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Bob Roth

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Everything posted by Bob Roth

  1. Rangers administrators named 'UK Corporate Restructuring Advisor of the Year' http://www.business7.co.uk/business-news/scottish-business-news/2012/06/27/no-headline-106408-23901493/
  2. 22 members, 173 guests, 1 anonymous user - it's like they've made a spectator sport out of the Saw movies.
  3. From the SSN piece this morning - "I think this is just opportunism. We will definitely challenge it yes." When asked whether he expected more players to try and quit the club Green added: "I've learnt not to expect the expected at Rangers." Another cracking piece of doubletalk from CG. What's been unexpected from his point of view? Is he seriously trying to convince people that he didn't foresee every unfolding scenario? I'm actually beginning to feel a small tinge of sympathy for the buns out there. They're like bad snooker players just having to sit there and watch while their opponents clear the table. Utterly impotent, occasionally raising their eyes from the floor just long enough to realise it's still happening. This is becoming a slaughter. And then there's the forgotten victims of the whole debacle...
  4. Ah, cheers. I've been out visiting elderly neighbours, delivering some home-baking and just taking the time you know? Seem to just be oozing happiness lately, no idea why.
  5. Don't know if anyone has posted this already but some buns on FB are convinced Hughie's applied for an MVL. Don't claim to know what the ins and outs of it are but a quick swatch seems to confirm this would let CG wind up the company entirely (entirely entirely) and profit from the re-distribution of assets. If this was his plan all along he's played an absolute blinder. http://www.businessrecoveryadvice.co.uk/html/ltd_company_recovery/mvl.asp
  6. Alex Thomson's just tweeted the "Walking way" gif... alex thomson ‏@alextomoThis should amuse all fans of all colours who've a sense of humourhttp://i48.tinypic.com/2s1rh8p.gif Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
  7. Mob-mentality is nothing more than a negative synonym for democracy. This very thread reflects a sea-change in the way facts and information are distributed and processed, and if it influences the governing bodies to get their heads out their arses, then how can this be a bad thing? You obviously believe what you say and there's no doubt all areas of the game will be effected by recent events, but can't you see the long-term benefits? At the least you must admit this issue has polarised opinion and united factions to an extent which I can't remember happening in my 40 years. Again I can only see positives. If this issue was passing by largely ignored then I would fear for the future of the game, but these days I'm feeling more positive about it than I ever have. Your witch-hunt defence may have a grain of truth in it inasmuch as I think there are a fair few clubs out there with some dirty secrets. No doubts there's lots of jiggery-pokery going on in lots of clubs and also no doubts if the public opinion was against one of them, it could drive them out of business. But this is just life; Rangers ripped the arse out of it to such a great extent that they became Caesar. Well paint me Mark fucking Anthony. In ANY walk of life, be it working, domestic or social, if someone gets too full of themselves they get their wings clipped. The last 50 years of society allowed Rangers to flourish and re-build their empire on bigotry and deception. Here's to the next 50 under the rent-a-mob.
  8. Chris McLaughlin ‏@BBCchrismclaugLee Wallace tells the club he's staying and will report for training on Thursday. #Rangers Anyone there? Hello!
  9. http://www.afc.co.uk/articles/20120625/club-statement_2212158_2821864 Izzat 5 now, can I go to bed now?
  10. They do, don't they. A combination of bloody-mindedness and a misguided superiority complex, seeing things through orange coloured spectacles. Now that the rozzers are pouring through the documents they're actually making speculative leaps that this will void the sale to Agent Whyte, resulting in everything going back to normal. I'm sure I saw a Dallas pic about 300 pages ago; that kinda thing. Alex Thomson's tweeting about Whyte not picking up his phone today for some reason...
  11. History beckons you No. 12 [/url] #1 Gazza Group:True Blue Posts:7,049 Rep:445 Joined:04-January 07 Posted Today, 03:15 AM POPULAR No. 12 Shirt She had been battered, raped and pillaged for several months. Every fresh blow seemed to bring her closer to that final crushing blow. Like a wounded animal she tried to stand on her feet, to regain her dignity and honour, but the attacks were relentless and to the shame of all, none would come to her aid. And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the end was near. The Haters, Vultures and Ghouls made their way towards Ibrox for the telling knockout blow. In the interests of “sporting integrity” a boxing referee was enlisted to deliver the final count. At the doors of Ibrox they were met by two sentinels who barred their way. Alistair McCoist and Lee McCulloch. It was pointless asking them to move. Neither would walk away. “Start the count” demanded one of the haters. And so it began. But not as as they had expected. 10....9....8 “Wait, wait your counting wrong” screamed the haters. 7...6....5 The two sentinels were no longer alone. For on either side of them filing quietly into line were unknown faces wearing Rangers shirts with No. 12 on the back. They didn't need names on the back, it was the badge on the front which was important to them. There were young and old, sprightly and infirm, the capable carried the less capable lest they stumbled. As the count continued the numbers, grew, and grew, and grew, until thousands joined the two sentinels barring the way to Ibrox. The silence was broken momentarily when a whisper filled the air, some say to this day it came from within the walls of Ibrox itself....... “We’ve got the battle fever on” “Who are these people?” asked one of the haters. Ally McCoist stepped forward....... “Allow me to introduce you to my No. 12's......they don't do walking away either” And so it began. In years to come Rangers historians will recite stories of Baxter, Woodburn, Cooper, Laudrup, McCoist, Gough and of course of No. 12. In the coming months news outlets will feature stories about the No. 12's – the fans who would not let their club die. Their loyalty, faith and passion in a football club will capture the imagination of nations. They will become the benchmark which other supporters aspire to. Whatever is thrown at them or their club No.12's will come back for more, time and time again until eventually our detractors can thrown no more. Wherever their club goes the No. 12's will be there. And every other Saturday Ibrox will be filled with No. 12's. Our children's children will proudly tell their friends at school that their grandfather was a No. 12. No. 12's will be the topic of conversation every Monday morning, in factories, offices, wherever people assemble. Newspaper columns will mention the No.12's in the same breath as resilience and a never say die spirit. Who am I and how do I know all this ? Im a No. 12 and Im about to take my place in history. 17
  12. Nacho Novo Rangers man #1WVB If you obey societys' rules you will be societys' tools Group:True Blue Topics:1,353 Posts:25,101 Rep:1,260 Joined:22-December 07 Gender:Male Location:Teuchterland Posted Yesterday, 03:37 PM POPULAR Well Nacho.......the tattoo, the twitter account, the open dislike of the Bheast and its following, you certainly talk the talk, and the Bears love you for it. 33 years old, contracted to Legia Warsaw until August 16th.........you now have the opportunity to walk the walk. You're already a hero, time to become a legend now wee man. Step up and play. This ably demonstrates the delusion that many buns are still labouring under. Despite their club teetering on the brink they're still keeping their hopes up with dreams of ex-players answering "the call". Picture the scene, ex-buns scattered all across Europe and the US going about their business, when, as one, they see a sign in the sky, a bit like the bat-signal but shaped like a cock. They stop what they're doing and rush home to tell their families they must leave on a mission of the utmost urgency. Gathering in Charley Green's bedsit they dig out their old CR Smith tops and call a press conference where they pledge to fight for the survival of The Rangers. This isn't for the money, this isn't for the glory, this is because they're professional footballers and are above such vulgar motivations. Etc, etc
  13. Getting wordy deja vu - used that same phrase with my wife this morning.
  14. Looks like D&P have just dug themselves a few feet deeper with their mealy-mouthed challenge to Mark Daly. I think a financial mercy killing is called for these buffoons. Mark Daly ‏@markdaly2I'm hearing that Duff & Phelps are claiming that Roger Isaacs has changed his mind. No truth in this whatsoever. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite Mark Daly ‏@markdaly2Roger Isaacs is the insolvency expert used in Rangers film. His statement coming shortly. No truth in claims he's retracting his comments. Collapse Reply Retweet Favorite
  15. One of them can't even spell JJB... And here's the un-sponsored Newco top they were referring to
  16. Stuart Simpson, GlasgowCollapseYesterday Rangers set up a direct debit against my account for the renewal of the two season tickets I hold without any prior notification to myself. The direct debit was promptly cancelled. It is not that I dont want to renew my season tickets but Rangers cannot give me any assurances as to which league they will play in for the coming season, if any. From recent announcements it appears that the other SPL clubs as turning against Rangers and they will be left in the wilderness after the meeting of 4th July 2012. Where does that leave the supporters. Will we be expected to pay the same season ticket rates for playing in the third division? This could not be answered by Rangers. Are the current players going to stay to "star" in games against the likes of East Stirling? I think not. If we are to play in Division 3 the so called investment by yet unnamed investors will need to be massive to bring the club back to the SPL in straight seasons. There are so many uncertainties still surrounding the club and unfortunately I am afraid to say the future is as bleak as todays weathe This is a post from Richard "Rangers (sic) will definitely be voted into the SPL" Wilson's piece in the Herald today about Green making a complete coo's arse of direct debit arrangements. Seems they're not happy with a bit of fraud and have just started lifting money from their supporters' accounts without notice. Funny thing is, they're not even competent enough to make the apparent theft to their benefit; all the money taken went straight to their creditors. #nohonestlyamtellinyou! Reply <br class="Apple-interchange-newline">
  17. Well done Aberdeen. Nice to see fans of that non-entity getting more enraged by the second. Would've preferred if we'd held off a wee bit to become the 5th club to announce it, just to administer the coup de grace.
  18. Couldn't help but notice that if you rearrange the letters of... THE RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB You get... A H*N RABBLE CREST - "FLOG LOT"
  19. Just looking through the CVA report and the amounts involved are pretty staggering. This wasn't just a little creative accounting, this was wholesale thievery. What gets me though is not the amounts involved, as much as the idiocy of SDM and the slew of charlatans that have been pulled into his wake. If you're wanting to sail close to the wind financially then go into construction or security where you can stiff investors right, left & centre. At worst you'll get a wee piece in a Sunday newspaper about what a rogue you were and maybe a couple of grumpy ex-partners trying to break your ribs with a carpet-hammer. Regardless, you can be sure your scams will create little by way of media attention. Don't buy a football club with a massive following of bigots who still think the sun doesn't set on the empire. In Glasgow. What did he think was going to happen? That all these people who were continually "sticking it on the tab" would be assuaged by regular puff pieces in the MMS? Y2K was going to happen? The global economy would collapse before anyone noticed? They'd win the CL and Broadfoot's image rights would clear the slate? I think he created a monster and then shat it. The gambles taken and the amounts involved smack of a man who got spooked and was too frightened of his "children" to tell them the truth. It's this sense of entitlement in a large section of the Sevco 5088 support that angers me most, but could you imagine being the figurehead of that mob and having to tell them you've been full of shit for years? Time to hand back the knighthood, sir. You're chances of getting your prosthetic over Joanna Lumley are slipping away.
  20. Had to love the rallying call at the end of yesterday's dribblings - "However, when men of honour, wealth, dignity and integrity, in short proper Rangers men, win this fight for the heart and soul of Rangers, supporters will at last be told the truth.<b><br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; "></b>By Jim McColl, by Douglas Park and by Walter Smith. People they will be able to trust." Hooray for short proper Rangers' men...
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