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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. 6 for Wednesday, Feels like there were too many Aussie questions but there were only 2. Which is 2 too many of course.
  2. The poor lad must be so conflicted. He'll feel like he's being pulled in two different directions at once. At least he'll be able to see where he's going.
  3. 'Eh like tae put £20 a month aside towards Christmas but Eh dinnae trust myself no tae raid it when times are hard during the year. So, instead, Eh put it intae a savings club - and tempt somebody else tae raid it instead.'
  4. Ah, Jim Davidson. Didn't think of him. Number 15 sorted.
  5. I was typing something similar. You know what their levers are - conservativism (small c), religion and money. Easily bought off.
  6. I was feel quite chipper tonight. And then you mentioned Csaba.
  7. I suspect Tory rebels will more than counter any DUP vote. Even half of those 117 would be more than enough.
  8. And I wouldn't be surprised if that had been her goal all along. If so, she's played a blinder.
  9. Suspect Corbyn will wait for her to come back from the EU with her shiny not-so-new offering and then call for a vote of no confidence.
  10. She'll try to deliberately delay that vote until it's too late for anything else.
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