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Everything posted by andylivi1

  1. Before anyone has a go I’m not on to stir anything, this has all came out the blue and I’m sure a few of you are still in shock...I see Hoppys name mentioned and rightly so but... I was told he really wanted to return to Morton before you appointed McKinnon, he held talks and was the clubs first choice, but he wasn’t impressed with what he saw off the park, I’ve no idea what that means and im not going to even hazard a guess as to the work going on behind the scenes just passing on what I was told and wondered if this had a bearing on Mckinnon leaving so soon after being appointed. If he does change his mind and takes the job because I’m sure he will be offered it, I really wish you all the best, Hoppy is rightly a Livi legend for what he done at my club and with that is a genuinely nice guy that will get the best out of players and bring everyone together.
  2. Should be a bumper crowd tomorrow, just popped down to get my mate a ticket and they told me the home stand will have well over 2k so almost full, Hibs been given 4K tickets too. Lets get the same atmosphere going as the playoff games.
  3. As has been said Brown has or will be sent back to Millwall, he was brought in as a favour to an agent by Kenny Miller and isn’t rated as what was made out to be. I personally think the more squad depth we have the better, Burns will do a job and with his ability to play numerous positions will come in handy, somewhat like Penrice last season, hopefully he’s as much of a success as Penrice was. I think a striker is about all we need now so be interesting who we look to bring in, if we could get Smith it would be an incredible coup for the club, I’m not holding my breath on that one though.
  4. He is a striker isn’t he ? At the very least a number 10
  5. Hearing rumours about us being interested in the lad Cammy Smith from St mirren who has supposedly fallen out with Stubbs.
  6. Yep Holt all but confirmed as far as I’m aware, will be in by Friday. I was told before we appointed Miller, Holt was very impressive, and no one had a bad word to say about him, begs the question why we didn’t give him the contract in the first place instead of taking a chance on Kenny Miller. Plus it cost me near on £400 cos I lumped on Holt in the first place
  7. Wait until you see who’s linked in tomorrow’s paper.... Im gonna leave you guessing for now but it’s hilarious and absolute nonsense, up there with Larsson being continuenly pushed despite being told it wasnt happening. Honestly it’s brilliant
  8. If what I’m being told is true then the club have 100% done the right thing in cutting our ties with Miller this early even if it makes the club look bad. I said from the very beginning that his ego would be far too big for the club and it would appear that’s been the case. I can’t go too much into things but the whole 4,4,1 Kenny patter wasn’t far from the truth.
  9. Hearing Alan Lithgow is going on a celebratory wanking tour of the central belt cos he might get back in the team now. Just speculation for now.
  10. Tbf I was expecting it to be a forward player myself just going by Kenny Miller’s press conference. Last thing I expecting was a right back, hearing he can play further forward in the midfield too but aye still not ideal.
  11. I believe this signing was going to be announced tomorrow, not sure that’ll be the case now
  12. His sources didn’t come from the club, the info came from elsewhere and when he delved further was told by the club that it just wasn’t true. The other signing that Miller is quoted talking about I believe is a loan from a club down south but that’s as much as I know right now.
  13. Wouldn’t say embarrassing, floodlight failure happens quite a lot, not much you can do about it, just one of those things, was told the club phoned the electricity company and got told it would take up to 4 hours for an engineer to come out. The ref was told this but took the chance to start the game anyway. It was a real shame because the young lads were putting on a real good show, played some lovely football and was really enjoyable, Forfar on the other hand looked dreadful and won’t be anywhere near as bad I wouldn’t have thought in the rearranged game next Tuesday.
  14. Didn’t think we were lucky to pick up a point at all, it was a nothing game with two pretty evenly matched teams who cancelled each other out, felt we had the better of the first half and then the 2nd, draw was the fair result. I think Lithgow might play tomorrow night for the colts along with Stewart in goals and perhaps McMillan, think we are allowed 3 over age players aren’t we ? Add in Knox, Blues and Hamilton we might actually have a decent side out to watch tomorrow.
  15. Well cats out the bag, that’s yer 3rd signing i mentioned a couple weeks ago.
  16. Don’t be down on yourself, we diddy clubs are still in the premiership, don’t forget that. We stand together #Diddyalliance
  17. I was told 1100 the other day which is double last season, think they were aiming for 1250 so not far off.
  18. I'm taking a guess it's Quitongo? Nah, think he’s just doing his rehab with us, think that deal is dead, it’s someone else.
  19. The player was sat with our injured players in the stand on Saturday, I’m not entirely sure what the hold up is.
  20. So that’s 1 winger and the defender on loan signed. 1 left to go, unsure if it’ll be announced tomorrow or not, the deal still to be finalised.
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