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Bob Roth

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Everything posted by Bob Roth

  2. Alnic3856 Andy Goram Group:True Blue Topics:24 Posts:1,057 Rep:190 Joined:26-February 12 Gender:Male Location:England Posted Today, 09:57 PM Green doesn't have a choice it's ok saying the league needs us they won't let us die, in 3 years when we eventually get back into the SPL the damage will already have been done and teams would have started to recover all be it at a lower level, reality is they don't need us, they may be better off with us, but they don't need us if we don't accept this we will die and that is the sad fucking truth, doesn't matter how hurtful or wrong that is it's a fact. Green will accept and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive the c**t but whats the alternative folks? Is it worth the risk to find out? f**k knows my heids melted wi this pish. 0Say it very quietly but it seems like there's one person on zRM that actually realises there's a whole world beyond his bedroom covered in posters of Mrs Mols...
  3. Agreed, Gordon's not the right man for the job at all. He should be getting some answers about the pathetic attempts to cajole teams into accepting Sevco back to the SPL right away. If Cockwomble had a mandate to do it himself it would already be done.
  4. Doubly so given they will have to pay all running costs such as policing and ambulance stand-bys up front given their history of just stiffing them. If they don't nail the Bomber/Green schism right away there's a real chance they'll just fizzle out.
  5. STV Sport ‏@STVSportDorin Goian vows Ibrox exit if newco Rangers remain in Division Three http://bit.ly/OnWPIN Expand Reply Retweet Favorite Last night on Sevco media they were proclaiming him a legend after 12 months due to the example he was setting. Then one currant pointed out he'd pocketed a couple of hundred grand for basically hee-haw and was still under a fat contract. Today he will be being followed through the streets by Lord Summerisle wearing a black cape. I don't think they should be allowed to sniff SFL3 given their current squad and situation. If ANY other club in such turmoil was to apply they'd be laughed out of town. No disclosable accounts, criminal and professional investigations ongoing, administrators being made to report on their own interests, appeal hearing in the wings, the list goes on. The point made earlier about Spartans et all raising an action should they be denied the opportunity to join the league is very valid. Despite the courts not being the go-to arbiters, Sevco themselves have made this a viable option so hell mend them should this end up in Brussels with CG being made to pay damages from his own shiny-suit hip-pocket.
  6. alex thomson ‏@alextomoEarly to London to present #c4news this w/e. Hp to publish Regan email in full. Advise all interested in "Rangers" to rd Clyde FC's statemt. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite Surely if Tomo's legal advisor's clear publication of Regan's e-mail then he'll have to fall on his sword?
  7. Tomo's blog's up - he's not getting carried away, that's for sure. http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/?=g
  8. The kraken awakes Reply Retweet Favorite 5mJohn Bomber Brown ‏@johnbomberbrownSFA won't allow RFC to go to DIV 3. They will form an SPL 2. I URGE RANGERS TO SAY NO TO SANCTIONS!!! Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
  9. f**k, he's wearing his lucky shiny grey suit. This allows him to go under doors without opening them - be afraid...
  10. HENRY McLEISH ON NEWCO RANGERS"My view is that Rangers in SFL 1 would be the best and most serious option. One, to find a home for Rangers and let them find their feet in Scottish football. "But, the most important point, this will allow us to move on to much bigger issues in Scottish football than the future of Rangers newco. "In the last season, 28% of all the people going through the turnstiles in Scotland were because of Rangers. "If you add Celtic figures into that, 60% of all the fan base in Scotland is the Old Firm." My view on Henry McLeish - You're a cock who has made the change from being a slimy c**t of a politician to being a slimy c**t of an advisor seamlessly.
  11. Annoyed that "Socks" McPherson got the last word in there but good to see Thomo getting a mild snort of derision in. Looked like they were all well aware of how the land was lying with regards fan-power and were keeping their cards close to their chest to avoid letting Thomo savage them. So what if there are ulterior motives at play here? Last I checked principles and beliefs were part of the fun. All I was thinking was - could you imagine what the "panel" would be spouting if it wasn't for P&B and the internet bampots across the world? Job nearly done.
  12. He's in a bunker with Bomber just now working out how to take the cellophane off the C4
  13. Phil MacGiollaBhain ‏@PmacgiollabhainThe mood is one of "bravado" inside Sevco this morning regarding entry to SFL1. They are V confident. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite Whistling by the graveyard?
  14. Massive off-topic apologies but mibbes a bit of light relief in these worrying hours QC today asked John Terry how many times he'd been sent off? "Can you say, please? Four times?" John Terry answered: "Please, please, please, please" I'm not even lying...
  15. John Bomber Brown @johnbomberbrown This is the REAL John Bomber Brown FACT! Follow me and pledge your allegiance to our Club. Spread the word. More details to follow...... [/url] Following 82 TWEETS
  16. Just tweeted John Bomber Brown ‏@johnbomberbrownSorry for cryptic msgs Been in intense talks for 3 days. Getting closer. A lot to cover. Bid will be soon. Last pucnch thrown will be mine. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
  17. I think everything's on hold pending the police investigation. Could you imagine if a journo prejudiced the investigation and those guilty parties skated on a technicality? Oooft!
  18. John Bomber Brown ‏@johnbomberbrownSo £5.5m buys you the assets of RFC?.. Dont think so.....ask GREEN what hold over assets has TICKETUS and WHYTE..... Expand Reply Retweet Favorite I almost understand this.
  19. Any P&B'ers infatuated with Jodie Foster and desperate to impress her? Just a thought.
  20. Tweets 10 Jun 11SPL News ‏@SplNewsI hate my boss soooo much (( Im really hoping this works for me http://tinyurl.com/3ns82dh Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 10 Jun 11SPL News ‏@SplNewsTHIS is the weekend that im going to tell my boss to go to hell for good hope this works!! http://qurl.com/42jcm Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 3 Mar 09SPL News ‏@SplNewsSPL Latest - Falkirk are losing 1-0 at home to Dundee utd. St.Mirren V Aberdeen, goalless. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite <br class="Apple-interchange-newline"> Did anyone manage to open these links before they were taken down?
  21. Of course there will be innocent victims here you fat sack of shite - and their blood is on the hands of Rangers and the pathetic journalists who propped them up...
  22. What? And swell that ginger c***s listener figures? No chance, Talksport should stay the f**k away from Scottish football and concentrate on subliminally recruiting for the BNP.
  23. The usual apologies if this has been raised before. Now that the release clauses have been triggered for the television companies with Newco not playing in the SPL isn't it time we turned our attention to them? There's no arguments re integrity where they're concerned but they remain reliant on a strong customer base to thrive. It's been their entry into the game that's caused this almighty mess, and the fact they based their financial distribution on sheer numbers, without taking into consideration the partisan nature of football, that attracted the sharks to the pool. The main culprits are obviously Sky but there are others just as guilty for feeding off the scraps. Without the Sky money the SPL would not have seen the likes of Larsson (for very long at any rate), Wee Dick's follies, or Mitno's team of ageing also-rans that dominated at the turn of the century. But so what? Without them there would've been a much better chance of Scotland producing players of equal quality. Football, unlike nearly every other type of business, relies upon a completely equal split of all resources that aren't generated by the index club. Comparisons in music can be seen in U2 and REM who split the royalties equally regardless of who wrote the songs, they survived longer than the rest. The Smiths didn't and that ended up in court. Now Sky's not going to allow wee diddy Scotland to tell them what to do as they adopt the same manner of distribution to the EPL and won't want to set any precedents; but the English forums are filling up with dissatisfied punters who are waking up to the fact the Prem is essentially a 4 horse race with a host of make-weights to fulfil the calendar. We've witnessed the effect some diddy keyboard guerillas can have on the football powers, why not use this momentum to lobby Sky into ensuring an even split in the future? Surely in a strict business sense they must realise their previous strategy was flawed and they can see the results from today's vote. Just a thought. On a side note I cancelled my Sky 4 years ago after being hectored by the missus about "outgoings". Was half-cut when I called their call-centre at 10pm to cancel and was confronted by some double-wide sales-boy telling me how much I could reduce my monthly bill. Not being arsed to listed to the the spiel and still pissed off at having to cancel in the first place I told him to stop right there, I'd just found out my wife's sister was pregnant with my baby, and my Sky contract was the least of my worries. The lad said he understood in a hushed tone and promised to cancel my direct debit, which he duly did. Thing is, they didn't turn the Sky signal off for another 18 months despite me not paying. Reckon that lad hit a big "sympathy" button on his console on hearing my messy situation. ;-)
  24. There's a Twitition to get Cockwomble his jotters here - http://twitition.com/eyn8x#.T_QM0HMQ9Oo.twitter
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