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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. 8% drop in alcohol sales in the shops. On the face of it, a good thing. Anyone got a figure for cross-border alcohol imports?
  2. OK... I thought I had found it here :- https://commonsvotes.digiminster.com/Divisions/Details/715#ayes "That there shall be an early parliamentary general election" They seemed to have won that one. As you pointed out, one has to know who put it up and why. Please don't waste your time educating me further, I'll try to keep up. eta So, 1-8, counting the Supremes? Love it, baby.
  3. Thank you but I don't understand at first glance. I'll have to get my head round it.
  4. Are you only counting 'home' fixtures? I make it 0-8. Just wait until Satan Johnson starts in Europe... eta According to the BBC we are both wrong. I didn't see their one win. Did they use VAR?
  5. Err... sorry, no idea. eta Your quiz is getting harder.
  6. He should be careful. I don't imagine the brexiters have a monopoly on nutters. Just a majority.
  7. These guys are seldom wrong. Brexit 2nd EU referendumView all oddsView all odds No (Before 2020)1/33 Yes (Before 2020)12/1 Brexit DateView all oddsView all odds July 2019 - December 201915/8 January 2020 - June 202011/4 Not before 202211/4 July 2020 - December 202011/1 No Deal Brexit?View all oddsView all odds No (Withdrawal Agreement is ratified, Article 50 extended beyond 2019 or Article 50 revoked)1/5 Yes (UK leave the EU in 2019 without Withdrawal Agreement in place)4/1 Article 50 to be RevokedView all oddsView all odds No4/11 Yes2/1
  8. I was editing while you posted. I do apologise. My reference to brexit was simply so I could remain 'on topic'.
  9. Here's one reason why I think brexit has definitely got to be a bad idea. If it didn't affect Scotland, I'd be all for it.
  10. I thought there might be a thread on the Wrightbus failure but no, so I 've posted here as brexit has been cited as a contributory factor by some. Seems the church could bail out the company. It's got a large chunk of the profits.
  11. He doesn't want anyone to know what he and his 'pals' actually get up to. Perhaps, AI, if used properly, would be programmed (developed, whatever the correct term) to spot criminal activity. Now, AI would never have gone to Eton (or any other institution with an old boys network) and would be unable to tell the 'real' crims from the privileged toffs (or American billionaires) and would treat them all the same. I have no idea if AI can be 'corrupted'. I know feck all about AI except what I've seen in films and that rarely ends well, but if the likes of Johnson are worried about it then it just might be a good thing.
  12. Agreed. I think another 'respected' publication needs editing, "And the thick shall inherit the Earth, and they shall not know what to do with it . And lo, in the widerness, they shall be shafted ."
  13. How many times does it have to be explained to interviewers, the reason why the opposition is not calling for a general election now? Are they really that thick? Or do they just keep asking so that the genuinely thick, watching their goggle-boxes, get the message?
  14. If the depth of disgust dahn saff is as deep as portrayed on the comments sections of several 'British' newspapers, then the SNP could sweep to power on the back of the 'get rid of the Jocks' sentiment. At least it would split the Brexit party vote. We could have a situation where the UK government passes a no-confidence vote in itself and the English vote for Scottish independence. It's political incorrectness gone mad, I tells ya.
  15. I cancelled mine. But I still watch British telly. When should I cancel my TV Licence? I no longer watch or record live TV or download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer I’m moving to an address that already has a TV Licence I’m 75 years old or over, or I’m living with someone who is < These are the two most likely choices for the brexiters I’m moving into a care home < I’m moving abroad
  16. He's already had a week and done f**k all with it. He shouldn't be allowed any more.
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