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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. I was more meaning around the club infrastructure, but on the playing side I agree 100%. Hopefully Rennie and Miller can identify the players they want to get us out of the hole we are presently in.
  2. Genuinely feels like now that clown has been booted, the clear out has been completed and a fresh start can ensue. What a beautiful day xxx
  3. Not much to say other that this is genuinely wonderful news. An absolute charlatan of an individual who should never have been given the job in the first place. I wouldn't wish him on any other football club. That is me signed up to FSS now, first tenner sent. Let's get going. COYB
  4. Nothing much to add to the DG talk, other than I'd rather we appointed Gary Holt as Head Coach on a lifetime contract than sign a man convicted of rape in a civil court. Sincerely hope it's just internet rumours.
  5. f**k me, on a human level, I'd be inclined to let him stay and have a crack at helping Arbroath get up in what might be a one-off season. Bringing him back to our rabble almost feels like cruelty, especially considering the way he's been treated by Holt.
  6. I will return to all the games I can possibly attend, as well as signing up to the monthly payment to FSS, the second Holt is no longer employed by our football club.
  7. Nevermind Falkirk FC: one of the lowest ranking full-time teams in the country, sitting 7th in League One - entering their third consecutive window with one of the most unpopular employees in the clubs recent history as 'Sporting Director' continuing to have a hand in recruitment, despite most supporters wanting him gone and him having been at least significantly responsible for assembling one of the worst sides ever to pull on the Navy Blue. His role hasn't been publicly addressed; supporters concerns not listened to - instead, heads are being placed in the sand while revisions about his role in previous regimes are in full flow. 'Fresh start' my arse.
  8. I really can't believe the club are so out of touch on this matter. It's literally the most blindly obvious thing they could do.
  9. Yes, to make sure I was quoting accurately. Also comparing points/games to previous seasons to talk about 'improved recruitment' claims etc. Research matters!
  10. I have just spent the last 2 hours constructing an email to the club at board@falkirkfc.co.uk detailing Holt's failures in his role; I included quotes of his from the Q&A confirming that he has been heavily involved in recruitment since taking up his role, despite the more recent revisions trying to claim the contrary. I have also confirmed to them that I will not be giving the club any money, nor will I be signing up to FSS, until he is no longer employed by the club - I mentioned I am not alone in feeling this way. It may not get anywhere, but I urge everyone to do likewise and put real pressure on the board, making our voices heard loud and clear on this matter.
  11. Or, instead, they could just release statement confirming that Holt has been emptied. Fans rejoice and Rennie and Miller get to bring in who they'd like.
  12. Martin Rennie post-Clyde on January transfer window plans: "That's something the club have really had in motion before I got here and that's why they have the kind of set up that they do, with the structure that they do, so they've got players to bring in" All this stuff about Holt just being the grunt dealing with contracts is obviously absolute bollocks, despite people trying to pretend otherwise. After his last two windows, he's genuinely getting a hand in recruitment again. This club is a shambles. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?
  13. Holt doesn't have a hand in first-team affairs, though.
  14. I would actually genuinely like a response from those who have been telling us to simply stump up cash and get behind the new board. Why on earth should we when they are keeping on one of the most unpopular employees in the clubs recent history - while at the same time, trying to revise his role in the previous regime and continue on as though nothing has happened, not even addressing it in public? It is a massive elephant in the room. Trust has to be earned and is not automatically given. We talk about fan representation. I am perfectly aware this does not mean that people will always get things right, or get what they want. Hard, contentious decisions will have to be made that might not be popular. HOWEVER, this is not a contentious decision. It's not a hard call. Why aren't the fans being listened to here?
  15. This. 100 times over. As much of a waste of time as it might seem, I'd also suggest we all email the club telling them to bin him so it is loud and clear. Has anyone got the email address for the board handy?
  16. The people on here wanting us to get behind the club know exactly the first action that they need to take. No point in continuously ignoring it. It simply won't do.
  17. Reiterating that the club will not be getting a single penny of mine until he is fucking gone.
  18. Here again to say it's a fucking disgrace that this club are backing Holt in his position considering was involved in the regime which signed a large number of these c***s. The new board backing him are making a rod for their own back by keeping him on. I'll be emailing the club tomorrow morning. Not expecting anything but by f**k if he's still there, this club will not be moving forward.
  19. An incredibly easy decision which would work wonders in uniting the fanbase not being taken this early on is concerning.
  20. Was actually really enjoying that interview with Rennie until you know who came up. An absolute fucking disgrace he's being kept on. No statement. Just continuing to hide away, 'doing his job', as though nothing has happened. So much for transparency.
  21. It's not just Holt 'the man' though - all his numerous failings have been listed by many on here, including myself, time and time again, so there is no need to do it again. His continued presence at the club appears indicative of what direction the new board want to take us in. If new members of the board want to get everyone behind them, getting rid of Holt is an open goal - he is wildly unpopular among the majority of the support, many of whom would celebrate his departure. By keeping of him - and also appearing to attempt to re-write his role in the Sheerin debacle (to me, Sheerin and Holt come as a package and should have been booted together) - it sends out a very confusing message to those of us who thought this was a clean break and a fresh start. If this is indeed the case, why are you keeping one of, if not THE most unpopular member of the old regime? It makes little sense. To those who say Holt is a side issue - how can you possibly say this? Fans are telling you him still being there is a big deal - perhaps you should listen to them?! He has failed in his role and is undoubtedly part of the absolute shambles we have seen unfold this season. Nearly everyone has got their jotters, why hasn't he? If, as some suggest, he plays a big role in the running of the club 'behind the scenes', then he's being kept on against the vast majority of the fans wishes. If he's a 'distraction', plays minor role or does a series of tasks that could be done by others, then surely getting rid of him should cause little to no issue in the day-to-day running of the club? You can't have it both ways. It just seems like such an easy thing for the new board to do to get everyone on the same side. I appreciate they are new in the door and it may take time. However, doubling down on an issue such as this just seems counterproductive and delays everyone pulling together. I remain hopeful they will do the right thing.
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