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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. I'm never certain whether the world is run by conspiracy or by cock-up. When it comes to the incompetents in charge of the SPL, I veer towards the latter. But. I'm prepared to be proven wrong.
  2. That's not abdicating responsibility. The SPL teams did what we asked of them - they voted to prevent Newco entering the SPL. If we're to blame the SPL teams for the subsequent threatening actions of the Cockwomble & co should we also blame the SFL clubs for voting Newco into the SFL KNOWING that they'll go straight to the First Division?
  3. It's been a long day and, after the Murray match, I'm a bit tired and emotional, so forgive me if I'm missing something obvious but in what way have the SPL teams abdicated responsibility and delegated the decision to the SFL? What else could they have done other than say No to the Newco?
  4. There's a similar ODP to be held in Stirling today. Far less media coverage of it but the police expect up to 10,000 marchers and as many spectators. Neanderthals, every one of them.
  5. "But ye cannae kick us oot. We're huge." "So were dinosaurs. Now f**k off and find a tar pit. This is the time of the tiny mammals."
  6. You're a man after my own heart. You want to make something romantic and regal and scarificial of this but, really, deep down, it's just a tawdry pile of shite. And you've just spoilt Bladerunner for me forever - McCoist hanging by his fingertips? Bollox, gravity rules.
  7. I wonder if a few SPL chairmen just made up some pish to see if he'd print it.
  8. It may happen but it probably won't be the Cockwomble that drives or delivers it. He'll be long gone. Rangers have departed this life - ON HIS WATCH. Any decent captain would go down with the ship, any defeated general would fall on his sword.
  9. He;s been on Radio 4's Today programme, he's currently on 5Live. Saying the same thing over and over. I still don't believe him. Wonder why.
  10. I suppose it was to be expected but Green will be DeadRangers proxy vote at today's meeting. It will be legal and above board but it just reeks.
  11. Does anyone know what the process for replacing those at 'the top' is? Is there a periodic election proccess? Can they be removed via a vote of no confidence?
  12. Cockwomble has just been on the Today programme. His current line is "Why should the 41 innocent clubs suffer?" My answer would be to add 2 words to that question - "any more",
  13. Can you imagine how some of the SFL owners will take to being lectured to by The Cockwomble? Hardened businessmen being spoken to like children by some imperious twat! Unless, of course, The Cockwomble is a bit like the Pope and knows SOMETHING so awful that it can only be passed on behind closed doors!! Nah, he's just a cock. And a womble.
  14. But all this sucking up from the Glasgow press only produces a certain kind of football copy. It's full of "mebees he's coming, mebees he's going" crap. That kind of speculation isn't journalism - it doesn't tell you anything. If and when someone does transfer, then everyone knows about it and who cares whether The Daily Retard speculated about it 2 weeks ago? What about the 15 other 'exclusive' speculations that amounted to nothing. I'm happier with the East Coast press's approach. Less pandering, more information. And fewer pages of shite.
  15. That's a fair shout. If the Scottish sports press had done thier job and reported things properly, rather than being satisfied with another slice of lamb and a glass of fine wine, perhaps the fans could have done something to prevent this . The again, with it being Rangers fans, maybe not.
  16. Your comment might be intended as a joke but it just subconciously betrays your underlying contempt for any team that isn't one of the OF.
  17. Thanks, Wullie. So, if that's at risk, that just sounds like more intimidation from the SPL.
  18. It looks like something cobbled together in a hurry, the kind of thing posted on this board as a spoof. It's full of typos and logical or grammatical errors: 1. "Rangers have no where to go". It's 'nowhere', you clots. And there is no 'Rangers' any more, because the did have somewhere to go - the grave. 2. "Takes approximately £16 million out of the game". But that £16M was mostly going to Rangers so the majority of teams aren't much worse off - especially not the SFL clubs that this missive is aimed at. 3. "Commercial partners walk away and seek compensation". Proof? Scare-mongering tactics. 4. "The settlement agreement becomes a major risk", What 'settlement agreement'? What is this? 5. "The sporting opportunity is quashed for other clubs". Not enough info in that bullet point to work out what they mean. If they mean that no Rangers means no chance to beat or be beaten by Rangers, I'd propose that honour would transfer to whichever club takes their place. 6. Section 3, "Rangers to SFL1", is crazy. For example, the first bullet says "Reduces SPL income by approximately 30%" but that applies to every option other than 'Rangers voted into SPL' so why only state it here. It's also nothing to do with the SFL clubs being addressed. 7. More of the same... Ach, I've lost the will to go any further. The whole document is unstructured and illogical, full of non sequitors and doesn't properly address its target audience. Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say that it might have been written by someone who wasn't actually part of the SFL set-up. But that couldn't be the case. Could it?
  19. I just want to hear Cockwomble to come out and admit that EVERYTHING he has done, suggested, recommended, pushed, proposed, forced is to ensure some form of the Rangers corpse is in as high a league as possible. Has he ever actually said this?
  20. Here we go: the illiterate, pointless sound bite that, when you examine it, says feck all. Typical OF fan: incapable of independent thought.
  21. 'Evasion' ya daft shit. Although tax 'aversion' is much more appropriate in your case. (cf 'soap aversion').
  22. I really don't know how to respond to that non sequitor. Should I respond as though you're an intelligent adult or try to explain economics and logic to the child that I suspect you are? f**k, na. I'm off to the fridge for some more jelly and ice cream.
  23. What is this pish? What is the club unless it's the funding, infrastructure and COMPANY underpinning it? Do you really think that creating Company X to take the heat when THE CLUB runs out of money is anything other than a smokescreen?
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