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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. I don't belieeeeve it - a guess-tastic 9 for Friday. I even guessed the Ozzie sports question right. Got the king wrong. Can life get any better?
  2. What happened to the story on the Herald site about Pedro's severance package not being settled? Did they come under pressure to remove the negative news?
  3. What would happen if he got himself a seat in the Copland Stand and started taking notes, ready for phoning into Sportscene at 5? Would he get chucked out?
  4. A brand new season underway. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=8033&sectionId=1 8 out of 10 for Monday. Got the first and last questions wrong.
  5. My radar is doing quite nicely, thank you. And your club?
  6. Excerpt from Kinky's edition of Fowler's Modern English Usage. Page 1... Kinky is a grammar-tosser.
  7. The vast majority of Rangers supporters aren't even realistic.
  8. He's in denial. 'I could outbid English teams in the transfer market'. Yah don't say. Any idea where that funding came from, Graeme?
  9. Apparently the statement is from 'a Rangers spokesman'. I wonder if, having got the fans onside, the board will now deny that it's an official statement after all.
  10. 'Just a level playing field'. Sounds fair enough. Can't ask for more than that. Unless of course it's for a few million quids' worth of EBTs.
  11. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=8003&sectionId=1 A best-ever 9 for Wednesday. Apparently I'm not a friend of Dorothy but I guessed correctly at Poppy Adams and... tadaa... the Australian question.
  12. 6 for Tuesday. A fair number of guesses - I was only really sure about Bartholdi, the Sun, Iraq and Lawrence. And I still don't think I've guessed an Australian sports question right.
  13. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=7983&sectionId=1 7 for Monday. Not bad for so many guesses. Got both sports questions and the mountain wrong.
  14. FFS I did well enough to top the Championship but that's just mid-table mediocrity in the top league. It's hard at the top. As the actress said...
  15. If he can keep that burd's mouth occupied, I'll be happy. As will he. And she.
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