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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Demons 2 - an entertaining mix of pus, corrosive blood, sweaty muscle men, and appalling Eighties music and fashion. Nicely straddles the line between stupid and ridiculous, and is quite acceptable if you're in the mood for a gruesome, yet silly evening. Also, this guy's awesome, though I'm not quite sure why.
  2. House of the Dead - on a positive note, I remember Alone in the Dark being worse than this. Pretty faithful to the video game, in that neither has much plot. Twentysomethings head for an island, then OMG UNCONVINCING ZOMBIES! Has all the artistic merit of a movie designed purely to make cash, masterminded by a director who has made a career out of optioning b-grade video game titles, presumably because the publishers actually paid him for the unexpected publicity. It looks like it might be funny-bad at the start due to the terrible delivery of poor dialogue, but quickly slides into a turgid, boring soup of apathy. Plenty of mediocre tits though. Completely by accident, this is the third Jonathan Cherry movie I've seen in the last two weeks. This was the only one on the IMDB's Worst 100, however, so yay for him.
  3. Buried Alive - sought this out as it was Frank Darabont's first feature as director, and he's awesome. Works quite well as the opening of a double feature, as it's an entertaining wee potboiler, but nothing really special. Also, Billy's dad from Gremlins! Don't remember ever seeing him in anything else. The Ruins - one of the better killer plant movies Felt seriously trolled when...
  4. BigFatTabbyWife loves this movie. Always managed to raise a smile on long car journey with a bit of, "we can't stop here, this is bat country!" back in the day. Alright, I like it too
  5. Mirrors 2 - no worse than the first, which was ok-ish. The wife tells me that the Korean original is better. Incidentally, did they ever find Nick Stahl, or is he still roaming the wilderness in a drug-induced frenzy, terrifying the simple Californian folk with his tales of cyborgs and agonising castration? Saw Sinister again last night too, and maybe enjoyed it more than the first time. Has quite a nasty underlying tone, and the score is nicely effective. Looking forward to the sequel now, despite the likelihood of extreme suckage.
  6. Just watched 'They' again with the wife and nipper. Not bad, has its moments, but could've been better. The alternate ending is much better than the original. This is the one I'm talking about: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0283632/. Thought I should clarify as there's a ton of movies with titles in the vein of They! Them! It! Those! Which? They Buggers O'er There! Et cetera.
  7. If you're surprised by his casting there, you might want to check out Mr Brooks (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780571/). Pretty decent film, and he certainly isn't bad.
  8. Those last three games look hellish. Anything less than wins against Raith and Morton and we might still be involved until the bitter end. Cowden's fixtures are probably worse, thankfully. Sod it; we'll be safe with three games to go, why not.
  9. Was in the mood for some bad sci-fi action last night, so watched the copy of The Core that we picked up from CEX for 50p. Thoroughly entertaining, if you lke silly movies. Wouldn't pay more than 50p though. Incidentally, has Hilary Swank popped up on the 'Pass or Smash' thread? Would be interested to hear the opinions of the P&B massive.
  10. Bit of a relief to have a Pixar film that didn't make the tears well up, TBH. They're too good at it. MU was interesting as it won me over as the film went on, and ended on a real high. Loved the credits tune. Agree with The Incredibles sequel, but you're not looking forward to Finding Dory? Bad Squishy!
  11. Took the wean and family to this yesterday. Wanted to die within the first twenty minutes. Everything that is hateful about Disney movies wrapped up in a nasty wee parcel. Kid loved it though. Bah, humbug!
  12. Couldn't sleep - decided to watch Xtro 2, as we watched the original a few nights ago. Indescribable cack. Makes the original look competent.
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