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Bob Roth

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Everything posted by Bob Roth

  1. Rangers FC Official ‏@RFC_Official[PIC] Rangers take to the the pitch to a rapturous welcome from the#BearsOnTour! New season. Same Rangers. #BCFCvRFChttp://pic.twitter.com/t8kCDtXJ Hide photo Reply Retweet Favorite Powered by Photobucket 23RETWEETS 9FAVORITES 2:21 PM - 29 Jul 12 via web · Details I'm sure I read something about it being OK to retain a similar name for a liquidated company as long they didn't try to pass themselves off as a ongoing concern?
  2. Totally agree with this and said as much in my defence after my wife and daughter tried to get me sectioned under the Pie & Bovril Act 2012 yesterday. It's what's causing me to involuntarily twitch when I hear phrases like "already punished enough". If it had been Aberdeen that were in the same shoes as RFC (IA) then there would be a few marked differences. Number one is that the whole thing would have been done and dusted months ago, Aberdeen would have been liquidated, renamed, had all assets sold and would be piecing together local talent to play on the beach with a hopeful view to turning professional in about 5 years time. There would be little or no talk of revenge against those who had stuck the knife in. We would not have been the subject of discussions in parliament or articles in the Wall St Journal. The other truth would be that every other Dons' supporter I know would have quickly gone through the Kubler-Ross model and arrived at acceptance in order to move on. There would be lots of hand-wringing and some finger-pointing but most would realise that if it had come to such a disastrous state of affairs then we were all complicit to a degree. We would see it as a failure on our part to have let villains gain such autonomy that they could sink our history. Rangers (newco, oldco, sevco, whatever) are locked in denial and this has been fuelled by their "leaders" like McCoist with his deliberate sabre-rattling. It speaks volumes for the emotional intelligence of the average RFC (IA) fan that they swallow this shite and haven't turned their ire against the likes of McCoist who was obviously more than aware of the perilous position they were in and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO STOP IT.
  3. You're probably right Fife Saint, but I've read Private Eye too long not to recognise editorial bias in favour of a bigger beneficiary, usually the Dirty Digger. By undervaluing the game like this it only serves to weaken the SFA/SFL/SPLs' position with regards TV rights and convinces mug punters that forums like this are full of worthless crackpots.
  4. This is just naked propaganda for Provan's other employers Sky. Murdoch really is a c**t. Straight off to Private Eye to see if this warrants an entry in their Street of Shame column.
  5. Yeah I got a bit of it driving about this afternoon. There was a bit when Cameron said to Cosgrove "You're too intelligent to be a fitba fan", and I was willing him to reply "No, I'm too intelligent to be a Rangers' fan". Shame he missed that open goal but he had the ageing "comic's" blood-pressure sufficiently raised in the time he had. He really was the epitome of the bad currant with his refusal to accept the obvious facts of the matter and his pathetic understanding of the more nebulous ones. And then I was lucky enough to hear Traynor condescending to every football fan who hasn't blown Murray's flute. That had me swerving towards a ditch in Gourock in order to tweet an indignant and petty volley towards the corpulent truckler via the Sportsound feed. Feeling ashamed and wanting to clean my ears out I set off on my journey again, ignoring my passengers' enquiries as to my well-being. Thank f**k the football's back.
  6. I hope this board serves as testimony to the sheer cowardice of Regan and Doncaster trying to slip a compromised and unsatisfactory statement out when the world looks the other way. How fucking stupid do they think people are? Just whistlin' past the graveyard...
  7. This is weird, my Twitter feed's died, there's no meaningful updates on any relevant site, Facebook is a barren wasteland... Was W H Auden predicting the end of Rangers?
  8. Lots of speculation via various currant's FB pages that Sally's on his toes as Hughie's accepted the stripping of 5 titles. The phrase "f**k this shite" is losing all potency with its proliferation. Seems a lot of Rager's fans are going away to f**k shite tonight. Good luck lads, get baw deep in it.
  9. I've already replied asking him whether he's sure they were Syrian... Edit - can someone add an assault rifle to the gif of the rising "Big Hoose" guy?
  10. Yeah, I'm getting that. It was dawning on me that we were on the same page when I was typing earlier but had to let my rant peter out. This forum's good for allowing you to get your thoughts down in writing, even if they are basically agreements on other's thoughts and things that have been said a million times before. I would like to nominate it for an award for services to mental health issues in the community; I'm sure I'd have been sectioned if I had to rely on the BBC/DR/Sun/Mail over the last few months.
  11. But do you think this would be the case if the diddies hadn't mobilised so effectively and called "time" on the MSM's bias? RTC and others have been working tirelessly to make sure there are no rugs in Scottish football (apart from Gordon Smith's) to allow anything to be swept under, and without them I'm not so sure the position would be the same. Some of the commentators on this forum seem to have a firmer grasp on due process than those in charge and this is in of itself a huge concern. Whether Hughie's playing a blinder in scuttling TRFC and making it look like like sabotage is a bit of a side-issue. The fact remains that those in charge of the game knew about Ranger's underhand methods well in advance of them going into administration, and by all accounts shouldn't have allowed them to even compete in season 2011/12. Ogilvie's still in a job and now Regan and Cockwomble are flailing about entirely unsure of what to do. If Sally hadn't been so inept then TRFC should have at least beaten Maribor and this would have allowed some cash injection to keep the wolf from the door for another season, and allowed the powers that be to keep feathering their nests. Any investigation into the EBT's is going to ably demonstrate that the SPL and the SFA were well aware of them and failed to take any action because some of their board were beneficiaries. This leaves them in the invidious position of being unable to allow TRFC to skate when all the "customers" are up in arms about blatant cheating, or allowing the matter to be fully investigated and the sword of Damocles falling on their fat necks. I agree the present position is satisfactory but think this is entirely by accident and not design. The delays are unacceptable and only show-up the governing bodies as self-preserving fools. This is not a judicial process, it's an in-house quasi-legal one specifically designed to prevent such unacceptable whataboutery. New broom time, not Trigger's.
  12. No no no, that's Bomber with a wig and Gazza's old fake-tits on under his jersey. Leccy soup for breakfast and ranting to hordes of village idiots can't recapture the buzz of playing for the Gers...
  13. Dunno, they may be allowed to play if their application is given a cursory glance and seems to be in order, just to keep things moving...but given the amount of scrutiny this issue is receiving I'm not sure that would be wise. I'm not sure how they can be approved for license before the August 10 deadline in any case.
  14. Don't think so - looks like they just have to lodge the application by then. Grant Russell ‏@STVGrantTo dispel myth, Friday not the SFL cut-off for Sevco to gain Rangers' SFA membership. 14 day rule is time in which application must be made. Retweeted by Wings Over ScotlandExpand Reply Retweet Favorite
  15. That shifty gif's gonna be getting a lot of posting from hereon in. They'll be tearing the place apart and will no doubt start asking for ISP addresses for all those with reps between 50 - 100. Utter genius. If there was a gold greenie it would be yours.
  16. Wee Hector's been busted... With love from Pie and Bovril #1Teebear Arthur Numan Group:True Blue Topics:6 Posts:453 Rep:9 Joined:13-June 12 Gender:Female Location:Scotland Posted Today, 05:45 PM WeeHectorPar, on 20 July 2012 - 17:32, said: Just got back from the Headbangers' Convention that is RM. Can't believe I've lasted so long over there. It really is hard work spouting out shit on a daily basis just to keep up with the numbskulls. However, with a reputation of +50 I should be able to keep going a bit longer. How are other infiltrators doing? Copied from Pie and Bovril evil fucks site.. Chef said I should post They're raging that his rep is better than nearly all of theirs...
  17. Scottish FA ‏@Scottish_FATo clarify - Rangers transfer embargo is one full year covering two windows - Jan and Aug 2013 Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
  18. It'll be January 2014 before they can sign anyone after this window shuts. This is why Hughie has been hinting at letting Edu, Bocanegro et al fly the coop as there's no way he can keep them on the books in Div 3. I reckon the ban should have been backdated to the date of the first tribunal as there was no need for a reconvening.
  19. They're discussing the merits of keeping/cancelling Sky over on zRM. This fucknugget's "Location" is enough to make you ashamed to be Scottish, but he's obviously an animal lover so maybe I shouldn't be so quick to judge. The Gas Man Ian Durrant Group:True Blue Topics:25 Posts:635 Rep:30 Joined:14-August 10 Gender:Male Location:Overcharging an innocent wee Granny right now. Posted Yesterday, 01:08 PM AW-WATP, on 19 July 2012 - 01:02 PM, said: I'm keeping mine! Lot more than SPL football on it! The wee bird asked me what other things I like watching on Sky, I told her programmes like When good pets go bad and When animals attack. Which is true
  20. Tries to eat his cake and still have it but by far the most critical piece allowed on zRM to date. http://forum.rangers...howtopic=232075 Why I dislike RFC By Harry Reid Frm The Rangers Standard Edited as title of post was invisible
  21. 'Sunday Bloody Sunday'. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!".
  22. Good little read about the PR disaster that has been Rangers/The Rangers/Sevco 5088 since Valentine's Day this year. Particularly like the analogy of the spoiled child syndrome that is prevalent among the peepell. I've often thought they reminded me of my 9 year old stamping her feet and refusing to clean her room. http://oldpesky.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/tae-see-oursels-as-others-see-us.html
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