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Everything posted by HeartsOfficialMoaner

  1. uomo scozzese, inglese e italiano... ...Un uomo italiano ha detto "non farmi una canoa"
  2. I've only tried Japanese whisky the once (I can't remember what it was) and it was really nice. I have been thinking of trying some more. Try this and let me know. Cheers. https://www.thewhiskyexchange.com/p/36362/suntory-toki Under £30 and free for click and collect.
  3. I do. It is, for me, time consuming and interesting. It's better than watching the covid clock 24-7.
  4. I ha e been having a laugh with this app today. I have a mate and a ladyboy photo. I changed the ladyboy back to boy and sent him it. She has nice eyes.
  5. You need to name your delicacies and give them marks out of 10.
  6. Is the steam getting out the pie okay? If it's chicken and mushroom add dried mushroom to soak up liquid? crumble some in. Or milled flaxseed, I have packet of this, it's very dry. This could soak up the liquid also.
  7. Weighing in at 10%. You'd never guess. Gorgeous beer.
  8. I would like to have another one just now, tbh. Give it a bash. It's quality.
  9. Aye, beer festivals do that to you. You would never guess this was 8%. Just smooth as.
  10. This one is really, really nice. McChouffe. A wee kilt on and playing the pipes. A brilliant label as well.
  11. https://twitter.com/oxymoronic_/status/1274383663908585472
  12. 15th July for pubs and restaurants. It'll be some sort of new normal but happy days. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-53120078.
  13. I bought a wee pix n mix of them, It was a nice beer. First time I'd tried it. Usually stick to the blonde.
  14. Green veg and almonds in spicy coconut milk
  15. I have no idea, I would not think so. I did wonder about that myself. I would want to keep other people out if I lived there.
  16. Probably been said already but pubs open on Isle of Man. No virus for 28 days, no lockdown, no social distancing.
  17. That would explain everything. Nobody in Spain likes the Spanish from the mountains. They are known as Fanáticas de los guardabosques.
  18. That looks an interesting website, I'm going to try to find some time to have a good look at it. I have a few of my own wee blends on the go just now and I think that'll give me some more encouragement to carry on mixing up my own flavours. You do it with food so why not whisky? (Because you don't want to waste good whisky making rubbish homeblends) You might be interested in this one. Found it when looking for special offers. https://www.thewhiskyexchange.com/p/47443/compass-box-juveniles
  19. Aye, I have been putting off buying more bottles but fancied this after trying the 14 year old. Accidentally joined Amazon Prime when buying it. Next day delivery is pretty good though.
  20. Heads up, 18 year old on sale £60.00 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Deanston-Year-Single-Scotch-Whisky/dp/B013H3215S
  21. Been trying sourdough and this is my 5th attempt. It’s hard to judge when. This looks like my best. Before they were heavy or flat.
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