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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Bit of a relief to have a Pixar film that didn't make the tears well up, TBH. They're too good at it. MU was interesting as it won me over as the film went on, and ended on a real high. Loved the credits tune. Agree with The Incredibles sequel, but you're not looking forward to Finding Dory? Bad Squishy!
  2. Took the wean and family to this yesterday. Wanted to die within the first twenty minutes. Everything that is hateful about Disney movies wrapped up in a nasty wee parcel. Kid loved it though. Bah, humbug!
  3. Couldn't sleep - decided to watch Xtro 2, as we watched the original a few nights ago. Indescribable cack. Makes the original look competent.
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