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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Damn. I signed up to it in all good faith. If I'd realised it was a piss-take, I wouldn't have taken the piss myself.
  2. 7 out of 10. These Antipodean questions are a pain in the butt. I only got one of the four. Any chance of alternating week about with a northern hemisphere quiz?
  3. Ach, Sportscene only covers the rich and heady heights of the Premiership. Once they cover the Championship THEN they can put the athletics on the red button.
  4. FFS, Dundee (0 from 6) gubbed us (6 from 6) 2-1. Oh, THAT Championship. The shit one.
  5. I've signed it. These newborns need that wee bit extra support, just until they learn to stand on their own two feet. BTW who are they referring to in the following paragraph? Are they saying it's not just Rangers that are being picked on? Celtic maybe?
  6. 7/10 for Wednesday. Didn't know my album debuts or my anatomy/physiology. Also, curries come as creamy/mild, spicy/medium or feckin hot. Who cares what spices are involved?
  7. That'll include the 30% to the agent and 50% for his wages. Rangers might see the same 200K they say they paid for him. Just my opinion as a cynic.
  8. And with Garner and O'Halloran both scoring too, it looks like Rangers is either a great academy... or the escapees are just ecstatic about being out in the real world.
  9. How did they ever organize their sing-alongs before the internet? Did they just stick to a traditional songbook or something?
  10. To be fair, that's not really much different from issuing a menu.
  11. Necessity being the mother of invention. Making a virtue of necessity. Select your platitude here. You're a diddy team now and we all have to cut our cloth according to our means, even Rangers. Whatever you do, bennett, don't drink the kool-aid.
  12. Mine too, buddie. 9 out of 10 for me. Got the most points scored in the NRL wrong (what is it with these Australians and their Australian sports questions??). Also guessed two right, Iced Tea and Elle King (no idea who she is).
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