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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Slightly different experience here. The fat balls and one of the feeders go really quickly - I'm topping both up every day - but there's one feeder on a stand of 4 that seems to be a last resort. My suspicion is that they don't like the perches as they stick out like spokes. The one they like has a thin bar around the bottom so I could see how that would be easier for them to grip - at least they're facing the feeder rather than standing sideways on.
  2. This BBC report isn't all that exciting - somebody buried 11 dead puppies beside a grave in Dundee's Eastern Cemetery. But, the SPCA they are carrying out post-mortems to determine how the puppies died. I assume they'l prosecute the owner if they find signs of maltreatment. If the PMs consist of anything more than a vet twisting their heads and saying, 'broken neck' or squeezing them and saying, 'water in the lungs - drowned', then it seems like a ridiculous waste of money that could be better spent elsewhere. It's their money but, still...
  3. To be fair, that's a ridiculous change to the rules. You can have someone in an offside position in the opponent's half, chasing the ball back into his own defence (maybe the wind blew it!) and the foul is given where he eventually attempts to play the ball. You might end up giving away an indirect free kick in your own box. Or have I misunderstood?
  4. Probably a buzzard. The buzzards and the crows both seem to enjoy the tussle.
  5. The National has a quote from the son of that 69-year-old skydiver that was killed in Thailand. Whit? Screaming in terror from 10,000 feet down?
  6. I saw that. 'We only lost 50 seats.' 'You've lost 125 seats.' 'Well the last time I looked, it was 100.'
  7. Cheers, Fide. Another site to help me while away the hours. The comment by peekay, 'And that is numberwang!', had me doubled up. I wondered whether there had maybe been some by-elections since 2012 and that the SNP numbers had increased to 438 seats by the end of April. But, nope. Just incompetence, or worse, on the part of the BBC. ETA: I've just noticed that BBC are saying So, basically, the BBC can make the results fit any agenda they want.
  8. Apologies if it's already been mentioned but aren't the BBC mistaken in their reporting of the numbers? Almost fraudulently so? They're showing that the SNP have fallen from 438 seats in 2012 to 431 now (their well-trumpeted 'loss of 7 seats') but wiki shows that SNP only won 425 seats in 2012, so the 431 seats won this year is a rise of 6 seats.
  9. Did we not go through this last time? I left him a donation but under your name. Happy now?
  10. Anyone want to start some scurrilous speculation about Kenny's signing-on fee, a la PMG?
  11. I'd rather they learned how to use the English language first before moving on to the complexities of the Scottish league naming system.
  12. Normally credited to Phil Lynott during a concert.
  13. Rangers seem to have dodged a bullet here https://stv.tv/news/west-central/1386802-businessman-linked-to-rangers-bid-arrested-in-singapore/ Just as well they ended up in the tender loving care of Charles Green. Imagine if they'd been bought out of admin by Bill Ng. Doesn't bear thinking about.
  14. But Barton is banned from anything football-related so he'll never appear on... Ah, I see.
  15. Assuming you meant Ugo, he'll be a damned sight more articulate than BFDJ or Kris Boyd.
  16. Just nick its eggs. That tends to do the trick. Great photo. Pin sharp and good action. For the eagle, if you're happy to drive down to the Trossachs, you've a 50/50 chance (well, mebbees) of catching sight of one around Bochastle/Glen Finglas/Brig o'Turk. Not the most typical landscape for them but I've seen a couple over the last few months and a number of them over the last few years. I've also seen one down towards Dunblane. A couple of weekends ago, we came round a blind bend on the road to Doune and scared a youngster away from a roadkill fox in a sprachle of browns and golds and white. Following it in the rear-view mirror, I could see it was straight back and lifting its dinner away before we'd gone 50 yards down the road.
  17. See all these missing apostrophes? I'm not sure whether it's your column or mine that's under pressure.
  18. I take it you mean the playoff final, Granny? We should make the semis at least - Morton's recent form has been worse than ours. Really. Then in the semi against Falkirk, who knows?
  19. Falkirk mebees but not Morton. Morton are worse than us with just 2 points out of their last 6 games.
  20. Has anybody started a rumour about Jocky Scott yet? If not, can I?
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