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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. He's an enigmatic man. So lacking in football knowledge and yet so strong on company law.
  2. If that's the case, why do I feel so empty inside? Oh, aye. I forgot to have my dinner.
  3. And to think you wanted to hang onto Telfer - and then chased us for 200K when you couldn't! If you take him back, it would improve the average ability at both clubs.
  4. Insert outraged Kenneth Williams gif here.
  5. It's a Friday night and I suspect Dave is deep in his wine-cellar but I'm sure some of his minions are tracking the zeitgeist via P&B.
  6. That's TRFC Limited to you. The T is important. And, not wishing to miss an open goal, some would say they already have.
  7. Either they're living within their means or you're right and this is an all-or-nothing attempt to access the CL money. But that's a year away and it looks unlikely that they can last that long while paying these wages. Unless, of course, the current and forecast signings are on lower wages than Joey was.
  8. But the physical store could become anything at all once the original owner goes bust. A greengrocers, a mobile phone shop, a massage parlour. Are you sure you want to continue with this?
  9. Depends on whether Ryan or Alves got any kind of signing on fee. Otherwise, I don't think any money has changed hands yet. 'Just under a million' for Dorrans, another couple of million for Pena, a million for Herrera and another for Abella. It soon adds up. Unless TGASL really is ante-ing up (and I'm sure we'd have heard by now if that were the case), the money for transfers and wages must coming out of the season ticket cash. Is it a gamble on Europa League success? ETA: Mustn't forget Cardoso for another million.
  10. I reddied this for lameness in March but, looking at some of the jokes above, I repent and have evened things out.
  11. Why else would a St Mirren story make it into the BBC's English League 1 section? Answer me that.
  12. Aye, the story about Bradford trying to buy their way into the lucrative Scottish leagues via a St Mirren takeover has so far stayed beneath the radar.
  13. I was only six at the time but I remember it being pretty important. My dad, a Hearts man for some unknown reason, put his fist through the ceiling when the second goal went in. But looking at the facts: Round 1: 5-0 versus Zurich Round 2: 6-2 versus Nantes QF: 2-1 versus Vojvodina SF: 3-1 versus Dukla Prague Final: 2-1 versus Inter. 4 games against diddies and an offside equalizer against Inter. Meh.
  14. But will Chelsea or Man United want McKay or Tavernier once they're cup-tied?
  15. Could be worse. Imagine if you had a corncrake sitting under your bedroom window RIGHT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HOLIDAY FORTNIGHT ON TIREE. It does nothing for your hangovers.
  16. The Chairman's latest statement is... open to interpretation. He can only marvel at their gullibility. I wonder why he only goes back 5 years? Did something happen in 2012?
  17. Aye, a man of your age is probably ready to leave the nest.
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