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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Chanced upon this. Is there just a hint of mischief in the positioning of the ad?
  2. From PressGazette December 9 2016. Journalist of the Year Laura Kuenssberg: 'I would die in a ditch for the impartiality of the BBC' Is that a commonly used phrase? Just wondering.
  3. I've never seen a French postie walking a delivery route. They all seem to have bikes or vans. I haven't been able to verify this for all of France. Yet. All houses have a mailbox outside at delivery van window height and all blocks of flats have mailboxes on the ground floor, which must make the job a lot easier. Having said that, there is a big lump of 'publicite' that we get delivered once a week, which usually goes straight into the recycling. They must hate that.
  4. Really? No objective journalism in the Guardian? How often do you read these two papers/websites? The Express is a pile of absolute far-right shite, even after being taken over by the Mirror Group. In that vein, I see the Daily Mail has bought the i newspaper from JPI.
  5. I'm sure he meant to put 'unwittingly', not 'unknowingly'. Simple grammatical/contextual error.
  6. Correct. It suits certain parties to conflate anti-Israeli sentiment with anti-semitism. And anyway, I've never understood the 'race' thing about Jewishness. It's a religion. There are black African Jews as well as white European Jews. It's a can of worms. (absolutely no offence meant!)
  7. A 'dollar' was slang for 5 shillings when I were a lad. In the early 20th century the exchange rate was approx 4 dollars to the pound. Changed days indeed. ETA It'll be back up there after brexit, of course. Aye, right, more like £4 to the $
  8. As far as brexit is concerned, I fear the remain vote is going to be split, allowing brexit to happen. Our first past the post system needs changing. We could theoretically have 30% voting LibDem, 30% voting Labour, 9% voting Other and the Cons getting in on 31%, when 69% of the electorate don't want them. (doesn't apply solely to the Tories, of course) I know it's been said before but it's shit.
  9. I don't often see the Guardian and the Express being linked on an issue.
  10. Anyone on here from the Sutherland area? How's the shiny new spaceport coming along? I have a vested interest
  11. The way I read it, they are saying it could possibly be worse than the prediction.
  12. It's just 'myriad', not 'myriad of' and 'gist' not 'jist'. I'm educating you, nothing else.
  13. I had two lots of Jehova's Witnesses last week. Told them to go away, there is no god, no heaven. Would tell Tories to go to hell.
  14. I had a very quick look at his history and failed to see how he generated his 22bn+ dollar wealth. His early gains were 'only' in the hundreds of millions. Admittedly I didn't find details of his profits (or losses) in his current ventures. I'm no expert eta I'm really not! Just realised I was equating 'personal wealth' with 'money in the bank'. It will be based on share value of his companies. (Which could of course crash for various reasons. ) Time to go.
  15. The British Ever Ready Electrical Company was a British electrical firm. The company closed Tanfield Lea, its last UK factory, in 1996. Tbf, I found other UK manufacturers but they appear to be a bit Japanesey...
  16. Top ten countries with the highest per capita debt in the world 1. Japan – $90,345 2. Ireland – $62,687 3. United States – $61,539 4. Italy – $59,372 5. Belgium – $59,680 6. Austria – $49,975 7. France – $51,768 8. Greece – $49,630 9. United Kingdom – $52,816 10. Portugal – $44,819 So what does it mean? Japan seems to be a good place to live. We're constantly being told the US is the greatest country in the world. UK is 15-ish% better than Ireland but still in the mire with just about everyone else, apparently.
  17. Err, they appear to have quite a lot of that now...
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