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Bob Roth

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Everything posted by Bob Roth

  1. Only green or blue football tops mind so I don't know who they're referring to... Had a thought that the 'Big Hoose' Guy and John "Suicide Bomber" Brown could get together and record an album to raise money for their takeover. Both have very soulful voices. Think Robson & Jerome but with less teeth and more cirrhosis. Bound to get the RM crowd salivating and if they covered Tom Wait's numbers then Jabba could get them airplay without ever, ever, compromising his journalistic or artistic integrity. Think they'd avoid doing "Closing Time" or "'Til the Money Runs Out" though.
  2. New Japanese tourist guide has the right idea... Japanese tourist guide warning over Scots football and sausage The book warns Japanese tourists to avoid eating Lorne sausageA new guide book for Japanese tourists visiting Scotland has warned them to avoid people wearing football shirts, and not to eat flat sausages. The first official Japanese tour guide to Scotland also suggests visitors avoid council estates and never call kilts "skirts". Written in Japanese, The Insider's Guide to Scotland is published by Edinburgh-based Luath Press. VisitScotland said the comments should be taken with a "pinch of salt". In the book, potential visitors are told never to approach men wearing green or blue football tops, but to make sure they go on a pub crawl and get "merrily drunk" on Scottish whisky. This is simply an outrage, lorne sausage is Scottish ambrosia
  3. How can we not? Ribbons of my name are arcing over this image as I type with my "bad" hand....
  4. On a slight detour but related to the Daily Retard's output lately I see their editor has been using Twitter to try and intimidate people criticising their sports' coverage. That Burnistoun fellow Robert Florence had the cheek to call them liars and Allan Rennie (editor) hit back basically saying they had given positive reviews of the show in the rag so they expected more loyalty. I've never watched Burnistoun so not sure that such "celebrity" support is beneficial to the cause, but it's definitely telling that the editor himself is throwing his weight around to try and limit the damage done by Jabba and his ilk. Media NewsMedia TalentMedia Coverage MEDIA NEWS & COMMENTMEDIA RELEASESMEDIA JOBSMEETING YOUR MEDIA NEEDS10 Questions ForSpotlight OnIn My OpinionIn Our OpinionAdviceBlogsPodcastsPost Your Media ReleaseSubmit a Job AdJoin the Media DirectoryLet us Handle Your PRTestimonials Digital July 02 2012 10:47 Twitter Spat Brewing as Rennie Responds to Comedian's Comments A twitter spat is brewing this morning, with the Daily Record editor, Allan Rennie, describing a tweet by the Scots comedian, Robert Florence, as a "bit ungracious". Rennie's involvement follows a series of tweets about the Daily Record's sports coverage by Florence, who co-writes and stars in the BBC sketch show, Burnistoun. And Florence's reaction to Rennie's response - which reads: "Bit ungracious. Would that be the same Daily Record that consistently championed your show." - this morning also runs into several tweets.
  5. They could reject the new contract under TUPE and in a week's time they'de be "Oor Delia" and "The Heidi's" in other regional rags.
  6. The whole "huntit for the rest of his days by Rangers' fans" bit should be enough for a complaint to the PF. If folks are being jailed for inciting riots via social media then what view must the crown take of a grandstanding simpleton standing in front of a baying crowd basically saying "sell us the club or we'll kick your fucking head in"? PS - pmsl at the fact the related videos on the right hand of the screen are all OF related, apart from this one...
  7. "We will support and finance Rangers no matter what transpires , even if all we have are our youth players - unlike most of the SPL fans on these forums, our support will never be conditional. God Bless the Rangers. BTW Respond to this if you want I really dont care." That's just the point isn't it? You will support your team regardless of their cheating, conniving or trading on religious bigotry. That's why you're referred to as orcs; simple, unquestioning and barbaric when you get the chance to visit another city.
  8. Never heard him on ss (f*cking daughter's birthday party today, missing the ooro final and had a ticket for Kelburn that will end up as roach fodder...) but it was last night RTC put him right. If that's a quote it's pretty indicative of lots of pro-journos trying to eat their cake and still have it. No fence sitting allowed, first against the wall when the revolution comes etc. He could probably hide behind Jabba for the first volley of bullets but once they re-loaded...
  9. Aye but RTC put him right on that and he eventually admitted defeat. He also made the egregious error of stating it was only Celtic fans who were insisting on using Sevco as a veiled dig. Looks like he's been influenced by laptop bampottery and no doubt will bang the drum for fan-power tomorrow. Oh the times, they are a changin'...
  10. Looks like Britney's realised which way the wind's blowing these days. Graham Spiers ‏@GrahamSpiersMy Sunday Herald column tomorrow: a sudden flowering of fan-power, not the SPL or SFA, is determining Rangers’ fate. And it is refreshing. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
  11. Britney just doesn't take a telling - they're still at it. My current favourite is - Rangers Tax-Case ‏@rangerstaxcase@GrahamSpiers Only journalists and others with a direct profit motive that are trying to perpetuate the myth that Sevco = Rangers just now View conversation RTC's deffo ahead on points.
  12. Nice wee exchange there on Twitter between RTC and Britney. Can't remember who was arguing that Britney was a bun on a previous page but I'd hedge a bet they were right. Nice riposte from RTC to sum it up... Tweets 1hGraham Spiers ‏@GrahamSpiersI see my earlier tweet was a tad misconstrued. I'm all for this RFC debate. It is the contrived 'SevcoFC' references that bore my pants off. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 47mRangers Tax-Case ‏@rangerstaxcase@GrahamSpiers Entertaining you on a Friday night is unlikely to be a priority for many such tweeters, but SevcoFC is a more accurate name. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 25mGraham Spiers ‏@GrahamSpiers@rangerstaxcase What nonsense. 'Rangers FC' - in peril, facing liquidation, etc - will suffice as a reference for anyone with half a brain. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 4mRangers Tax-Case ‏@rangerstaxcase@GrahamSpiers Of course, those with a whole brain will understand the facts. Half-brained types will prefer an inaccurate 'simplification' Hide conversation Reply Retweet Favorite 2:03 AM - 30 Jun 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details
  13. Do you see what happens when you take the Daily Record lens off the camera though?
  14. Channel 4 doing a special on tonight's news if anyone's vaguely interested...
  15. And there's more - #houseofcards alex thomson ‏@alextomoSenior Hampden source tells #c4news cannot see how RFC were allowed to play last season at all. Doesn't believe they met finance criteria... Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
  16. alex thomson ‏@alextomoJust had an extraordinary conversation with a senior Hampden insider. They're inundated with angry fans demanding integrity. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite #noshit
  17. Ok, here's some food for thought - Below are the current world rankings for the homeless World Cup. 1 Brazil 2 Mexico 3 Scotland 4 Ukraine 5 Chile 6 Russia 7 Ireland 8 Portugal 9 Poland 10 Kenya Do these mean that we have a homeless population similar to those in the top 5? Don't think so. So what does this tell us about our attitude towards the game? Even when we're at rock bottom, soaked in our own blood and pish and trying to grow a sleeping bag from our chin, we still want to play. What's more we seem to fare better. No money, no assistance, no problem. The game just could not die in Scotland regardless of what the MSM and the ruling bodies tell us. It doesn't need an ex-politician writing a 2 year report to help it either, it needs less involvement from those with only an academic or financial interest. Sport and business are uneasy bedfellows at the best of times but what we're witnessing now from our "leaders" is just naked avarice. There will undoubtedly be many innocent casualties from a drastic shake-up to the game but it seems so corrupt that something has to give. I've never really bothered with forums before but the thought of the buns just strong-arming their way back into the top flight led me here. I honestly thought I would be in a hated minority but in 2 weeks I've been amazed at the breadth of knowledge and passion still out there, and not from just a hardy few. Fucking magic. Now's a time for change, don't let this momentum lead to nothing. Keep the inboxes of your chairmen and the SPL/SFL/SFA groaning with the weight of opinion against this shite - donkey-jackets and braziers optional. Cheers
  18. This may seem off topic but bear with me please - Was reading tonight's BBC piece where Shearer basically said England have no chance in the 2014 WC. Now a couple of years ago the average Engerland fan would've kicked up merry hell upon hearing such sedition. The MSM would've stoked the flames for days, spinning a pretty dull pundit's honest opinion into a vital question on modern identity, and making pointless comparisons between EPL players from different countries. But tonight's comments on the article are surprising because the vast majority are in agreement with Shearer. TBH I was pretty wary of this new found "modesty" that the whole England camp - players, supporters, pundits etc - seemed to be portraying lately, and thought it was just for show. You see there is, imo, a striking similarity between England and TCFKAR fans. They both expect to win all the time and this is fuelled by a misplaced sense of historical superiority. However, on this evening's evidence I think I've done the England support a mis-service. They seem to be grasping the nettle somewhat regarding some of their own fans' behaviour and are also beginning to look at the bigger picture more realistically. If only the penny was dropping for their Scottish counter-parts... But this wasn't really the reason for the post. You see, I saw a fair few were picking up on the Sky angle and realising the harm that it's actually causing their game. Lots of valid points were raised and many of them can be related to the stooshie currently happening up here. Don't know whether it's the Leveson enquiry making people more sceptical of the influence of the MSM or not, but there's a real feeling that wall-to-wall weekend "packaged" football is not the future. Since the TV money entered our game the sharks have come circling. Sure Murray and Whyte have been caught, and some more will be spotted in the coming months, but many will slip through the net and this situation will probably just repeat itself. The saving grace is actually such a hated team becoming the first to fall foul of the money; without them going through such shit just now fans would remain divided and nothing would change. So we should use this period of heightened activity throughout the community to not only tell the h*ns to retire to their tiny bedrooms in their maw's flat and do one, but also to say to Sky TV with its Mengele-like attempts to shoehorn cold business ethics into our national sport, that they can f**k off too.
  19. Aye, clear and to the point as well, kudos to Wiggy. Too many using doublespeak these days "just in case". This is a time to call a spade a bigoted b*****d. Wonder whether Bomber "David Niven" Brown will have anything silky to say in response.
  20. Jane Lewis ‏@JaneLewisSport#Aberdeen chairman Stewart Milne says ''Rangers should be treated like any other club applying to join the Scottish Football League.'' Expand Reply Retweet Favorite Following the BBC report today in regards to plans for Rangers NewCo to enter Division One Chairman Stewart Milne stated: "The statement that I issued on Monday was both clear and unambiguous and for the avoidance of any doubt I will restate it. Rangers NewCo should apply to the SFA for admission and apply direct to the SFL in the same way that any other new club would do. This is and remains our club's absolute position."
  21. Leggo must've been seeing either decuple, hextuple or just the usual jaikie double then - <b>"If it becomes known that he has turned down a decent and honest<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px; ">offer of hard cash for Rangers from a decent and honest Rangers man, then, as far as the 10,000 who demonstrated outside Ibrox last night is concerned.... "</b> If he's not careful people will begin to question his professional objectivity.
  22. Has there been an unofficial anthem of the demise of the buns suggested yet? I reckon this sums it up quite nicely but lacks subtlety. Also, if you watch the video closely and to the end I'm sure it's genuine footage of the RFFF punter leaving Ibrokes after meeting Hughie yesterday.
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