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Bob Roth

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Everything posted by Bob Roth

  1. I didn't think names too similar to the defunct business were allowed but it's a deliberately obtuse area of the law. There was also this a while back http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-15453103
  2. If they are voted straight back into the SPL could a caveat not be inserted that their new playing name be chosen by an online poll governed by P&B?
  3. If they are voted straight back into the SPL could a caveat not be inserted that their new playing name be chosen by an online poll governed by P&B?
  4. Does anyone know whether some of the EBT big earners like Klos, Barry the Crab, Nerlinger et al will be investigated by HMRC, along with the ringleaders? It seems like the cost of prosecution is prohibitive but they will pursue individuals "pour encourager des autres". Given this seems to be a case they want to be thorough in, I wondered whether anyone had heard of this being proposed? Apologies if this has already been covered in this thread but can't be arsed trawling through all the pages on the off-chance.
  5. Do you not think that Hughie, Watty, Grier, CW & SDM will all be sat around in leather armchairs chortling at what a sting they've pulled off? The debt is cleared, the sale went through for the same amount as D&P's costs which are guaranteed to be paid, Watty can galvanise their beleaguered support while Hughie the cartoon villain slopes off with half a mil in his hip. OK so they lost their precious name but that was a foregone conclusion given the scale of jiggery-pokery committed to date. None of those listed could give a flying f**k about Rangers' fans at the end of the day, they're just an occupational (bio) hazard.
  6. Put bread in toaster Stir mug then ding spoon against the top 3 times. Put spoon down. Sit down Wait Get toast, butter it. Sit down Wait Try to martial thoughts into what the realistic outcomes are of today and the permutations that might unfold. Fail Tinfoil hat on, bath running, curry in microwave
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