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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Was anyone watching Newsnight last night?
  2. And to get some good recommendations for music videos. And nurse pictures.
  3. Any idea why England's daily figures aren't out yet? Scotland, NI and Wales have got their numbers in but not England. Usually out by around 14:00. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
  4. The BMI section hasn't been adjusted for the normal population distribution.
  5. Ah, in that case you could see how he might struggle to self-isolate.
  6. Cheers. g-i-t but it's behind a paywall.
  7. Thought that myself. If this was 'on record', there would be a huge stooshie.
  8. They don't give in. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/scotland/alex-salmond-faces-fresh-police-inquiry-after-court-victory-t3gphjlb6?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR0FtWQ-ZhzloWCv2NgGcGofrA3R9B0ltYwvTG2B23cFziEPiNK6_w9XrDg#Echobox=1585034488
  9. If Charlie is at Balmoral, we might get a full house.
  10. Isnt it because it doesnt have a fatality rate anything like that of any of the other examples given? But a much higher R0?
  11. I think I saw it pretty quickly after the verdict was announced. ETA: dirty dingus on Monday at 15:17.
  12. I thought I was reading some spoof site there. Covid-19 seems to meet every one of the bullets in the definition.
  13. Watching all the Carry On films. Up to number 5 - Carry On Regardless.
  14. I feel for you, mate. I'm about to phone my mum - it's bad enough that she can't remember that she's already told me everything the day before, but she'll be asking when we're coming round and whether we could all nip out for dinner somewhere. Wish me luck.
  15. A bit like Celtic and Rangers fans.
  16. Agreed. As a dyed-in-the-wool non-exerciser, I feel like the instruction that you 'may leave the house once per day for exercise' is an order.
  17. I'm just back from walking the dog. Everybody trying their best to keep to the 2 metres except for one old guy who was obviously desperate for a blether - kept inching towards us and I kept backing off. Had to kill him eventually.
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