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Everything posted by andylivi1

  1. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/livingston-were-toxic-brink-now-10295621?utm_source=Direct
  2. 2 points less isn't it ? We finished with 83 that season can only get 81 But we have scored more goals this season in all competitions 92 than we did in that season 84, although we played 7 more cup games this season.
  3. Don't like to read into things to much but he just liked my tweet....
  4. Craig Halkett signs on for another season, delightful news tonight to keep the positivity coming Hopefully next to sign on the dotted line will be Longridge, Gallagher, Byrne, Jacobs and Buchanan.
  5. It all seems fairly positive which is unusual, getting the fans involved is a step forward, engaging the fan base with the club has been lacking for years now. Very early stages so will wait and see what the plans are when this is all confirmed but stability for the first time in a long time seems to be the overriding feeling right now. Only time will tell though.
  6. John Ward, the same John Ward that owns Krafty Brew and had previous connections to Fasteq also ? Could be a shout that, clearly wants to be involved with the club.
  7. I've been told that we will be having an official POTY night on the 29th after the Peterhead home game, but nothing official yet.
  8. "He's missed two penalties" sometimes I really worry about the sanity of some of our fans, all players miss penalties, all players miss chances but his record speaks for itself, chances are he'll be close to 30 goals for the season when it all ends, an incredible record at any level of the game.
  9. I just don't see how Buchanan couldn't win it, not only is he our top goal scorer but he's the leagues top goal scorer, he's just Broken Russell's club record of goals scored in a season, what more does he have to do ? I can understand why Pittmans being talked about he's been excellent as well, but I think him and Byrne have both been equally as affective. Halkett has been the standout defender, he looks so much more complete at CB and has looked far more comfortable, he would be my 2nd choice with Pitts and Byrne not being far behind.
  10. The two that I'd have voted for came out on top, Halkett young player of the year and Liam Buchanan as Player of the year. Its difficult to take results of a twitter poll seriously though as it all depends who retweets, for example I think a family member of Craig Retweeted, Scott Pittman isn't on twitter at all, A Dunfermline fan retweeted also so I'm guessing results might be a bit different in an official poll.
  11. Couldn't have got much closer on the POTY poll, just a couple votes separated the top 2. Winner of the POTY poll was Liam Buchanan, 2nd Craig Halkett, 3rd was Shaun Byrne, 4th Scott Pittman.
  12. It couldn't really have happened at a worse time either, regular sports reporter Callum Carson is on holiday, he would've had a lot going on for it, the guy who's editing the sports pages for the next fortnight is just standing in. Id like to think that the club may be looking at letting under 16s in for free or something like that.
  13. Craig Halkett wins young player of the year by getting 53% of the votes on the unofficial poll, Danny Mullen 2nd on 34% with Nicky Cadden on 10% and Jackson Longridge getting 3% of the votes. Still 24hrs to run on the player of the year poll but nothing separating Craig Halkett and Liam Buchanan who are both on 31%, Shaun Byrne has 23% and Scott Pittman 15%
  14. Said exactly the same thing when I saw that, funded by a Glasgow gangster I believe so would fit in with the clubs profile
  15. With a bit of luck whoever it is has millions and is building us a new ground....I know, wishful thinking
  16. I wasn't sure if he had 60% or not, was just off the top of my head so going by SD's knowledge that he has 40% then as far as I'm aware it's his share he's selling, so his 40% again no idea who too though, and at this stage it is just rumours.
  17. It was my understanding that Nixon's shares where bought out but I've no idea if that's the case or not. I believe that Gordon Ford is selling his shares 40 % he's got I think, maybe someone can confirm ? No idea who the buyer is though but all rumours point to someone local.
  18. I think there has possibly been a few family, and Dunfermline fans voted on the poll, it was retweeted by someone close to Shaun, so makes it quite difficult to judge. Before it was retweeted there was nothing separating Buchanan, Halkett and Pittman.
  19. It's coming to that time of the season where we have to pick our poty and ypoty, tough choice this year. Ive done a wee poll on twitter @Andrewandylivi if you got twitter go vote. I selected Liam Buchanan, Craig Halkett, Scott Pittman and Shaun Byrne as my 4 nominees for poty, do you agree ? Who would you choose ? As for ypoty, I went for Craig Halkett, Nicky Cadden, Jackson Longridge, Danny Mullen, again are those the correct nominees ? Who would you choose ? My selections would probably be Liam Buchanan for poty and Craig Halkett for ypoty.
  20. Aww completely, any take over (especially here at Livi) will make the fans suspicious especially with our past of having mad men at the helm, but let's not get too far ahead, it may not be a takeover at all, but early indications are this is what it may be. Im not going to lie, I've spoken to David Martindale a few times and he genuinely comes across really well, extremely passionate and as if he knows what he's doing, I'm not saying it's right what's going on but I do feel that if there was transparency there between fans and club then it wouldn't be as big an issue for most. Last bit is bang on, we have to look at every possibility to get out of Almondvale, as you say talk to the supporters trust again and get them more involved in the running of the club from the top, and be open with the fans.
  21. Glad to get something right for a change, an excellent return from those 6 tough games. I'm still here though, I didn't win the Euro millions so unfortunately I'm not the new owner
  22. Apparantly its someone local with the club at heart, although we've been told that before mind you. Again at this stage it's all just rumours and hear say but I'm sure your initial reaction like most was, aww here we go again, so this is a lot more positive than that, let's see what happens.
  23. Rumour has it it's a takeover, but as I say that's just a rumour. Ive been told that for a change the meeting has been called and there is going to be good positive news coming out the club for a change rather than bad news that I'm sure most thought when they saw the announcement. Only time will tell though.
  24. I'll let you know how I get on, or not depends if I win or not
  25. Here's at wee stat for you guys tonight, was looking through our fixtures and incredibly in our last 12 games we've only lost 3 times....all 3 defeats have been from East Fife Well done guys on a fantastic season, hope you make the playoffs but I hope you fail to get promoted, for obvious reasons, I don't think I could take another beating from you lot
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