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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Give the fisting a break for a wee while and you'll be fine. Bonus: maybe her "Channel Tunnel" will tighten up a bit too
  2. You were thinking of Part 6: Jason Lives. Watching it right now under duress. It's decent though, you're not wrong. The Bond thing got a good laugh from those old enough to know what it was a reference to. Also, your old posts - I remembers them
  3. One of the current headline stories on BBC Sport - "England knocked out of World Cup". I know they're getting some practice in early, but it surely wouldn't have been that hard to include "Hockey" or "Women" in the strapline. Thought I'd had a two-week long blackout.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/27741310 Pretty impressive title, considering that the man at no point gives any indication about why he'd have a grudge in the first place Do we think Craig Levein still holds any grudges?
  5. Just noticed the way you typed the title, and I think we both downloaded the same dodgy copy Everyone here quite liked it, TBH. The ending could've been stronger, but could've been a lot worse too. Having said that, my standards are pretty low, and the family are used to being subjected to much worse Oh, Jeffrey Combs was almost unrecognisable; pretty impressed with him lately. Really don't get the big deal about Sasha Grey though. She stuck out like...well, a porn star in a room of actual actors.
  6. Just so's you know, I fancied the sound of this from your recommendation, and have it downloaded for tonight's entertainment. You have touched me with your words, sir! Edit: bollocks, just noticed the score
  7. I live in the sticks, relatively, so I've never seen this. If it's already branded by Virgin, where do they put the "name"? Also, no jibes about living in the sticks and relatives, ya bassa
  8. Does she work in IT? If so, then yes, I'd say that your posts are being monitored. Also, you'll never know if you don't try.
  9. Used to see a lot of them in Kent that had obviously been made disabled by humans...bodies tied up with wire, bits of metal jammed through their beaks so they couldn't open them, that kind of thing. Lots lying around in the street that looked like they'd been kicked to death. Bunch of fucking savages in that town.
  10. Don't make the mistake of reading the book first; the film can come across as weak sauce by comparison. Still pisses all over King's TV version, however.
  11. When I typed that, I genuinely thought, "Mozza ought to be on soon".
  12. Alright, seeing as how we're doing the wrongly-priced DVD bit...I managed to get more than $200 worth of DVDs for free from a branch of Best Buy in the States. Someone had priced the entire Anchor Bay catalogue at $0.00, so I took one of everything up with my actual purchases, just to chance my arm. The girl on the checkout called over the manager, who looked perplexed, but let me have them without even pausing. Wouldn't even have argued if she'd said no. What a glorious day it was...*sob*
  13. The family are currently on a Nightmare on Elm Street bender. Really not enjoying it much.
  14. There's a Panorama episode in this, if you play your cards right.
  15. It's got to be close, to be fair to him. Add ours to the total and you might have a winner
  16. That's bizarre. Who puts their wallet down in a public place and expects it to be there when they return? He didn't take his trousers and pants off too, did he? I've seen that before - very peculiar urinal behaviour IMO.
  17. I don't get the attitude with that - I'd be expecting the store detectives to be chasing me. If you're that thirsty/hungry, why didn't you buy something when you first arrived? Oh, I forgot, you're a princess
  18. Didn't realise that had been remade; I remember it being good. Need to look up the ending now, brain didn't keep that part.
  19. People who put their loaf of bread at the far end of the conveyor belt at the supermarket till, even if the thing is almost empty. What the f**k is that all about? Some kind of dominance thing? "The belt is mine, even if only for a few minutes! Mwahaha!" These are the c***s that won't pass you one of the divider things either, until you stab them to death push your shopping up against theirs. Can't grab one fast enough then.
  20. Into the Mirror - Korean supernatural mystery, later remade as the more straightforward horror film Mirrors in the US. This is a much more clever film than the remake, and is more enjoyable too. Interestingly, the remake's sequel (Mirrors 2) follows the plot of the original far more closely, but is still nowhere near as good. Jack Reacher - very nice conspiracy thriller. Certainly sounds like Tom Cruise was terribly miscast, but he's his usual charming/smarmy self (delete as appropriate), and was quite engaging IMO. Excellent action sequences, an engaging story, and a nice line in humour. Quite looking forward to seeing a sequel. Oh, and Rosamund Pike looks bustier than she used to, which was quite entertaining on its (their?) own. X-Men: Days of Future Past - Quality sequel and prequel to different movies in the series. No point in discussing the plot; if you've enjoyed prior X-Men films then you should just go and see this, as it's quite excellent, and does a nice job of tying X-Men: First Class in with the other films. Probably not a great introduction to the series, however.
  21. Be interested to know what you thought on a more recent viewing...
  22. Heading to Lovefilm right now! Huh...there are a surprising number of films with "b*****d" in the title...
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