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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. As most fans would hope for their team, this season is going to be better.
  2. Any idea whose photographs those are in the middle of the big flag at the bottom? Looks like the Queen and Bobby Sands to me.
  3. Nothing there to change my opinion. He's still a baldy git. With incipient moobs.
  4. You just know what's going to happen at Dens, don't you?
  5. The Fun's famed diplomacy surfaces yet again. I'm starting to hope Hartley turns you inside out.
  6. Nae need to get personal. Anyhoo, I think you meant to say 1923. And we didn't go into administration.
  7. I wouldn't if I were you. You've come back from admin a couple of times now. Liquidation is just that wee bit harder. Just ask Rangers.
  8. We'll soften them up for you in time for the 2018-19 season. Assuming Hartley hasn't done the dirty.
  9. The only witty response so far. Wrong. But witty.
  10. How do you think you'll cope with the points deduction when Hartley wins his case? Which of us do you think will get out of the Championship first?
  11. He seemed to think he could make a living out of a wee corner of north-west Europe when sites with bigger catchment areas have struggled to survive. The stuff about the police advising him to flee the country was just a wee bit too much drama, IYAM. When the media becomes the story...
  12. Nah, that was post-satire. The Fun are years behind the satire curve.
  13. That's Dundee fans all over. They'd rather see their local rivals regress so that the same old shite from Dens looks a wee bit better by comparison. True football fans, e.g. those from United or St Johnstone, want to see their teams improve their game to overtake the Fun. Dundee fans just want to see the world burn.
  14. I can't remember whether it was this thread that had a 'discussion' about John James and his site recently (what's a search function?) but he's thrown another strop and effectively closed his site down. Something about those damn SNP Nazis withholding their funding. He's allowed some of the critical comments on his last article to stand but I'm wondering if he's read the one from Charles at 5:34 properly.
  15. Willy maybe I'm misunderstanding you too but Rangers can still close the gap without Celtic losing any games. Rangers just have to drop fewer points against the other teams than they did last season. Unless by 'close the gap' you mean 'close it to zero'? ETA: Doh! I've just realised that we've all been playing fast and loose with the English language and Willy's half right. If Celtic maintain last season's record, Rangers can't close the gap, they can only narrow it. However... Celtic could remain 'invincible' next season but still only get 38 points, in which case Rangers can close the gap.
  16. Based on last season, you should have no concerns about him triggering any performance-related add-ons
  17. Unless he goes back to PNE, someone is paying them for the oustanding instalments. Either way, Rangers are not getting the full million.
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