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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Used to follow the cuddies but I was making less than 10% on turnover. It was a lot of work for little return especially at the levels I could afford to bet at.
  2. I was in Friday mode all day yesterday. It's nice to have two in the one week. I'd be honoured to get a mention in the most frightening posters thread - looks like Id be in good company. Enjoy your day out - it might take your mind off the King debacle for a few hours. Flicka's Witness in the first and Conkies Lad in the third. Although Theodore's Lamb and Master Tim might be a more appropriate double. And maybe it's Too Late To Sell in the last.
  3. Have fun. I had a look at Weatherbys but it doesn't help narrow you down - there's nine meetings tomorrow. Enjoy a stalker-free weekend.
  4. We've always suspected as much. Will your clumpany be keeping up with you?
  5. The Glib that keeps on groaning? The Gers that keep on girning? The Gers that keep on going (bust)?
  6. Dear Glib and Shameless, Fair does. We'll just make sure you never buy anything more expensive than a Lion Bar then - we're withdrawing your banking facilities in the UK. Yours The Takeover Panel.
  7. Hadn't thought of that. You'd have to re-turf the whole garden or put up with a coffin-shaped outline forever.
  8. Thread title takes on a whole new meaning now.
  9. When they don't need to bother about manufacturing, distribution, advertising, etc. 7% profit sounds like a reasonable margin to me. Does anyone know what other football companies are making on similar deals?
  10. Still has too much presupposition about it. 'With victory over Hearts, Celtic would win the league.' Not the best English but has the right 'if... then..' about it. Anyway... Come on the Jam Tarts.
  11. That wasn't his opening line, though. They'd changed it by the 10:00 bulletin.
  12. According to the Radio Scotland news bulletin, 'Celtic will win the league title with victory over Hearts this afternoon.' Not 'would' or 'can', but 'will'. Surely for people whose livelihoods depend on their ability to communicate, these guys could learn the basics of their native language.
  13. Was it not 3 years' accounts? I've read some blogs suggesting that Rangers wouldn't qualify for Europe next season under UEFA's Financial Fair Play rules. I was happy to wind Rangers fans up about it at work but I've had a look and, while I'm no accountant, I think I may have been 'spoutin pish'. The rules say you can make losses of up to 5M euros over the previous 3 year assessment period. Rangers are obviously breaking this rule. But... You can make losses of up to 30M euros over 3 years IF the extra 25M euros is covered by a direct contribution/payment from the club's owner(s) or a related party. Which I think it has. Also, payments towards training facilities, youth development and the stadium don't count towards overspending in this context. I suspect Ibrox will have had a massive amount of work done on it, none of it visible of course.
  14. There may be an element of piss-taking from most of us but I'm sure some of us would be prepared to debate.
  15. I thought the appointment of a Director of Football was 'imminent'? https://stv.tv/sport/football/1384347-rangers-to-resume-director-of-football-search-this-week/?utm_content=buffere9ba0&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  16. It's been a while since we've had any good rumours but it's Tuesday and there's a long way to go before we have to start worrying about United going into admin (only happens on a Friday) so, I give you... Is there an ulterior motive behind the recent boardroom reshuffle at TRIFC/TRFC (https://rangers.co.uk/news/club/company-statement-3/)? A number of non-exec directors (Murray, Park and Gilligan) are leaving the club's board and will in future solely be non-exec directors of the holding company. It would seem that Robertson, Dickson and the new DoF along with Blair as Secretary will form the self-contained board of TRFC. A sensible separation between club and company you would think. Should have happened a long time ago. So why didn't it? Why precisely now? Far be it from me to start any rumours (mwahahaha!), but is it possible that this separation is to protect Park, Murray and Gilligan from any upcoming admin event at 'the club' and allow them to pick up the reins again, free of any association, once the dust settles and Rang3rs are born? ETA: Just had a look at PMG's blog and he's reporting it as 'King & co gone following the failure of King's TAB appeal' and TRFC being run by The Three Bears now. Too mundane - I prefer my theory.
  17. BTW special prize to the first person to spot my alt-truth persona on the Herald site. I'm getting a wee bit bored with it so any excuse to crash and burn would be appreciated.
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