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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. "Not with a bang but a whimper" is more likely. TBH, to me that looks like a wind-up from the other side of the city. Time will tell.
  2. I've only just realised the number of "Rangerses" that currently 'exist' After Cockwombles recent pronouncement it dawned on me that we have 'RIFC plc' the public limited company, which has a subsidiary called, 'RFC Ltd', the private limited company, which in turn apparently runs 'The Rangers FC', the ethereal, intangible club. Add to these,'Rangers 2012' and 'Sevco5088' and we have 5 entities. Is that what the five stars refer to?
  3. As was Nimmo-Smith when he gave his opinion on the existence of Rangers, the club.
  4. Based on the figure of125M, my calculations made it 4 quid each. (based on the worldwide 'fan' base of 500M) But, IIRC, the assets were bought for 6M (ish), so using 60,000 as a more realistic 'fan' base, the 'fans' could have bought them for a hundred quid each. Still do-able. But they done nuffink. ETA Oops! I blame my calculator. 25p ,is the correct amount.
  5. I think you rushed this response. What is a mini-orc? And please give Jags fans a shout.
  6. I don't know if the figures are correct but the underlying meaning is spot on. I think McCoist must take most of the blame. But he won't.
  7. It isn't needed. This x 1000. Many of us tried to warn them last summer, what were we told? Roughly, "youz r aww pure jealous n aw that, we've got SPL players, GIRFUY." Something comes to mind about roosting and chickens. Admittedly, it's from before your time on here. Maybe you should read a bit of 'history'. ETA Beat me to it WRK.
  8. ...................Nope. 54 titles, the history, etc, etc. eta Sorry, SOME bears? Aye, mibbe. But not enough and way too late.
  9. He wrote "waiver' instead of 'waver' but it still actually makes a kind of sense............ to an Orc. "A waiver is the voluntary relinquishment or surrender of some known right or privilege" NO SURRENDER
  10. Don't start! This sounds logical from a commonsense point of view but I'm sure it wouldn't work. Can't explain why though. Or would he own the Club by default through the company? If so then perhaps he could promise to immediately divest the intangible 'club' from the company but keep all the tangible 'stuff'
  11. Tedi, on 15 Jan 2015 - 11:26, said: Don't see why. Sounds like there is going to be a real chance of a team in blue playing at Ibrox, financially sound with the strong possibility of having some success in the not too distant future. What more can you ask? I don't like the sound of it, so it must be a good thing for the Rangers.
  12. So, they get fined but refuse to pay and appeal. The appeal goes against them, so now they take it to arbitration. How many chances do they get?
  13. Tedi seems very well informed concerning Phil the Blogger (easier to spell) Obsessed? Much? Anything Phil writes will not actually affect the outcome at Mordor. It's just part of the whole entertaining spectacle. Keep it up, all concerned.
  14. Google will help but it appears to be something from 2 years ago. I think shull got up too early this morning. (unless of course he knows something.........)
  15. The last poster, George McLean, is bound to be called 'Seamus' by the next poster.
  16. It would be illuminating to see how many green dots have been awarded by Tedi and Bennet to anyone other than Tedi and Bennet. Not that I'm in the least bit interested in gaining green dots and by default the kudos of my fellow posters............................ eta Fûckit! Just remembered it's considered uncool to mention dots. Oh well.
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