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Everything posted by Raidernation

  1. Dick is one of my favourite SciFi authors. Fantastic writer.
  2. The Dummy's guide to Stuffing a Pineapple up your Arse
  3. Pronouncing Serie A as "Ceeriaaaah Ahhhh" There's only one fucking "a" in there you morons!
  4. Does no-one hang washing oot to dry these days?
  5. You qualify as a ________________________* *insert appropriate term here
  6. Divide by 12? Seriously though it'll depend on your tax code/status.............as a rule of thumb I always worked on the basis it was approx 70% of gross pay, no dobt there'll be more accurate 9and intricate) ways to work it out, but the 70% rule seemed to work for me most of the time.
  7. The "Wrestling Forum" in "All Other Sports" Really pisses me off when I see new messages in "All Other Sports" and find it's in "Wrestling". Give it it's own seperate forum and stop wasting my time teasing me with possible NFL or Cricket, or Shinty, or whatever real sports I want to read/discuss. It's not a sport, but if it floats your boat fine by me, just stick it somewhere on its own please.
  8. Nothing wrong with the film Braveheart, shortly after it came out I had to go to the USA for 2 weeks or so for busines/training/conference type shit...that film got me laid by impressionable yank wimmin more than once
  9. Half of the towns on the A84 claim to be "The Gateway to the Highlands" Crianlarich, Callander, Tyndrum etc...........
  10. Usually, boiler heats water which is pumped through radiators causing heat. Combi-boiler only heats "on demand"
  11. Complete lack of professional courtesy from teachers in murcan schools I'm part-time, teaching Maths (Yes it has an s at the end you ignorant wanks), yesterday, turned up for my 2 hours, no classes, all "rehearsing" but no-one tells me so I drive 20 miles to do f**k-all for 2 hours. Today, supposed to get class at 10am, turn up at 11.15 as "Miss x was doing stuff and she didn't tell us we were supposed to be in math". Fucking teachers and schools here are amateurs, nae wonder murkan kids are thick! And the shit I'd be teaching here to 12 year olds?..........................would be primary school stuff in Scotland!
  12. People who post "did not read thread" gifs. why do we need to know you didn't read it? And I'll bet most times they did!
  13. If it's your normal behaviour then no, obviously!
  14. When you, or someone close to you, thinks it has become a serious enough issue either due to change in behaviour or the effect it has on relationships/home life/work. As I said I know what my warning signs are.......yours will be different. But as a rule of thumb, if you're beginning to try to find ways to avoid things you'd normally do, maybe there's a warning sign?
  15. I had a shitty time of it a few years ago, including an extended period off work, and a week in hospital immediately after my wife died. She was not the trigger, I was probably heading that way anyway, but the day she died the doc had me straight in (as a voluntary, so I couls leave if i wanted). After the week I genuinely did feel better, great help from NHS Highland, and I had a wonderful councillor (is that the right word) who I saw weekly, then fortnightly, then monthly, then "only if you need me". It really, really did help me getting someone professional to talk to whilst going through the bad times, no judgement, no time-frame to "get better" and I was fortunate that apart from a mild sleeping tablet for a few weeks I didn't need medication. I am also now very lucky that I know the signs to look for in my own behaviour should I be on the way to a "relapse" and I should be able to get myself help before it gets to rock bottom like before. I'm aware that I will probably have this for the rest of my life, but it's not something I really think about these days, I just felt maybe putting my experiences on here might help someone else. My symptoms to look for? (should anyone want to be on the lookout for similar warning signs) Sleeplessness (not full-on insomnia); Lack of interest in TV/Reading/Internet/Sport; can't be bothered cooking so eating shite (and not really bothering much with that either tbh); slow but steady increase in alcohol intake 9not these days obviously); feeloing permanently tired; just wanting to "hide away" from the world; not really giving a shit about my appearance (again not to the extent of becoming a total tramp, but maybe I just never got that far) in terms of wearing any old clothes, not shaving etc. Loke I say I was lucky to have a great NHS Doc and Psychiatrist at the time and I owe them a hell of a lot. ETA: I never had, or have, suicidal thoughts, I guess one of the reasons I was "voluntary" admission to Newcraigs, i can't begin to imagine just how terrible that must feel. I am, however, more familiar with it than I'd like having lost my wife that way.
  16. Life getting you down? No girlfriend? No Job? Huge Debt? Feel like the bottom's fallen out of your world? Drink 12 pints of Guinness and it'll feel like the world's fallen out of your bottom!
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