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Everything posted by andylivi1

  1. Do u guys do highlights ? Sorry to rub it in but I'm desperate to see the reaction at the winning goal again, was an incredible feeling in the stand.
  2. Was an excellent weekend away, all Crues fans are a credit to your club, made us feel very welcome all over the city and especially in the club, some right good banter flying about. I'd have forgiven you for having a bit of a grump after the game with the way it finished but no, as we walked around the ground back to the club we got showered by well done's, best of luck and hand shakes, brilliant lads. Obviously winning the way we did made the weekend all the better, but the game itself was poor for 70 minutes, but once we scored it was end to end, we hit on the break 3 or 4 times and instead of our players being greedy they could've passed the ball for an open goal, very frustrating, also at 1-0 we got a corner with 3, 4 minutes to play and instead of running down the clock we chipped a nothing ball to you and you went up and scored. We also rested players btw, the two that came on and changed the game are regulars, Cadden set up the two goals and Mullin scored, and the keeper that played isn't the first choice, clearly he is getting played in this comp though, came from the juniors and is PT. Its amazing how you see the game differently from different perspectives, I though Knox was our poorest player, lightweight and didn't do much at all, I was screaming for the two formentioned players to come on. Again thanks for such great hospitality, best of luck for the season and cup competitions you are in, maybe welcome you to the vale next season.
  3. Good luck today guys, safe journey to those traveling down to Wales. Enjoy your day, we certainly enjoyed our night.
  4. In fairness due to the transfer embargo at the start of his first full season he only had a short period of time to build an entire squad to compete. When he came in the previous year he really turned us around and got us playing some good stuff. His hands where basically tied behind his back and done the best he could with what players he had left available to sign. Deserves another go at it, he's the type of appointment Alloa have been making and fwiw I think he'd do a decent job with them.
  5. I wasn't a Hopkin fan and still have yet to be convinced but he's built a very decent team for this level and we are only a point of the top playing some good football most of the time. We aren't going to win every game, we are 7 games in and have 15 points, that's an acceptable start for me.
  6. Very decent signing that is, only an emergency loan so is that what 90 days or something but more than enough time to make a big impact. Lost a bit of pace I felt last season with us but still very solid. St Mirren didn't come calling btw, he was all set to sign for Alloa and we touted him around other clubs and st Mirren took the chance to sign him, we didn't want him contracted to a divisional rival, that's worked out well.
  7. Aww dammit just came back on here having just booked something up and saw this, oh well hopefully it helps others. Anyway I'm still pretty furious about the decision by the spfl to make this a Friday night and I'm significantly more out of pocket than I would've been plus a day off work (sicky but don't tell) I'll be there, pint ?
  8. Yeh Flybe, cheapest flights are early though. Leaving Edinburgh Friday morning 7:05 arriving 8:00 Leaving Belfast Saturday morning 8:20 arriving 9:10
  9. That is a very kind gesture, I'm really trying to find something, as much as I hate the new format I want to go and watch my team somewhere that I probably won't get to see again. Flights on Friday morning returning Saturday with flybe and found a hotel called ETAP Belfast, know anything about it ? all in £80 which isn't too bad but will now need to go and see if I can get Friday off work, so keep fingers crossed for me.
  10. Most work on a Friday and will struggle to get there before 7:45 on Friday night. Not everyone can afford an overnight stay either, which will now be needed. The club get £4000 towards the costs, there is no way that'll cover a full teams travel and overnight stay either, so club will also be out of pocket.
  11. They are taking the piss aren't they ? Friday night, the small amount of fans that did consider going will probably not be able to attend now due to this shambles of a time and date. Not like the spfl to forget about the fans and bow down to the tv companies.
  12. Tbf for anyone interested in going a day trip by ferry, leaving Stranraer at 11:30 arriving 13:45 and leaving Belfast 19:30 arriving back 21:50, parking the car and walking onto the ferry is only coming to £25 which isn't too bad, hearing the ground is only 10 minutes away from ferry port, but a hell of a long day.
  13. I've already looked at flights, flying out Saturday morning flying back Sunday afternoon £80 add accommodation, match ticket, food and drink you're probably going to hit £200, there really has been no thought for the fans whatsoever by these donkeys incharge of our game.
  14. fwiw I've heard that Gallacher has made it clear that if Livi want him when he's available he'll sign for Livi, he appreciated the support of the club and fans.
  15. Lewis Allan, was on loan to you I believe, we just signed him on loan, thoughts on him would be appreciated ?
  16. Two goals we lost against St Mirren where absolute peaches, and the other a total fluke, we played fantastic against St Mirren. As for the Edinburgh game you've got to beat what's in front of you, it's the kinda game we've struggled in in the past and we eased to victory that night. Listen I'm not and never have been a Hopkin fan but I think it's very unfair to judge this team after losing to Ayr Utd, it was a bad night at the office, players wouldn't be playing at this level if they where consistent all the time, from the pre season friendlies and the two previous cup games there are a lot of positives to take. The league is the most important thing, we where basically 4th seed for the league cup group and will finish 4th.
  17. What utter utter nonsense, you clearly didn't see much of us last season if you don't think we've improved anything. Warranted we struggled tonight but after 20 minutes I bet u where sitting there saying Livi are playing some really tidy stuff here. If you've seen any of the pre season games or the st Mirren or Edinburgh games you'll know we will be up there challenging this season, don't forget Ayr are in a higher league than us. Who gives a duck about Alloa beating Ross County.
  18. Prices for the cup game are £12 and £6 which is quite reasonable. no student gate that I know off.
  19. It doesn't matter what he was offered the compensation goes on what he was paid, like I said I don't know if it's true but from what I was told he was on around £65 a week which means around 3, 3 and a half k a season so we aren't likely to offer any more than 5k. I don't disagree, Airdrie will ofcourse be challengers alongside 3 or 4 others clubs I'd say, from what I've seen from Cadden so far I'm absolutely delighted to have him here at Livingston.
  20. Out of interest what do you think Cadden is worth ? From what I've been told (no idea if true) he was on £65 a week, so a seasons wages would be around £3000 odd, is the compo not based on what the clubs paid in wages, so yeh I agree £500 is ludicrous but it's not going to be much more than 3 or 4K is it ? Cadden has easily been the best signing we've made, looks absolutely menacing, ran St Mirren ragged today, actually thought Lithgow and Crighton had a decent game today but yeh I'm still to be convinced, although they handled today well and we won't come up against players like Sutton and Clarkson in league 1 anyway should certainly make for an interesting season anyway.
  21. We are constantly being told we are insignificant in Scottish football by others (no Livi fan is disagreeing btw) but yet they all find the time to post shite in this part of the forum rather than concentrate on there own team. Best of luck with your season, how's Hugo getting on ?
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