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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Lorne Street Market in Dundeeeeee, a bargain centre in Locheeeee. Ah, The Barras are better.
  2. We need to take the positives from this, Like United being third and ahead of The Rangers.
  3. OG from Ronaldo would be nice.
  4. It's not all doom and gloom. I can see a Scotland goal coming up.
  5. Shite. Have they no respect for Dexter?
  6. I didn't have tickets for this game and, on Saturday, my 12-year-old dog had to be put down. If this score carries on, I'm extending his wake into Tuesday or Wednesday.
  7. I'm not sure that there is a timescale for this. Once the PF decides to proceed to trial, various limits kick in (the 80/110/140 Rules) but, as far as I can see, the PF is under no pressure to decide when that clock starts ticking. Further, if he/she decides not to prosecute, they do not normally inform the accused - it's up to the accused's legal team to do the asking.
  8. Until I read this today, I'd always thought he said, 'a wee bit o' skit/skate'. Fish and chips.
  9. Lots of US states currently believe that abortion is murder and punish accordingly.
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