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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Quite a few jags fans on our site saying they have emailed the chairman to ask for ST refunds after his DR article yesterday and pending the outcome of what our club votes for (if it comes to that) Well done lads
  2. After our chairmans comments in the Record yesterday about him being happy to accept NEWCO into a revamped SPHell 2 he has been left in no doubt about his fans feelings about his comments, on our fans website. He has been strongly advised that ST will not be renewed and long serving fans will be walking away from the club (me included) if he votes to allow the cheating southside scum into SPHell 2. He has also been advised to look at the survey on our website where 96% of our fans have said that NEWCO must be demoted to Div 3 or be permanently kicked out of Scottish football. Time to listen to your supporters Mr Beattie!!
  3. Time for the two GREEN teams to put GREEN and the Orcs out of their misery. What a great way for the weekend to start!!
  4. The Record is hilarious this morning, every article on the subject (especially Mark Hatefigure's) is saying what a disaster it will be if NEWCO drop into Div 1....dont worry guys, it aint gonna happen....its Div 3 for you lot, AT BEST!!
  5. Excuse my ignorence but WTF is Rachel Lynch and is she related to Bet????
  6. Well done to the board at Fir Park. If the SFL chairmen have any say in future developments of NEWCO joining the SFL I hope our chairman takes note of this!!!
  7. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/sfl/2012/06/21/rangers-in-crisis-death-of-ibrox-club-could-spark-the-birth-of-a-scottish-football-revolution-says-jags-chief-86908-23898840/ http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/sfl/2012/06/21/rangers-in-crisis-sfl-clubs-ready-to-accept-ibrox-men-in-first-division-in-return-for-league-revamp-86908-23898830/ If my chairman votes to allow this lot into the SPHell 2 thats me finished with the club I have followed for 50 years. Are you listening Mr Beattie??
  8. McKenna and Stewart....involved in a property development company that was wound up in 2010....due to a tax bill. You couldnt make it up!!
  9. William Hill has just been in contact, due to you putting 50p ew on JACKSON the revised odds are TRAYTOR 1/850 JACKSON 2/1 KEEVINS 20/1 BIRNIE 5,000,000/1 OTHERS 1,000,000,000/1
  10. Quote from Leggo When the story about all of the banking complications surrounding the Green Rangers breaks, then the Walter Smith led consortium’s statements will be seen in a different light. Now I wonder what Daily Record "reporter" will break this story Odds just in from William Hill Traytor 1/1000 Jackson 5/1 Keevins 8/1 Joan Birnie 1,000,000/1
  11. How long before The Blue Shytes re-appear for the 734th time and Wattie rises from the grave to take over the club.....YAWN!!! Cant see how Green can possibly run the club the way things stand!!
  12. Looks like SELLIK fans are gonna boycott if NEWCO are allowed back in. Things just keep getting better!!! That surely makes it a no brainer for the chairmen now....and as we keep on hgearing with boring regualarity from the Orcs....be careful what you vote for!!!! http://www.dailyreco...86908-23898340/
  13. Not sure what would offend them more...the title of the song or the name of the group
  14. Scottish football can turn off the light and throw away the key if this lot are admitted to the SPHell
  15. Hahaha...Jim red white and blue just reported on SSN that Rangers have a case to answer in the EBT case. He states the delays have been due to " a lack of c0-operation " from the club. Vote set for 4th July. GET THE BOOK THROWN AT THEM!!!
  16. Maybe explains this!! http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/mccoll-submits-bid-for-group-fronted-by-walter-smith-6m-offer-to-buy.17871356
  17. Excuse if posted previously but its SPHell or Div 3 according to Longmuir! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/rangers/9337279/Rangers-would-have-to-start-in-Scottish-League-Division-Three-says-SFL-chief-executive-David-Longmuir.html#
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