union salary negotiations.
  5. They only ever seem to cover the first dozen or so elements at most. Might be do-able. But, as you say, is it worth it?
  6. I think you're reading too much into that wording. Do you really expect him to say 'we didn't bribe Dundee but we can't speak for anyone else, like Celtic, doing so'? I'd expect the SPFL board to actively try to persuade every club to vote in favour of the proposal. It's their baby. They think it's in the best interests of the majority of the clubs or they wouldn't be making it. And they don't want to spending the clubs' time and money voting on a second or third proposal. It's not even clear to me that the Board of the SPFL needed to put this to the vote. That clause from their Articles suggests it's within their powers to decide on anything not already covered by the rules.
  7. No but it displays a certain amount of paranoia.
  8. It seems to say that, where the rules & regs are silent on a matter, the Board have the power to decide what to do.
  9. Quite. From the SPFL's Articles, the 'Powers of the Board' extend to It's not even clear to me from the above that they needed to call a vote.
  10. Dave Cormack says, 'Aberdeen were going to vote against the proposition but, when we heard that it would have been a wasted vote since the target had already been met, we changed to 'yes'. Don't want to be seen as not being one of the good guys.'.
  11. Kincy, you're seeing possible collusion and corruption where there's no evidence to support it. This MIGHT have happened, THAT might have happened...
  12. The hijackers forgot their passports and had to postpone their flights to the next day?
  13. I've just had an idea for a new lockdown service!
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