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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Right through the heart. That's what's required. No more coming back from the dead.
  2. Oh Mr Rover! You've left an open goal there for Kinky to come right back at ye. As has been said, by HT, Wooooooosh!
  3. And the market has marked up the SP, so they will need even more cash to stage a buyout. Bit of a Catch 22. Is the American chap still in play?
  4. Yes. If the Orcs had made some background checks, they might have avoided liquidation but they suffer from 'enhanced ostrich syndrome'. Head in the sand, fingers in the ears," la la la la la , I can't hear you. WATP" :lol: Thank goodness, though. Wouldn't want them to become sentient.
  5. Indeed. The whole thing does not make any sense. Except of course to the interested parties, who will naturally be willing to accept any old hokum if it helps them. Can't really blame them for that but the authorities are digging a big hole for themselves IMO.
  6. A concert party , you say? It could be held in a tent at Ibrox. You could have flute bands and a'thing. Great idea.
  7. I didn't expect a single green yin for that. I was merely re-stating the bleedin' obvious. Sorry if it upset you.................Not! (Maybe we need some blue dots for the orcs) HNY tae you as well................ except in the fitba' sense
  8. You don't have to read it. Just ignore it. This thread will die away eventually. Just like The Rangers.
  9. A lot of people believe there is a god.( Nimmo is probably one of them.) Doesn't make it true. The club was liquidated. The company was liquidated. Deid.
  10. I'm hoping for a splurge. We can set a wurrld record for the world's longest fucking awful thread. BRALT THEN, BRALT NOW, BRALT FOREVER! (I presume you mean the BRALT and not LALAR)
  11. Well I think it's great news. It's fired up the thread and filled the orcs' hearts with false hopes that will be dashed within a few weeks after more boardroom shenanigans. They are still fûcked. The soap opera continues...............
  12. Causing much discord over on RM. Here's one who thinks Ra Gers in there position are a better proposition than Brentford and he wasn't alone. They really do not understand where they are now.
  13. Now that they aren't pumping the part-timers every week, their "fans" are deserting them. Can't handle being 'ordinary', where you win some, lose some. I am finding the Championship the most entertaining division, for sure. IF they ever "get back' , I will be fkn sorry, that is true.
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