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Everything posted by andylivi1

  1. And Sir David Hopkin will return the lad as a super star ready for your European campaign.
  2. Adam Frizzell has joined us on loan until the end of the season, what can we expect from the lad ?
  3. Did St Mirren and Falkirk not agree to play on that date instead of the Tuesday night fixtures ? Would’ve thought if anyone was thinking at all that it wouldn’t be the best idea. Dont think it really matters, the league is yours, not really getting the pessimism from Saints fans at all, you’d need to lose 4 of the last 9 games and us to win all of them to get near you, given you’ve only lost 5 all season I don’t think that’s going to happen.
  4. A few years ago when we played Alloa in Perth Petrofac the sponsor done a sublime job of doing exactly as you say. They used the training pitch behind the ground and set up a stand with live bands, had food and drink, plenty things for the kids to do, had two club legends (one from each team) discussing the game and bring out the trophy, the atmosphere was terrific, best day out I’ve had at the football in a long time, helped that it was about 20 degrees that day too. Guys at Petrofac really done a sensational job on the lead up promoting the game and the pre match entertainment. Hope they do something similar for you guys.
  5. Im not convinced, I recon Shaun Byrne is enjoying it here and would be very open to an extended contract, same goes for Pittman. Halkett is a different story, I think although he’s enjoying it here he’ll be inundated with offers and will have a big decision to make. Only way we are possibly keeping him is if we do the unthinkable and win promotion, but even then I think we may be struggling. Josh Mullin too, I think if there’s an offer on the table he will think seriously about signing it, the team just now are so close and I think that gives us a chance of keeping these players. Ofcourse I wouldnt grudge any of them moving but I’d love to keep these guys here a bit longer and maybe do something special, I get the feeling a lot of these players are also buying into that.
  6. He is injured, not entirely sure what’s wrong mind you. Shows the strength we have that he’s sitting in the stand at the moment and our bench is still as strong as it is.
  7. Plenty effort and commitment, will give you 100% every time he plays, always appreciates the fans, but a bit clumsy, liable to give lots of fouls away. He’s a bit raw but could do a job for anyone in this league outwith the top 2. He’s also a good utility player to have, can also play CB if you are struggling with injuries, suspensions. Having said all that, I think the four options we have are better and that’s the reason we sent him back to Hearts, as he wouldn’t get much game time.
  8. Makes sense tbh, Think it’s a good thing for Mackin, his game time will be reduced quite significantly with the signings we’ve made and he really needs to play. Same with Todorov, think he’s slipped quite far down the pecking order now and wouldn’t surprise me if it’s been a mutual decision by both clubs to terminate the loan.
  9. I think you are venting your frustration at the wrong people the wrong way, it’s not the fans fault Ross was let go, and I don’t think it’s helping that you come on here and have a go at us. I think nearly all Livi fans were disapointed he was let go and wasn’t given a chance but such is Football and as has been said it’s a business at the end of the day. I’m glad he found a club so quickly and I hope he does really well at airdrie and bounces back stronger.
  10. Think with our attacking options now Robinson could drop back into the middle of the park. We have so many options now, think the obvious choice would be Cadden to replace Longridge, Jacobs into the middle to replace Byrne and Mullin in to rwb, that will keep Gallagher in a defensive midfield role and keep Buchanan at the back. I’d say Hardie is now our number 1 attacking option so who do we play alongside him ? I’d go Robinson or Boyd but we also have Mackin, Miller and Todorov to choose from too. Lets not forget De Vita too who’s been one of our best performers this season. These signings really give Hoppy a bit of a selection headache, but a good one.
  11. We’ve actually cut the monthly wage bill by 1k with the comings and goings this month.
  12. What a January it’s been for the Club, when you look at the squad now we have real strength and depth all over the pitch, I’m struggling to pick a best 11. Well done to all at the club for bringing these guys in. I’m also told that with all the comings and goings we’ve actually cut 1k a month off the wage bill, which considering the players we’ve brought in is quite an effort.
  13. Jack McMillan officially announced on 18 month deal. Really like the business we are doing in this window. And Lee Miller now too.
  14. Keep an eye on social media and the official site at 7pm this evening.....
  15. It’s fairly obvious we had to get shot of 2 or 3 before we brought anyone in, we’ve let Mullen, Carrick, Brown and Peters go and brought in Buchanan, Thomson and Boyd, two on loan so probably room for two more Id think. I’d like to think we have players lined up as replacements.
  16. I’ve seen Knox a fair few times for the reserves and I’m sad to say he’s not standing out at that level, I’ve no doubt he has potential but if he’s not doing it in the reserves he doesn’t deserve to be playing in the first team. We got 25k for Danny Mullen, considering he would’ve gone for nothing is a brilliant bit of business.
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