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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. The Thornton Suite.....that reminds me, Bill Thornton was a Director of Burn Stewart, who make Scottish Leader whisky, the Ibrox Big Hoose brand. He was a previous sugar daddy, and, a bit like Minty, put his company's money into RFC when they were struggling financially ( see a pattern developing here? ) £4 million, I believe, which BS could not afford, and as far as I know, never got back. Nearly bust BS, and they had to put the previously private company up for sale.
  2. Coontin's no' your gemme, is it? Did you work for the auld Rangers as an accountant? 20 at 5 grand a week x 4 weeks is 400k. BUT 45000 STs at average of £300 is only £13.5m, so STs vs wages on players alone is -£7.5m pa. Plus as you say £1m per month running. Does that include non-squad wages? Even so that's a loss of c. £20 m per annum to be made up by sponsorship and TV money . Over min of 3 years, £60 million. Aye, the Berrs are gonnae be great when they get into the SPL debt-free. I am also not an accountant, so this is simple primary school arithmetic. Maybe some real accountants (or porn barons) can show us how this can be turned into a profit (No tax loopholes, please)
  3. Do Brechin have an orange strip? They could do it like Scotland did against Estonia(?), go onto the pitch, quick, wee walk round, then off again. Mibbe have some flute music on the tannoy as a great wee GIRFUY. Result? An Orange Walkover.
  4. They must be absolutely bricking it that 0.001% of their customers might, possibly be thinking about not shoplifting their game.
  5. Seeing as it's quiet today, I've brazenly stolen these from The Herald Dairy, for a wee chuckle, as they are related to this thread. NEWS about the 11-year-old boy who flew to Rome from Manchester without a ticket or passport. Our football contact tells us: "The good news for him is that after making it into Europe without spending any money he's being offered the Motherwell manager's job." THE complex financial problems of Scottish football linked to the demotion of Rangers were being discussed by some locals. Eventually one chap tried to explain it: "As the late great Bob Marley once sang, 'No Rangers, No Sky.'"
  6. He knows who he is. He is one of Ra Peepul. And therein lies the whole nub of this issue.
  7. Or, setting out a line in the sand so the next club to step out of line (financially, contractually, etc. ) can't point at TRFC and say "well they got away with it." Cos guaranteed the next (diddy) team that does step out of line will be nuked in an instant.
  8. Despite all the shenanigans a couple of weeks ago, mibbe, just mibbe, Regan has seen an opportunity to partially redeem himself in our eyes and decided to play hardball. He might be of the opinion that as TRFC are so far off getting in to the SPL (for the first time ) that they really don't matter and if they get too difficult, he'll just wave them off into the sunset, with a cheery "Good luck in the Juniors, if they'll let you in."
  9. Somebody in Govan is, as we speak, composing a song entitled The Light Blues Blues. All suggestions for lyrics gratefully received.
  10. Correct, that includes my wife's night time earnings, and the kids' pharmaceutical deliveries paper rounds.
  11. The "debt-free" argument doesn't really stand up, taking a logical progression to some of the claims by Rangers fans. I've heard a few arguments around the "fact" that they had a debt of only £18m, which was serviceable (?), and were trading at a profit before Whyte took over. If that's the case, why are they in such shit now, it's only simple arithmetic, surely? It's like me claiming to be debt-free cos I pay off my £2000 credit card bill with my £2000 salary, and I've got feck all to live on for the next month, until I go into a £2000 overdraft.
  12. Well, the contributors to this thread are quite pedantic, we like to insist upon the accepted parameters of society, like fair play, paying taxes and having just one contract.
  13. Yes, so we shouldn't be talking about Zombie-gers or vampire-gers, which would be the continuation in an undead state, we need to look at Buddhism (and reincarnation) rather than Voodoo or Carpathian folklore for our definition, so what should it be, Avatar-rangers?
  14. The Rangers (estd 2012) is the spirit of Rangers (estd 1872). A spirit is a ghost. You only have a ghost when you're deid. QED.
  15. Sorry, wasn't implying you were thick, I had a senior moment on that one, I was going somewhere with the argument, then got distracted.
  16. And part of that, is that when (if?) in 3-4 years time a team based at Ibrox Stadium plays a team based at Celtic Park, we have to insist to the MSM and to the MEM, and Sky and the BBC, it is not an Old Firm derby, cos you just know they'll try to label it as such for marketing purposes.
  17. Well, why not? After all, we're constantly being told at least one, the deid one, is an institution. Creating a level playing field, or a balanced landscape, would be impossible without a draft-type system, as population distribution alone would always skew the competition, e.g. Brechin at some point will play in a lower league than Newco, as Newco have a bigger fan catchment, and even with the disppearance of the glory hunters, will have more fans, therefore more money and thus can buy better players. Particularly if they have more devious accountants (porn barons?) and can thus pay less tax (or none).
  18. The fans who go to Ibrox, to support the home team, will continue to call them Rangers and will still assert that it's a continuation of the club founded in 1872. A few will say that, but deep down, accept that it's a phoenix. A few of the other clubs' supporters might accept that , in spirit, it's the same club, particularly if the Orcs continue with their sectarian, bigoted bile. But, even so, however it pans out, us diddies will insist that they're NOT Rangers any more, and will rip the pish out of them at every available opportunity.
  19. First comment below that story : ----- I feel you missed the boat somehow ranger could of joined blue square and in 3 years could of been in the championship which I believe to be a richer league than spl but then we would have reps from three nations then and it would benefit our english leagues with rangers in it it will take you 3 yrs to get in spl anyway I'm sure we would of welcome you. When did that paticiple of speech come into being? Bloody English can't even speak their own language properly. I lived in England for 5 years and actually had to go to my daughter's school on one occasion to complain to the Head, as her teacher had marked "could've" as incorrect, had scored it out, and had written "could of" in its place....... a FECKIN' teacher. Mind you, given her non-punctuation and other grammar, it's not surprising.
  20. Anyone any idea how many Orcs will be heading to Brechin? Well, the number who bought the official allocation from Ibrox. There may be a few more who live near Brechin who'll buy home-support tickets.
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