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Everything posted by andylivi1

  1. It’s all starting to become a bit of a nonsense now, I get we want him to stay, I’m desperate for him to stay but how long are we going to wait ? We've already lost Josh Mullin, we have a few others that can’t wait forever on a new contract and will want to sort themselves out sooner rather than later. Meanwhile Hoppy’s away on holiday to have a think about it all. Really isn’t great and if we are underdogs in the top flight now we will be even more so if this isn’t sorted very very soon.
  2. So tomorrow is the day we will find out what’s happening, I’m beginning to lose hope he’s staying. Atleast we will know one way or another.
  3. And the exodus begins, hurry up and sort this manager nonsense out, or we will lose our players to other clubs and be left in a bit of a mess heading into the premiership which already looks tough.
  4. Tbf its done exactly what’s it’s designed to do...draw attention to the club, good or bad it doesn’t matter, people are now talking about Livingston Football Club
  5. God can we not have one full season and post season that is nice and easy. Hoppy linked with Carlisle, rejected, then back on, rejected again. Linked with Morton, goes quiet, all of a sudden he’s 2/5 favourite and rumours he’s going to be announced as manager as early as today, Today comes, he’s turned Morton down. He’s now wanted by St Mirren to replace Jack Ross. Give us a break ffs.
  6. So now been told it’s cancelled until next week, all points to Hopkin. Sounds to me like Morton have all there eggs in one basket and are confident Hoppy is heading down Greenock way.
  7. The thing is I’ve watched him quite often in the youth team and he doesn’t stand out for me at all. Hes just not progressed, I truly hope he proves me wrong because he seems like a good lad but it’s not happening for him and a move could be the best thing for both parties.
  8. Im told there will be a press conference tomorrow to announce the new manager of Morton....not a clue if it’s Hopkin or not though.
  9. I’m also hearing these rumours about Hoppy to you guys, nothing set in stone though, he’s talking to us on Friday so I suspect either way it will all become a bit clearer then. Seems a strange one if he does move on, a very tough looking championship next season and likelyhood is he’s not going to increase his stock with Morton any, obviously the heart strings are being pulled a little bit here. Only time will tell, I hope it’s all nonsense and he stays with us but if he doesn’t he will always be considered a legend for the way he’s turned us around.
  10. Hearing there is something in these rumours linking Hoppy with Morton. I really don’t get it if he decides to go, Morton will be one of the teams next season that I can see being a bit meh, too good to go down, not good enough to challenge the top 5 teams. Lets hope he sees some sense and sticks with us next season, will just have to wait and see.
  11. I was an emotional wreck still am, what a remarkable achievement. Home and away like many of you ive followed this club, through the good and the darn right ridiculous but we’ve always been there and days like yesterday make it all worth while. Its still sinking in, my head is still bouncing from last night and I fear I dreamed the whole thing.
  12. You are about a fortnight late with this news, we’ve known about this for weeks.
  13. He is, or atleast up there, an outside investor is paying his wage and it’s well over 2k a week, plus £500 a goal, I don’t really know why QoS fans are touchy about it all, if we had an outside influence paying for Hardie’s wage next season I’d not be overly bothered as long as it wasn’t affecting the clubs finances overall.
  14. More than welcome to join us all again on Thursday, same time, same place. Lets get the place rocking yet again.
  15. It was said that if we installed an artificial pitch we would be making 100K a year off of that, with that in mind it really is a no brainer for a club like us who are constantly looking for ways to make money. As long as it’s a decent standard like Falkirk and not the shit that Kilmarnock, QoS have then I’m happy.
  16. Said before it’s all relative in terms of home support to away support, we have a core 700-1000 home fans, so last weekend we took 300+ to Dundee which is a very good ratio, if we take similar numbers to dunfermline or Dundee on Monday night, again that is very good for us. Crowd w**k all you want, we have the support we have, we follow our club just as passionately as the biggest supported clubs in the country. If we do do the unimaginable and get promoted the seethe from Scottish football fans will be joyous, little Livi and little Hamilton in the top flight.
  17. The last bit is certainly true of past regimes but the current one stuck by Hoppy when we were relegated to League 1 despite pressure from the fans to sack him.
  18. Hoppy owns about 40 properties across the country, financially he is very secure, he wont leave for the money. Morton ofcourse will pull the heart strings but I’m not convinced that would be the best move for him, I don’t really see him taking Morton any further than us imo, plus it took him a season to really get us properly going, would the Morton fans be patient and accept that ? Have to say though that this speculation couldn’t have come at a worse time, heading into our biggest games in a century and doubt hanging over the manager, that’s never good preparation.
  19. Brilliant news this, a great boost heading into the playoffs, hopefully more to come too.
  20. Stupid question. Fwiw I was told that Pitts is very happy at the club, has bought a house in the area and is expecting his first child and is looking for stability which we can offer him. Byrne is as dedicated a player as I’ve ever seen at the club, he’s been through a fairly tough time and the club stood by him, I think he will stick by the club. Lets just enjoy the rest of the season and the playoff games and see what happens after that.
  21. Really disappointed with how the Boyd signing went, I was genuinely excited by the prospect of him, but it just didn’t work out, good move by both parties ending the deal early. As for Lithgow, it’s a brilliant start to extending contracts, he’s been tremendous for us this season, the fact he’s some people’s pick for player of the year and rightly so tells a story in itself. Solid defensively and his long throw ins alone are a real asset, add to that his goal scoring capabilities it’s great to have him for the next 2 seasons. Thats him and Gallagher both signed up for next season, that’s a decent start to building that defence again. Looking forward to seeing who’s next.
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