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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Must be under 40, otherwise he'd be asking if there was already somebody else in the bog.
  2. FFS I get penalized for being quick off the mark? Lazy b*****ds can't be bothered looking for the link - the same fucking link we use every fucking day? But it's only a game. Relax. Breathe deeply...
  3. Hey, I got done for not having a link. Where are the links from all these feckers gents with their 8s and 9s? It may only be a game, but it's a game I have to win.
  4. Back on form. 8 points for Monday. Didn't know the Tracey Gaudry answer (not even sure what AFL is) and had a brainfart on the genoa - I'm a naval historian by inclination and hobby.
  5. I prefer this explanation to deej's. I assume the Cardinal, like all men of the cloth, is open to bribery or blackmail?
  6. Suspected as much when they mentioned 5 British Leagues. Unless they'd moved into the Welsh Football League, your bet on United to win the Championship by a record margin was always going to go un-priced.
  7. Have you tried looking down the back of the sofa? </alanbennett>
  8. Just the 4 today. Looks like Sunday/Monday was my high water mark for the week. Too many bloody Australian questions. On an Australian website.
  9. Raindrops keep falling on my head? Don't go chasing waterfalls?
  10. I hope she tells him to f**k off and sues for divorce. He gets 50% back in the settlement but it gets seized by the courts to pay off his creditors and she'd be a single woman with a couple of million to her name.
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