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Everything posted by andylivi1

  1. Will approach this signing with an open mind, he’s not getting glowing reports from Raith Rovers fans but they didn’t have David Hopkin as manager Time will tell if this is a decent addition or not, given Hoppy’s good track record of signings then I have faith in this one too.
  2. Centre back is a position we certainly need cover for, especially playing 3 at the back, as we only have 3 CB’s in the squad. This weekend for example I’m sure Gallagher is suspended which means we don’t have proper cover for that position.
  3. Not heard anything, what have you heard ? I did think about Jordan Kirkpatrick as a possible player for us to look at but that’s purely me thinking that, there is no rumours regarding him. Apparently we are 1 of 4 Championship teams to be interested in Conrad Balatoni, but apart from that not heard anything else.
  4. I know he’s still young but he’s not done it for me and really don’t see what all the hype is about. Said it from day one that I’ve not seen anything from him that encourages me, I’ve watched in him in quite a few reserve games and even there he’s not a stand out. Mcnulty, Griffiths, Scougall, Dorrans all showed far more at his age, if he was good enough he’d be playing. Regarding signings i see we are trying to bring in 2 or 3 but the same number will likely go, so who’s for the chop ? Carrick ? I like him but if we sign another striker he’s probably going to be one. Peters ? I know he’s not even here atm but he’s not exactly setting the heather alight in the league below, is he even playing ? A few of the young lads ? Think we certainly need a centre back as cover, I notice Balatoni is available after being released by Falkirk, think he would be a very good player to bring in but think like Austin there will be a few in for him and it may come down to money. A striker is obviously something else Hoppy is looking at considering he went for Austin. Boyd loan extended to the end of the season and a possibility of the lad McMillan signing permanently ?
  5. Good luck to the lad, been excellent in his spell here and I’m sure he will develop and hopefully get games in the Premiership, he is good enough imo. Big boots to fill, but I have confidence in Hoppy to bring in 1 or 2 to replace the ones departing.
  6. It’s 3pm kick off isn’t it ? I agree though it’s not the best time to have a full set of fixtures, during the holidays, many families visiting, plus struggling finacially.
  7. Tuesdays game against Inverness has the makings of a big game for both clubs, Inverness win they’ll fancy making the playoffs, we win we put distance between us and them. Sad that we can’t take a bus to the game, hopefully a few make it up in cars.
  8. This kind of talk fuels uneccasarry and unfounded speculation that really isn’t needed at a time when the club and fans are all pulling in the same direction and things are going fairly well compared to our recent history, this is the sort of thing that splits fan bases and unsettle players. I understand that it needs talked about, I understand some fans worries, we all care about our football club and want what’s best for it, but having spoken to a fair few of the directors and John Ward on many occasions I’m very comfortable with the direction the club is heading.
  9. I know what you’re saying but have a little faith, play the long game... I believe in John and I believe the club is heading in the right direction.
  10. Having spoken to John Ward on a few occasions now I believe he is very much the right man to move us forward. He is running the club like a business, he has a habit of taking over struggling businesses and turning them around. He is a local man who I believe has the best intentions for the club, we had a budget this season, we’ve stuck to it, even when it may have been tempting to go and get Andy Ryan for example we said no we have a budget, in the past that probably wouldn’t have been the case. We are very much stable finacially right now with the right people incharge looking to take us forward.
  11. £800pw plus a House, blew us out the water compared to what we offered apparantly.
  12. Got told the deal to bring Austin to Livi was done and hands shaken but Raith Rovers and Inverness came in last minute and offered him more money with the later offering substantially more.
  13. Also hearing this along with Pittman, 2 year deals. Also hearing Austin was in line to sign for us but Inverness have nipped in and offered silly money for him and that’s now his likely destination.
  14. The only people coming away with these stories are opposition fans, no truth in it what so ever.
  15. I did state on every occasion that we remember it was just a rumour and there was nothing really to substantiate it other than Falkirk had been looking at him and with rumours of us getting Austin it would make sense that it could be a swap deal.
  16. I’ve been told Pittman going nowhere so we can all breath a little easier, as I said earlier it was just a rumour and turns out not to be the casex hopefully. Austin I’ve no idea if it’s true or not.
  17. I’m not accepting, if this is true i’d be just as gutted to lose Pitts as you and every other Livi fan, but I can understand why we would look to maximise the deal by bringing in a player in a position we’ve really been crying out for. I hope like yourself though that this discussion won’t mean anything and this doesn’t actually happen.
  18. I’m not saying Austin is being brought in to replace Pittman I’m saying we’ve been shouting about an out and out striker all season, Mullen wasn’t even that as much as he was very good at what he done he wasn’t prolific. Austin may just fit that mould. Penrice although yes has played in midfield for us has played wing back the last couple of occasions, and can be replaced by Longridge who I think gets undeserved criticism and Cadden, and Pitts if indeed he does go can be replaced by Keags. That is all before we bring anyone else in which I’m sure Hoppy will be wanting to do. I don’t want him to go, far from it but if Austin is brought in and scored a few goals and helps get us to the playoffs then imo it would be a good deal, if we fail to make the playoffs yes it would be disappointing but no one would know if keeping Pitts would’ve made the difference or not.
  19. Who’s to say this won’t improve the squad ? Yes Austin hasn’t been great for Falkirk this season but who has ? A fresh start may get him back to the form that had Aberdeen, Motherwell and Dundee after him and I believe Hoppy would be the right kind of manager to get the best out of him, who’s to say his goals won’t help us to the playoffs ? I love Pittman, he’s a very good player but weren’t we all saying we really lack a proper striker in the side ? Could this be the answer ? Our strongest area of the side is in Midfield, we have Jacobs ready to step in and we know how good he can be, we also have Robinson who has a decent record who can step in, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Hoppy would be looking to replace Pitts if indeed this rumour is true. Hoppy’s transfers have been good up to now and I trust him to get things right. As ive said, it’s important to point out this is just a rumour, I’ve nothing to substantiate it so we will all have to wait and see. Btw I’d much rather see us keep Pitts myself, but no one knows how this will affect our season.
  20. Pittman is a great player, I am slightly surprised that Falkirk are interested though because he is a very similar midfielder to what they have now, breaks up the play well, starts things off and doesn’t give the ball away very often but doesn’t get forward as much as he should, perhaps that’s down to the style of play we play right enough but strikes me as a very similar player to what Falkirk already have.
  21. Tbf we don’t know if Pittman is similar to Danny Mullen that he doesn’t want to commit to a new contract and we want to get something or someone for him rather than losing him for nothing in the summer ? I get what you are saying, it would be disappointing to lose someone like Pittman but in Midfield we are pretty strong and I’d imagine Hoppy would be looking to bring someone in to cover Pitts if the rumour is indeed true. On the possible signing of Austin, it wasn’t long ago he was a wanted man in Scottish football, yes he’s struggled this season but the whole of the Falkirk side has struggled, I’ve liked the look of him everytime he’s came up against us and I recon Hoppy would really get him playing. Only time will tell though.
  22. I heard a rumour that Scott Pittman was being lined up by Falkirk so if we are looking at Nathan Austin then it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a swap deal or something. Personally I’d rather we kept Pittman as he really is our driving force in midfield but it’s another scenario like Danny Mullen, he’s out of contract in the summer and may want to look at his options, the club maybe want to get something or someone for him. Only time will tell.
  23. I think if this was going to be the case it wouldn’t surprise me to see someone going the other way...I heard a small rumour that Scott Pittman was being lined up by Falkirk, so that would make sense. Personally I’d rather keep Pittman. Before people jump on it, I have to make clear it’s just a rumour I heard.
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