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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Jusr sent this to the appropiate people in the SFA and SPL: All Having seen the proposals for restructuring Scottish professional football on the BBC and STV websites, I an wholeheartedly behind them. Football needs a shake-up every so often and this might just improve competitiveness. The fact that 2 places in the SPL are now in the relegation danger zone will increase excitement and might just cause teams to think twice about their spending. This may help keep Scottish football 'honest'. Remember that word. I said I was wholeheartedly behind these proposals. Well, I am. Mostly. There's one small fly in the ointment - the part where Rangers Newco are parachuted into the SFL1. This is a travesty and stinks of corruption. This involves changing the rules at short notice for the benefit of a new company with no proof that it has either a ground, a business plan or a squad. I would not be surprised if these organizational contortions drew the attention of UEFA and/or FIFA. If these proposed structural changes are being mooted as 'good for Scottish football', then they will still be good for Scottish football without the Rangers Newco part. Please show some moral fibre and reconsider this proposal. It's not about the money: it's about sport, competition and the love of the game. I really fear for what this would do to the international reputation of Scottish football. If football isn't about integrity and fair competition then it's just a business and not one that I want to pay my money to. Regards It won't make a toss worth of difference but it makes me feel better.
  2. I love the way the rooks are weaving in and out better than the average Gers player.
  3. Maybe they should just call Brown's bluff and tell him, "Here you go, Bomber. The keys to Ibrox. The club's all yours. Go on, screw it up."
  4. That's a very good point. So what if Green got them on the cheap - everyone else had the chance to bid a few thousand more and couln't be bothered. Now these heart-on-their-sleeve tossers want to buy the 'club that they love and would die for' for as little as they can. Cheapskate barstewards.
  5. "cos what he said to me, he'll be hunted the rest o his days." I suppose you could read it either way. It's not like Brown not to make his intent understood, him being such an orator and all.
  6. Did Brown really say that Green would be 'hunted for the rest of his days'?
  7. I think you'll find that neither do The Rangers. 50,000 @ £30 (in the SFL3!!!!) every 2 weeks = £3M per month to cover Ibrox, policing, stewarding, players, backroom staff. Mebees aye, mebees no.
  8. Beat me to it, hero. Shit, if you go to work, you've to read through 40 pages before you feel safe posting a reply.
  9. Gretna didn't have to pay the rates and maintenance on Ibrox. I'm not saying they won't do it, just that it's not going to be as easy as some people suspect. They'll need to exercise careful financial and expectation management. Oh, aye, and they'll need a coach who has a scooby.
  10. I'm not so sure about them being able to steamroller the leagues. It's their business plan that worries me and I can see Newco going bust on its way up the leagues. How do they fund the better class of player needed for this steamrollering when they have the upkeep of Ibrox (someone said £3M per month in running costs but that seems a wee bit steep) and Murray Park but with lower crowds, lower TV and advertising revenues and no income from Europe? Someone is going to have to get creative on the commercial side, and I don't mean in the same way as Murray or Whyte. All they have on their side is a larger-than-average fan base - they'll have to keep Ibrox full for the next 3 years if they're to have any chance. And imagine being one of their squad. You've got to think that the majority of their SFL3 squad are likely to be SFL2 class at best but they know they'll get cast aside as soon as The Rangers get promoted - they'll need SFL1 quality when they're in SFL2 and so on. Not sure I'd be happy signing up for that if I had any ambition.
  11. Every so often, I get this wee thought raising it's head and saying "There won't be a Rangers playing in the SPL next season". Just think how ginormous that fact is!!
  12. What's a "die in the wool rangers fan"? I can just about imagine a "die in the wool Dons fan" - that's sorta like snuffing it on the job for them.
  13. Well said, Pressley. A brave man. We've been saying the same since this proposal was first mooted but sometimes it just takes 1 person in a position of influence to get these things out in the open and then the others follow suit.
  14. Cheeky Chappy from Essex By all the laws of t'internet, this'll go pear-shaped.
  15. He must have an ulterior motive for wanting them to stay. He has to pay them this week and again in another 30 days. The chances of getting even 1 player sold and the money in their bank in that timescale are low. So, is he aiming for another liquidation or a closing down sale?
  16. Why restrict yourself to a monotheistic take on the world? This thread is like a pantheon of Greek gods. Jim Spence, Craig Whyte, RTC...
  17. If he doesn't pay the wages, does The Newco go into administration? Or straight to liquidation?
  18. How can the SFA/SPL punish a team that doesn't exist? All they could do was refuse to allow them entry to the league if they were to apply. Oh, aye. I see where you're going...
  19. You don't think Green would go so far as to take this contracts issue to court with the sole intention of pissing off FIFA/UEFA and getting Scotland expelled? Vindictive barsteward, brinksmanship or just doesn't have a clue?
  20. MORIA from the typing pool? Quite appropriate for the Orcs. (A wee Tolkein joke there.)
  21. From the Rangers Media Whittaker & Naismith thread: I can just imagine the pictures in the papers tomorrow - 1, 2 or all 3 of them with cut lips and black eyes.
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